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This personal waterfall shows you all of Warlin's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I propose the invisible side will win, because IT ALREADY IS. It's just uh, kind of hard to see. Being invisible and all.

Try to find out what hot-button issue I'm making fun of and win brownie points!

3 points

It's funny enough. The intent is clearly stated in the video, though, so there's not much to get upset or annoyed about, ironically.

1 point

Oh I get it, because homosexuals like the shaft.

I'm actually disappointed that it took me this long to get that.


1 point

Oh man. Even if it didn't work, I'd totally be up for that.

1 point

Fortunately(or unfortunately, depending on your outlook) JC is almost always correct. Why? Because he's JC. Not Jesus or Johnny Cash, but still.

1 point

That is... insanely badass.

I congratulate you on your amazing find here, JC.

4 points

The weird situation in the Arab world is a perfect example of backwards thinking, and the effect it has on people. Firstly for some reason or another, the philosophy and perspective of the countries in the Arab world haven't changed much. Now, I'd blame it on their religion, but since other cultures have out-grown some of the strange things in their religion, I can't totally fault it. Secondly, they've always treated their women like that, and there's never been enough of women over there with the drive to stop it. Because you get rocks thrown at you. And you get shot.

It is sexist. It's wrong for them to be doing that, but they don't think it is because it's always been their approach. It's built into their culture which doesn't want to change. There are going to be some more problems the more the rest of the world progresses, in my opinion.

2 points

I don't agree with some of those points, but yeah it's getting to the point where congress is really fucking up. I think the problem is, in order to get a good position, even in congress, you have to be rich off of your ass. Yeah. I'm hating on the rich people. They don't represent me, and they don't represent the rest of America. They represent themselves, and that's what bugs me.

I honestly don't think congress is working the average American's interest.

1 point

I like the whole bouncing bit. It's very pleasant to look at, and more animated.

1 point

Sometimes, the only way to push yourself to your potential is to be up against a wall. When shit gets heavy, people get moving. So my favorite position is the one where I'm pressured, because I can act. It's not about the little things anymore, like what clothes should I wear or what time I should set my alarm. When you're in that stance, it's easier to feel alive. Sure there's pain, but when you pull through, it feels that much greater.

0 points

Yeah! Fuck them homofags and their pride and their dressing up all half naked and stuff! That's totally gay n' shit. Fags. They should totally like, go do that somewhere private n' shit. Or like, we should nuke 'em n' shit.

2 points

It was a matter of great super dickery and assholishness.

1 point

Uh.... the same way the right wingers deal with left wingers, throwing mud at each other.

1 point

Lies! It's always scheming liberals! They're always plotting the downfall of the American public with their 'socialist' ways.

Hahaha, but no davidh has a point, it probably has something to do with the fact that i twas a long time ago. Not that people shouldn't get their dues, it's just if you keep looking back it's kind of hard to focus on tomorrow.

1 point

I don't think it's possible for he/she/it to be corrupt since it's an omnipresent creator. It doesn't need to pick a side.

1 point

Lies, existence alone is a theoretical impossibility. In that sense, god itself is not perfect. There is absolutely nothing ever that's perfect. It's the natural order of things. I'm sure he/she/it is more perfect than us but you'll find the closer you get to infinity(perfect in this case), you'll never quite reach it~

1 point

Asdf. There's only eight dolphins in that damned picture >=\... I think.

1 point

Joe, the only advice I can give you is walk tall and hit 'em right between the eyes.

1 point

Pff, her box is obviously every color ever. Even the fake ones.

OH! and the ones that hurt your eyes too. Pandora had sunglasses contrary to popular belief.

1 point

I believe that is animal cruelty and I will prosecute any bear that tries to the fullest extent of the law. >:(

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