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 Nationalized health care is only good if it doesn't apply to you. (5)

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joecavalry(40130) pic

If Nationalized health care is so good, why are drug companies and unions exempt?

Mahollinder(900) Disputed
1 point

Outside of Medicare/aid, there is no "nationalized health care" in America. And while I'm not sure what you're referencing with drug companies, unions are only exempt from, most recently, the "Cadillac Tax".

1 point

it can also be good if you arent selfish and want to see other people treated. not everyone is selfish and i think there are people out there who dont want to see other people get sick and die. you might be rich now but there might be a time when you will be and then you will have nothing to fall back on because you voted for privatisation.

2 points

If the cost of not allowing people to tell me how to spend my money is being called selfish, then so be it ;)

"you might be rich now but there might be a time when you will be and then you will have nothing to fall back on because you voted for privatisation."

Thanks for the unsolicited advice but I'm willing to take my chances. ;)