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mitgag(1651) Clarified
1 point

i see how the argument is probably ruining the whole joke, but oh well..

1 point

i don't think god would send somebody to hell. god loves one and all equally. so there's that. you're probably safe. ;)

also, there are, if you read greek mythology, or just percy jackson, instances that you ocme across, when gods have half human half god children.

and there are gods who do not like the idea of, well, bearing children for 9 months. i mean female gods probably don't.

so they just create a child, mixing their DNA and the other parent's DNA and all that normal stuff, and just create a kid, in probably less than 9 seconds. and there you go! no rape commited.

2 points

not many people like being gay. atleast most didn't like it until more people started accepting what they were and became proud of whatever their choices were.

i don't think anybody can help liking whatever or whoever they like.

1 point

ah well, maybe some shows, do have a bit of the reality. but when there's some stupid plot twist, all the lines are scripted and you can feel the bad, sad acting of being angry and mad at each other that the people do on screen. urgh!

1 point

i live right behind it! across the globe. literally. ;)

1 point

now you realise? :O

1 point

oh yeah. that is the one up-side of it. bleh! :P

1 point

that is a nice way of putting it :P and aren't relationships almost as binding as marriages are. :P

1 point

not enjoying your single status anymore? :P

1 point

;) you so fiiine you dun need dem pushups. ;)

1 point

i don't want to believe you!! besides, it can't be that worse! :P

1 point

i can't help but wonder.

why exactly, joe, were you reading and researching this article. O.o


1 point

sounds cool. i'll check it out when i get off this load of studies. :)

1 point

ohkay. so judging from the comments, this is a game? what next?

2 points

how'll you know what to Google unless you know something or anything about it. nobody will talk of studies and homework to Google on Google!

1 point

they lose themselves into this other world. which is good in some ways, but its annoying when they do it when someone's talking to them. basic etiquette -_-

1 point

quite a discovery, eh? ;)

1 point

they get cremated? and go through the light which leads them to bug-ly heaven?

1 point

otherwise, my soul would just be thrown off and i'd live as a ghost. thinking of that, living all my death with humans isn't very amusing. O.O so i'd rather just burn in the intensity of light. maybe thats what happens to bugs who DON"T want to enter the light. they just become ghost bugs?

1 point

that is a well known fact. he was very disciplinary and vegetarian and i did read somewhere that he did not drink either. O.O

1 point

that was literally gross!! D: get that image out of my mind!!!

1 point

i have a big pc. it'd take a while shifting it in there. so no. not really.

1 point

EWWWWW!! >:O that was so.... disgusting! i could live without that piece of information. :C

1 point

i read it this morning. lol. :D

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