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This personal waterfall shows you all of Shoutoutloud's arguments, looking across every debate.

Yes we should .

People have misinterpreted the word ''Nerd'' badly .

as I said, I chose two completely random users. That was a total coincident ;) awkward pokerface

I think that sex change would equal changing the gender in the information about you on your profile, wouldn't it?

While changing your username would just equal changing your name.

Omg, I just came up with an idea. If two users on here are weblovers, they should get webmarried, and change their username. Like .. if we took two totally coincidentally random users on CD.. Srom and Lizzie, Lizzie could change her name to LizzieSrom.

That would be cute :D

Damn you Joe you butterface cock balloon .

You made it sound like a claim :)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

To be frank I have never in my life heard that term .

Have you ever tried eating vegan for a week or a month?

Have you ever tried eating bricks for a week or a month?

My guess is no, if that's true, then your claim: '' Plus, eating vegan isn't that much better than eating bricks. is invalid.

I would die if I ate a pound of bricks. I mean, I don't think the human body is able to digest it.

It doesn't matter what the product is or how it looks, as long as the brand is cool and expensive ;)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Could we get to know what the fuzz is about or .. is it a secret? ;)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

To get attention I bet :) She's desperate to keep being interesting, I would never have guessed it went this far though.

I doubt she really is going to jail .

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Yeah I know, but it's not like I'm totally alone or anything :)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Android phones come in several shapes. You can't make a glass to fit all phones, that's impossible.

Would you have wanted to exist without a father?

Whatever your answer is, I don't think not having a father is reason enough for me to abort my child.

That's probably one of the most unnecessary things I've seen. Who wants to put the glass on their iphone?

And if that were to be the glasses used in bars and such, what about people who don't use iphones?

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

He didn't really have an opinion on it. I said he can be as involved as he wants, and as for now he hasn't shown much interest, so I guess not :)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

It's funny how you think all teen pregnancies are caused by drinking :)

Although I would love to have a good excuse like ''I was drunk'', I'd have to be honest and say I was just stupid :)

Still water :)

Water .

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

By posting irrelevant debates maybe :)

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

For a little under 90 days, and no I can't - sorry :)

Are you seriously saying you wake up BABIES?!?!? This debate is over, have a nice day :)

Yeah sometimes yes - but when you have nothing to do the next day, why not let the poor thing sleep fully in? It is extremely healthy.

I truly don't see a reason why not let kids sleep in when they can.

You are not ''helping them to wake up when they're grown up and have to go to work''. You are destroying their sleeping ability, and they can have problems with falling asleep at all in the future if they never get to sleep in ever.

Its called insomnia, and people get it because their sleep is always interrupted.

Why do you think baby's sleep 70% of the day? Why do you think you're not supposed to wake a sleeping baby? It's because they need the sleep to grow, and believe it or not .. even though you've hit 5, 10, 15 or 18 you're still growing, and you still need looooooong naps, especially when you're in school.

The weekends, breaks and all that are there to do that in. If you're waking your kids up at 7am during summer break you might as well throw them in school anyways.

It isn't uninterrupted sleep if you wake them up.

But whatever. Do what you want with your kids. I'm just saying it's unhealthy and pointless.

If teens go to bed at an acceptable hour?

Lol - let me ask you, did you always go to bed at acceptable hours when you were a teen?

Second of all - if they went to bed at an acceptable hour, whatever that is, then they would still need uninterrupted sleep.

Interrupted sleep is interrupted whether you go to bed early or not.


As I said - uninterrupted sleep is necessary from time to time. You don't ''need'' to be up when you don't have anything to do.

I think you should let them sleep as long as they want. It is summer break, they need a break from early mornings, they need to refill their energy with sleep :)

Sleep is healthy, and getting uninterrupted sleep is extremely healthy.

Well.. that can happen at regular bars too .

I would like that, like some animals, human being were able to hibernate. How awesome would that be?

I'd love to see a man's chest ;) Especially if he's muscular :)

Men ask to see the boobs. Boobs are not equal penis - vaginas are equal penises.

Nobody wants anyone to flash vaginas or penises, it's just gross and not a pleasant view.

I've made a debate about a similar thing.

You can make spermcells out of stemcells - stemcells have the ability to turn into other cells. These stemcells you can find many places, like on your skin.

So if you turn a woman's stemcell into a spermcell, you can fertilize another woman - meaning the conceived child has two biological mothers, and no father.

This is just a theory, but if it works it will also be good for men too.

If a man has bad sperm, or is unable to father a child, he can make sperm out of his stemcells, and father a child.

That is kind of cool I think - If I were a lab.. science guy I would definitely try to get permission to experiment in this theory on humans. So far it has only been done on animals.

That goes for a lot of shirts. Many thing have the letters 'anal' in them.

Do women need viagra? Just put it in.. we don't need no pills.

. .

