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WalterWhite's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of WalterWhite's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So conspiracy theories like 9/11 government job are more to your liking, huh?

1 point

The progressives' plan is to tear down civilisation and culture to have a reason to "come to the rescue". Their plan already works quite nicely in urban areas where crime and mayhem is rampant.

2 points

There are pockets of rape culture in America, all in urban areas infested with progressives.

If there is a country with a manifest rape culture it's India.

1 point

Terrorists only listen to the sound of gunfire. That's the only language they understand.

2 points

And how do these right-wing feminism idiologies look? Like an MC bride or something?

1 point

As everything coming from the left. It's the symptom of a collectivist infestation of the West.

0 points

It's well known these days that Democrats have problems with their brains.

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