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Akulakhan's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Akulakhan's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Free pornography. And no I'm not kidding.

1 point

Poke the bear.

1 point

That makes all the sense.

1 point

I joined CreateDebate after lost almost all of it's server(s?) support and completely fell apart. I have been on there recently, it looks better, but the community doesn't exist any more and it's basically just a site for bots to spam about DISCOUNT BIRKENSTOCKS AT PRICES YOU WOULD NEVER BELIEVE GO TO WWW.THIS-IS-NOT-A-SCAM.COM

1 point


Big Business
1 point

Atheism really isn't a religion. That's the point of it all.

Akulakhan(2984) Clarified
1 point

Thanks. Sorry if that seemed odd to ask or out of the blue.

Akulakhan(2984) Clarified
1 point

If I may ask, do you identify as asexual?

2 points

Figure out your partner's kink, and use it.

Akulakhan(2984) Clarified
1 point

I'm surprised that's an actual! Thats, thats,.... Fantastic!

1 point

I have a pinterest and I'm not gay. I have not one used it but I still have it.

1 point


3 points

Looks like they really got to the core of the technology with that crisp looking interface.

1 point

Chickens always cut across the road.

1 point

It's the same for octopus, the plural being octopodes.


2 points

We are right now.

2 points

I certainly don't think one can just choose what gets their rocks off, but that doesn't mean your sexuality is stagnant throughout your life. It may not be as easy as straight or gay for some people. A lot of people straddle on their orientation, and those people should be who we look to when we ask these kinds of questions. How much is choice, how much is predisposition, and how much does it ultimately matter whether it is one or the other? Choices define people no less than their genes, and if someone chooses to date someone of their own sex, I don't see how anyone would have the right to question them.

1 point

1, she knows exactly what she's doing.

1 point

I'm a master debater, had plenty of preadolescent practice.

1 point

Show me the studies and math that proves it! Oh wait, I probably wouldn't understand how to read the research, being American!

1 point

Yeah, fucking liberal bastard!

1 point

95% Democrats

   -on science, social, immigration, healthcare, domestic policy, foreign policy, economic,

   and;environmental issues

91% Green Party

   -on science, immigration, foreign policy, social, healthcare, and economic issues

64% Socialist

   -on social, immigration, and healthcare issues

52% Libertarians

   -on foreign policy and immigration issues

3% Republicans

   -no major issues

Akulakhan(2984) Clarified
1 point

Might I add that I watched this explicitly because you inherently asked me not to, ahaha.

3 points

You bleeding heart, you! Not only did you help a clearly inferior ant increase it's chances in life, you also donated to a communist society!

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