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Pee in the pool Eeew, get out
Debate Score:28
Total Votes:28
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 Pee in the pool (20)
 Eeew, get out (7)

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joecavalry(40163) pic

Summer is coming so will you pee in the pool or get out to do your business?

Global warming should make this one of the hotest summers ever.  People will be trying to cool off in droves.  Pools will be full to capacity.  Will you risk your spot in the water and get out to pee or just make people wonder why the water is getting warm all of a sudden ;)

Pee in the pool

Side Score: 21

Eeew, get out

Side Score: 7

It depends. If there's a dog around then just pee in the pool and blame it on the dog. ;)

Side: Pee in the pool
1 point

Are you asking if I would swim in the wee of other's?

I'll tell you this though: I will wee in me bath water if it means being "green" or "yellow" (before and after). LOL

Side: Being green or yellow

OK, but you wouldn't pee on the lawn right? I mean, that would be wrong ;)

Side: Pee in the pool
1 point

It's fine! The water is chlorinated anyway. When you pee, the pool will just clean it out using chlorine, filtration, and good old dilution. Getting out, drying off, going inside the freezing house, and finding your way to the bathroom in what seems like the darkest place ever (after the intense sunlight) is such a hassle. :)

Side: Pee in the pool

OK then...., don't expect an invitation to my pool any time soon ;)

Side: Pee in the pool
2 points

You said you'd do it too. lol. And you'd blame it on the dog. Even worse XD

Side: Pee in the pool

Come on, people.

We all know you pee in the pool.

Don't lie.

It makes you look bad.

Side: Pee in the pool
1 point

I didn't lie. :D And the stuff that changes color when you pee is an urban myth. I saw it on TV.

Side: Pee in the pool

I cannot tell a lie! YES!!! I pee in the pool in the ocean and wherever water is that I'm in. To chilly out there to get out and pee...BUT I always try and pee near an outtake thingy!

Side: Pee in the pool
1 point

Actually, peeing in the ocean is good! The nitrogen in your urine can be used as fertilizer for phytoplankton, which in turn can combat global warming! Who would've thought something like that? In large quantities, it can kill marine life, but in dead zones, the nitrogen can regenerate phytoplankton activity and restore the circle of life there eventually.

Urea as fertilizer.
Side: Pee in the pool

People, please remember that urine is sterile when exiting the urethra. You'd probably be safer getting peed on than jumping into a pool with other people in it!

Side: Pee in the pool
1 point i don't know to swim i can't pee in the pool instead i can take a shower that would extent for hours...........just like enjoying rain dance

Side: Pee in the pool
1 point

the air is cold, im lazy, and isnt this exactly what cholorine is for?

Side: chemicals
1 point

uh yeah your right ewww...

(unless there is a slight coldish draft which happens every once in awhile then i just might) no one likes to be cold;)

chlorine isnt going to just make your grose pee particals just dissapear anyways!

Side: Eeew, get out
Mahollinder(900) Disputed
1 point

uh yeah your right ewww...

Urine is sterile. It has less germs than the water in the pool... (-_-)

Side: Pee in the pool
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

Yeah but it came out of somebody. It's not courteous to pee in a pool.

Side: Eeew, get out
1 point

10 years ago, I was all for peeing in pools. Until I heard about the water changing colors when you pee...

but anyway, I'm too grossed out these days to pee in something I swim in. That water goes in my nose and mouth and pores, and I don't want my piss going back in my body. In public pools, I try not to think about all the pee in the pools...but whatever. In lakes, ... eh, let's not go there.

Side: Eeew, get out

You do realize that pee is not like poo in that it wont hurt you if you drink it?

Side: Eeew, get out

Actually, the pools at YMCA have chemicals in them that makes the water turn bright red where someone has peed. :P

Side: Eeew, get out
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

It's all a myth, as I've told others. I don't think it's possible to do this. Or maybe it is, but maybe there is constantly a little urine coming out and that would make it seem intentional... who knows, but...

Supporting Evidence: urine in pool? (
Side: Pee in the pool
1 point

UHmmm..that's kind of disgusting. I'm not going to say that I've never done it before because when I younger I did, but considering I have legs I might as well get out and go. Besides with everything going around I wouldn't want to catch something because something was in someone else's pee.

Side: Eeew, get out
MKIced(2511) Disputed
1 point

Unless you have kidney problems and you pee blood, urine is sterile. It's even safe to drink it if you're in danger of dehydration (for the little amount of water in it).

Side: Pee in the pool
1 point

Who cares about the pool I will be going to the lake! But if it's convenient I will get out and find a restroom.

Side: Eeew, get out