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This personal waterfall shows you all of Saprophetic's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Oh, Joe :) Was this debate a poorly concealed plea for help as you struggle to deal with such problems as the failing economy, crippling mortgages, messed up kids that you no longer love but still have to deal with? Are you experiencing symptoms like detachment from the world and resentment towards strangers who have in no way impacted upon your life? Is every morning like crossing an infinite void, getting whipped by the leather of purposelessness, on burning coals of existentialism?

Well, suffer no more! Why not try a mid life crisis? There's so much variety to choose from, and the psychological consequences are trivial in comparison to the money/assets you'll lose! You'll just need to make a one time cash payment...

A What option! :) Photoshop is for non-hipsters. Fireworks is way in.

Haven't you switched the argument from that which we redefine to be God to about the God that we've redefined?

Fascism has ended? (insert rest of 50 character response here.)

That link should be rated :( Count me scarred as hell. When I need therapy...

Yeah, pretty much all of the above I'd agree with. Although, I'd add petty and stubborn just to cover everything.

I was only interested enough to try. Once I succeeded in finding numerous examples of the line's usage.. You should remember that I come from a generation where challenges both drive us and drive us away. I'm afraid I've stepped onto the wrong side of the seesaw.

Said it most? That wasn't stipulated by the competition details.

I don't have an answer.

Ah, sorry to ruin your game, but -you've failed to realise- the sheer power of Google. Seriously. Search up the quote folowed by createdebate. There were around 8 hits just on the first page.

My deepest apologies.

Yeah, so it's the United Nations WORLD Health Organization. And there's no such article. Just a heads up.

"hmmm" as in "hmmm :)" or "...hmmm..."

If it's the latter..

Supporting Evidence: Disturbingly Accurate?? (

Not all of them. Just the ones that rely on their youth and sluttiness for a living.

Yeah, I see now why the advantages of being able to make succinct insults don't outweigh.. this.

2 points

Would you care to explain what you meant by "upside down world"?

A pioneer, Keynes. But then again, maybe I'm too heavily influenced by my dislike of Friedman.

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