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 How much trust do you have in your government? (6)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

How much trust do you have in your government?

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3 points

I don't trust them to make the right decisions, but I do not believe that they are in some plot to destroy humanity or rule the world.

The government is merely incompetent. It's amazing that people actually trust it to make such huge decisions for THEM.

Side: Incompetence

You know, I think you actually said it better than I did. The question should have been, "How competent do you think the government is?"

Side: Incompetence

I don't trust politicians but they are in charge of the government so by extension, I don't trust the government. ;)

Side: Incompetence
2 points

I dont trust them at all.

ANything that is not heldby the government is what i trust

Side: Incompetence
2 points

I think that we should start a petition here on CreateDebate to stop the government from having a military. I mean, why on earth would you give a crook a gun to rob you with?

Side: Incompetence

I don't trust them to tell the truth. I don't trust them to make the right decisions. I don't trust them. PERIOD.

Side: Incompetence