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This personal waterfall shows you all of Shoutoutloud's arguments, looking across every debate.

Yes we should .

People have misinterpreted the word ''Nerd'' badly .

as I said, I chose two completely random users. That was a total coincident ;) awkward pokerface

I think that sex change would equal changing the gender in the information about you on your profile, wouldn't it?

While changing your username would just equal changing your name.

Omg, I just came up with an idea. If two users on here are weblovers, they should get webmarried, and change their username. Like .. if we took two totally coincidentally random users on CD.. Srom and Lizzie, Lizzie could change her name to LizzieSrom.

That would be cute :D

Damn you Joe you butterface cock balloon .

You made it sound like a claim :)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

To be frank I have never in my life heard that term .

Have you ever tried eating vegan for a week or a month?

Have you ever tried eating bricks for a week or a month?

My guess is no, if that's true, then your claim: '' Plus, eating vegan isn't that much better than eating bricks. is invalid.

I would die if I ate a pound of bricks. I mean, I don't think the human body is able to digest it.

It doesn't matter what the product is or how it looks, as long as the brand is cool and expensive ;)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Could we get to know what the fuzz is about or .. is it a secret? ;)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

To get attention I bet :) She's desperate to keep being interesting, I would never have guessed it went this far though.

I doubt she really is going to jail .

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Yeah I know, but it's not like I'm totally alone or anything :)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Android phones come in several shapes. You can't make a glass to fit all phones, that's impossible.

Would you have wanted to exist without a father?

Whatever your answer is, I don't think not having a father is reason enough for me to abort my child.

That's probably one of the most unnecessary things I've seen. Who wants to put the glass on their iphone?

And if that were to be the glasses used in bars and such, what about people who don't use iphones?

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

He didn't really have an opinion on it. I said he can be as involved as he wants, and as for now he hasn't shown much interest, so I guess not :)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

It's funny how you think all teen pregnancies are caused by drinking :)

Although I would love to have a good excuse like ''I was drunk'', I'd have to be honest and say I was just stupid :)

Still water :)

Water .

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

By posting irrelevant debates maybe :)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

For a little under 90 days, and no I can't - sorry :)

Are you seriously saying you wake up BABIES?!?!? This debate is over, have a nice day :)

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