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OMG, I know Really? I haven't noticed
Debate Score:24
Total Votes:29
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 OMG, I know (9)
 Really? I haven't noticed (10)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

Does Obama talk way too much?

Isn't this going to be like his 33rd "fire side chat" with America?  He's risking pushing people to the point where they just want him to shut his pie hole.  There is such a thing as too much presidential blather.  I personally don't need every intrincacy of his decisions explained to me.  I rather misconstrue his actions and blast him on CD ;)

OMG, I know

Side Score: 12

Really? I haven't noticed

Side Score: 12

Whenever a politician opens his/her mouth, my eyes begin to glaze over ;)

Side: OMG, I know
1 point

Well... uhhhh, yeah I would.... ummmmmm say he talks..... uhhhhh.... way too much.

Side: OMG, I know
0 points

Yeah. I don't watch too much TV to see him speak, but a lot of the coverage he gets is from him speaking... It's getting a little annoying. Just do! Not speak!

Side: OMG, I know
Chicken(202) Disputed
1 point

how do u do, without first speaking?

when the fate of doing can potentially involve the ENTIRE WORLD u cant just do. one must first talk and explain to said world why you are doing this and what can happen, i.e. pro's and con's.

Side: Really? I haven't noticed
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

There comes a point when the president must stop telling us every little detail and let us see what will happen. You cannot fix anything with words... except feelings :)

Side: OMG, I know
1 point

I seriously have not noticed. I don't see him on our awesome 5 channels enough to be able to watch him enough to say he talks too much. Maybe if we thought back to when Bush started, and Clinton, they talked just as much?

Side: Really? I haven't noticed
1 point


Whoops, sorry about the caps!

Side: Really? I haven't noticed

I am so used to President Obama being lengthy I hardly notice it at all anymore. I think he's a meticulous thinker and speaker and does not wish to miss anything!

Side: Really? I haven't noticed
1 point

its a very debatable subject

does he talk too much, or just the right amount?

i honestly havent noticed that much

whenever he does talk tho it always has a purpose and is about the good of the general world so maybe its just him, maybe he's just got a really annoying voice (the kind that teachers hear over everyone else even when they're whispering) that makes it seem like he talks too much but i dont think he does

his speech's always have a very good point which makes it hard to discern if he talks too much or not so.

Side: Neither
1 point

Well he has to talk, because if you don't people will make assumptions rather than seeing things for how they really are. that is not something you want done to a president. You have to let people know what you are doing. Obama is doing everything right...

Side: Really? I haven't noticed

I personally don't need every intricacy of his decisions explained to me. I rather misconstrue his actions and blast him on CD ;)

Side: Really? I haven't noticed
0 points

Not without a teleprompter.

Notice how he looks pissed and doesn't even have a sense of humor about it. He could have at least made a joke. I guess he can't laugh at himself.

Barack Oprompter
Side: Not Without A Teleprompter
2 points

Gee Jake, I know you don't like the President but I've seen him laugh at himself many times during the campaign and since. I do think he is, by nature, a serious man but not so serious that he cannot laugh at himself.

Side: OMG, I know
xaeon(1095) Disputed
1 point

I actually think he handled it well. He was hardly pissed, was he?

Side: OMG, I know
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Looked pissed to me. I still think he could have handled it better.

Side: Really? I haven't noticed

I think he handled it well too. It must be very disconcerting to have that happen in the middle of a speech, no matter how well you know your material. He didn't seem pissed at all though...annoyed? Maybe but pissed, NO!

Side: OMG, I know
0 points

I'm a fan of a President who talks coherently and intelligently, without making up words. It's such a nice change of pace after the last 8 years.

Side: Really? I haven't noticed