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This personal waterfall shows you all of Joecavalry's arguments, looking across every debate.

A Platypus swims up to a flock of waddling ducks.

Platypus: Hey guys, mind if I join your little group here?

Duck: Uh..., you're not a duck.

Platypus: What do you mean? I have duck bill, web feet and I lay eggs.

Duck: That doesn't make you a duck.

Platypus: I identify as a duck.

Duck: So?

Platypus: So, you're a Platypusphobe?

Duck: Oh, so now you're a platypus?

Platypus: Well..., everyone changes their affiliation based on convenience. I bet if you were a turkey on Thanksgiving, you would claim to be a duck.

Duck: No one does that.

Turkey: Hey, guys! What's happening?

Duck: What are you doing here?

Turkey: What do you mean? November is right around the corner and I figured I get an early start and join my fellow ducks.

Duck: Yeah, but you're not a duck?

Turkey: What do you mean? I joined the coalition last week.

Duck: What coalition? We don't have a coalition!

Platypus: I started the coalition last week. We have a flag and everything?

Duck: What's this coalition about?

Platypus: It's an alliance of distinct animal factions that wish to participate in the benefits of being a duck.

Duck: What benefits?

Turkey: The benefit of not being eaten on Thanksgiving, for one.

Duck: That's not a..., ducks get eaten too, you know? Have you ever heard of Peking Duck?

Platypus: You know what your problem is? You have duck privilege.

Duck: What?

Chicken: Hey, guys...

Duck: Wait..., don't tell me..., you're a duck too...

Chicken: Damn, right. Costco's been rotisserieing chickens like crazy.

Duck: I take it you joined the coalition...

Chicken: Yeah, just last week. How did you know?

Duck: Just a wild guess.

Chicken: We have an acronym, a flag and everything?

Duck: Acronym?

Chicken: Yeah, PTC. And we add a letter every time a new group joins.

Duck: That doesn't... What does your flag look like?

Platypus: It's a big, black, plus sign on a white field.

Turkey: Yeah, the background is white.

Duck: That's it?

Chicken: Yup.

Duck: No colors? There's a rainbow of colors you could have picked from.

Chicken: They were already taken. Besides, we like our flag and the coalition is great!

Duck: What's so great about it?

Chicken: Well..., our flag is a big plus...

Duck: That's not..., look..., platypus..., you can't be a duck. You don't have any feathers.

Platypus: Scientists and doctors have figured that out. All it takes is a little operation.

Duck: But you don't have any wings!!!

Platypus: Scientists and doctors....

Duck: But you won't be able to fly!

Platypus: So? There are ducks that are not able to fly due to injury or deformity and they are still considered ducks.

Duck: Well..., Yeah, but... genetics...

Platypus: WE ARE DUCKS!!!

Turkey: Yeah! End of discussion.

Chicken: You should be quiet. You don't want to get cancelled, do you?

Duck: What? You can't...

Platypus: Watch us. Come on guys, let's get the flock out of here.

As of this writing, Chicken has won the Duck of the Year Award and ran for office in California ;)

Turkey Lives Matter ;)

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, check it's DNA ;)

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

You all know that there's someone you would love to shoot. Whether that person is a conservative or a lib, you just want them dead and gone from your life ;)

Why haven't I been canceled after all these years of me having an extreme point of view? Could it be that somewhere deep down inside you people agree with me ;)

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

The only thing that keeps me going in this upside-down world is the fact that it will all be over soon. As it was pointed out in another post, I'm elderly. I've been outed ;)

People who want other people to bend over backwards in order to accommodate their view of life... shot. Put that person out of their misery. Hell!!! I should be shot for forcing my views on all of you!!! Put me out of my misery ;)

Women who want abortions and who live in a state where abortions are not allowed and who cannot afford to go to another state to get an abortion and who cannot afford to raise a child... shot. Put her out of her misery ;)

This fixes homelessness. Those people are suffering. Put them out of their misery. ;)

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

Let's see how far this Cancel Culture will get ;)

They claim to be "Woke" but when you consider their plan to make the world a better place you quickly realize that they are dreaming ;)

I find that the less I care about, the happier I am ;)

joecavalry(40130) Clarified
1 point

I probably should have titled this: Has cancel culture met its match? ;)

Are any of you riled up yet ;)

Some people just want to see the world burn ;)

LoL. This site wants people to stir the pot and get people riled up. I try to do that and stay out of the fray ;)

Yeah, that's exactly what I'm saying. Remember happy Feet when the one penguin says, "Stop hugging me." and the other penguin says, "Nah, you like it." Well..., hug a white supremacist racist. It makes them feel uncomfortable ;)

Like I said, I'm not taking a hard stance one way or the other. I'm more concerned about rush-hour traffic ;)

Anyone taking a hard stance one way or the other, has an agenda; an ulterior motive ;)

Pffft ;)

I'm joe_cavalry and I support this message ;)

I'm joe_cavalry and I support this message ;)

Or pick this side for support. It just doesn't matter ;)

Pick this side for support ;)

You can be whatever famous composer you want to be ;)

Shouldn't he at least have gotten the American civilians out first ;)

Shouldn't he at least have gotten the American civilians out first ;)

Interpret this debate any way you want ;)

Sounds like you finally clamed the fuck down ;)

Calm down and Chive on ;)

Why else would they design clothes for women with "fake" pockets ;)

Liberalism ;)

You may not agree with me but that's how I make it ;)

I realize that it was a different time/era ;)

Especially that Marcel Marceau som' bitch! ;)

That's how I understand it ;)

The lord won't. It's the other assholes that add to it ;)

I know, right? Also, I don't like the word, "kidnap." It sounds too evil. I prefer the term, "surprise adoption." ;)

I think you may be right. I've been cooped up inside the house far too long. Maybe I have cabin fever ;)

Not sure what that means. Maybe point out a nasty post ;)

Absolutely ;)

I find it funny that people have a strong preference even for olives ;)

I don't think my posts are particularly nasty ;)

Well..., I would imagine the kidnapers would have to pay my family for them to take me back ;)

Do you think they're coming to take me away ;)

Do you mean you throw up a little ;)

Not sure if this is politically correct ;)

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