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This personal waterfall shows you all of Shaash's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I've never understood the use it or lose it system. If a vestigial structure does not decrease an organism's biological fitness, why would it go away?

shaash(434) Clarified
1 point

Hey a Hindu :-)

But no, the trinity is part of the one supreme power (nature/god). Have you read the Gita?

1 point

NO they would kill me. Trust me, I'm just as wary of Muslims as you are. I just think that not every Muslim is a terrorist, and most can be good people.

1 point

Well once I realized that colleges look for unique applicants so in my essay I wrote that I was a furry. Does that count?

1 point

Hindus reject all Greek gods. They reject all Norse gods. They reject all Egyptian gods. Etc. They are pretty much just as atheistic as everyone else.

Hindus don't reject any Gods. We believe that everyone has their own way of achieving eternal bliss and they may believe in different forms of Gods which do different things and have different qualities.

1 point

Hindus only have one God .

1 point

Banning Muslim travel to the United States would seriously upset and alienate our Muslim allies like Turkey and Saudi Arabia

TBH though, I get kind of annoyed when I hear Muslims say this. I was listening to NPR this morning and they were interviewing a Muslim spokesperson near Orlando. She said that we shouldn't ban Muslims because they will get mad and cause more problems for the USA (she didn't say it like that but that is the message that came through).

I guess that is true, but doesn't that sound like a threat? And shouldn't Muslims be saying something better than "keep us or you're asking for trouble", especially days after a terrorist attack?

Idk man, it just feels wrong. I talked to my Muslim friend about it and he had no opinion.

1 point

Wow I feel cyerbullied you made a direct threat ! Do you have bleach ? NO I don't want to drink it I just want to bleach my hair because it makes me feel like my true gender, atheism!

Ban me you wont

1 point

"Mussolini? Sounds Mexican! He might be biased against me because of the anti-Mexican things I say"

That's what Donald Trump would say because he is too ignorant to know that Mussolini is actually a type of spaghetti

1 point

Hey I have 2 upvotes now! Wow people must be realizing that Donald Trump is a fascist conservative greedy capitalist like Hitler! If Hitler was a democratic-socialist, maybe the nazis wouldn't have done the hall of cost!

1 point

Wow thanks, I am really honored. Here's a GIFt

1 point

Why would anyone downvote that M3M3 ?

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