You can not prove a negative - the only way you can disprove a negative is by proving the positive.

I was on mars - prove to me that I weren't there. That is impossible :)

So then it isn't truly silly then because you can't really say he doesn't exist. This just gives christians a hand.

No it is of course not truly silly, I said in my opinion it is silly. Just because I think something is silly doesn't mean that it truly is silly - but I think it is :)

If a person breaks into your house, how can a cop prove that it was NOT a specific person?

One can only try to prove that someone was in your house. Because a non-presence doesn't leave fingerprints or anything else to give you clues.

This is how I feel about God. When christians ask me to prove his non-existence I laugh, because this is in my opinion a silly thing to say. Can you prove to me that Santa wasn't in my chimney last night?

If you believe Santa was in my chimney, then you are in the position to defend and explain why you believe, not the other way around because we are the opposition.

But you are right, no one can prove 100% that God isn't real, just like we can't prove that Santa, unicorns, neverland and other fairytales aren't real either.

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

Why are you disputing with that? Like it's a bad thing to be masculine?

She is not basically a man in a woman's body. She dresses masculine.. like pretty much all women these days do. It's called fashion :)

I don't know which celebrity I am the most alike, but I do know which celebrity I want to look like.

I really want to be like Ellen Degeneres, she has the whole package really.

She's funny, she's beautiful, she's generous, successful everything else I want to be.

I don't think people should go around and compare themselves to other people, but it is fine to have someone to look up to and think ''I wanna be like that'', but in your own unique way.

Well okay then :). .

Isn't it scientifically proved that the CO2 in our ozone layer is caused by our massive use of oil and other stuff?

And isn't it scientifically proved, that the earth is warming up, because the heat can't escape through the thick layer of CO2?

The global warming is changing the weather like no one would believe.

Because it is hotter, more water evaporates, and that way it rains more, especially here in Scandinavia, where I live.

A few years ago we would have lovely snow in the winter, a beautiful spring, a lovely hot summer and autumn.

Now there is too hot for the snow to be snow, but it is too cold to melt into water - so it becomes like a gross snow/rain kinda thing, it's disgusting and ugly.

During the spring it rains for the most part, and it rains a lot during the summer too, and the autumn is also very rainy.

So we went from four different seasons, to become an all year rain season.

Yeah I always hope for something better in the future.. like Heaven and stuff - even though I don't really believe there is a Heaven, I still kinda hope there is, I mean it sounds kinda nice though.

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
1 point

That is heartbreaking :/

Although that baby hasn't got consciousness. Gay people do - so how bout giving them rights FIRST, since they're the once who are currently witnessing their lack of rights?

Good :) ;)

fifty characters coming up.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jesus christ, not enough????

So if I meet you on the street, and you ask me if I got married, and I say yes - when you say 'to whom' the only information you are interested in is what gender I married?

Well I am not a religious person - some of my friends consider me crazy, but I don't have an opinion about that myself :p

shoutoutloud(4303) Clarified
2 points

No, we shouldn't ban them. I just don't see the point.

Because why stop at marriage? Why not create a whole new language, to make sure you don't share anything with ''those people''

Nope, I am saying that the thing religious people do when two people claim their love fore each other to last all eternity is the same thing not religious people do, or same-sex couples do.

Having two words for the same thing is stupid. What is a friendship between two girls called? Oh yes, a friendship. Do we need another word for friendship, so we know if it includes only females, or only males or both? Or should we have another word for friendship for religious people, so people don't get confused whether or not the people in the friendship are getting into heaven or not? No. Neither do we need another word for marriage.

Yes exactly.

You should ask 'to whom', not 'to what' ;) ........

A marriage is a marriage.

Is anyone married in here? And to you: Are you less married because two women somewhere are married too?

No. A marriage is a marriage, and no matter if you call it something else it will still remain the same thing. Wordplay, is what it is.


Well it's nobody's nor your business what sexual preferences I have.

We should speak of marriage as love between two people.

Why are you interested in knowing what you speak of when you say marriage?

Why should the genders of the people in the marriage be a fact that everyone has to know?

If you want to call it 'gay marriage', then you might as well call it 'gay cloths, gay car, gay tv and gay bathrooms', just so everyone knows in what sexual orientation you fit in.

That is stupid and unnecessary. Gay people, or as I like to call them - people, aren't different than straight people, or as I like to cal them - people. They shouldn't be in two different categories regarding anything except sexual orientations.

Millions of people are single parents, millions don't have a mother or a father or both. Why is that better than having two mothers or two fathers?

Because a relationship between two men or two women is not different from a relationship between a man and a woman, therefore they shouldn't get ''another word'' for their love.

A fetus is a bunch of cells.

A gay man is a regular man.

Cells don't need rights, regular people do.

Claiming that gay people should have the same amount of rights as a fetus is ridiculous in my opinion.

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