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This personal waterfall shows you all of AlofRI's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Wait ....................................... What? .......................................................NO! ;-)

1 point

Trump is STILL in the White House. It may take a few months to fumigate the country in 2021 before things begin to smell rosy. We have to overcome his disastrous Covid policy, He will be the only .... occupier of the White House to leave with FAR more unemployment than he started with, we have the highest national debt ever in peacetime, millions are on foodlines that never have been (I saw a nearly new Mercedes inline yesterday), Our foreign relations are at an all-time low among our allies. It will take time to get back to Obama's growing economy, but, "qualified people" in agencies that get things done, instead of political cronies, should improve things by the end of 2021 .... IF ... Trump doesn't incite even worse riots than he did last week!.

1 point

Actually, he did NOT write a book, and the man who DID write it FOR him wishes he didn't and rejected the last years of his royalties in disgust.

And, NO. I DO NOT "have to admire Trump". (I did admire a turd I left in the bowl this morning ;-)

1 point

Nothing changed, yet. You didn't miss a thing. We STILL do not have a President and haven't had one since 2016. Hopefully, that will be corrected shortly. As we all know, the current regime is made up of "acting officials", most of which are unqualified to "act" in their appointed positions .... including our "acting president". Putin, regretfully, knows more about what is going on in the U.S. than our "acting president". It's likely he will, for a while in the immediate future, while "qualified" individuals figure how to keep them out of the Oval Office where they gathered SOME of their info.

Go to sleep again, When you awake, in a few weeks, things WILL be changing .... or Putin will have won. Hopefully, we WILL have a President, after long last, by then. :-)

As far as "alternate reality" goes, you should be used to that, after 4 years of it.

1 point

Bless them all,

big and small.

Butt then, I'm a leg n' fanny man myself, so, I have a lot more to bless. I'm just more blessed, I guess. ;-)

1 point

But, that would take a very big shelf, I mean, to actually HAVE her on it .... less'n you know some "elfin' magic" ........ ;-)

2 points

It's about time "white-collar" crime, especially the White-House version, was made as punishable as other "normal people" crimes. This "It's better to be rich and guilty than poor and innocent" CRAP has GOT to stop! Nobody, including Trump (especially;-), is above the law. People like him should be stripped of wealth and that wealth given to improve the lives of we, the people! (And to finance the law enforcement that caught them)!

If we don't get "worked up about it", it WILL continue!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

You look a little "shakey" too. Go lie down! .... and don't you DARE drag that butt on the carpet!

1 point

I know, but, someday tell us how you REALLY feel. ;-)

1 point

I'm happy to find out that my home isn't so different from others.......... :-)

1 point

Sheesh! How can I disagree with THAT!!!!! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I see Trump as a scrotum with a comb-over, among other disgusting things.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

We must not lose faith! They COULD get lucky and start a chain reaction. That could suck up the likes of Graham, Jordan, and the rest of the "noise-makers".

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I'm not a dog, but, I know that's not the only thing they sniff! Tell me you don't know the nose knows! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Well, it's what a doggie feels when he sniffs something and says 'OH, yeah! ;-)

(You should know these things!;-)

1 point

If you're buying Joe C. will have tea and kibbles. :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Well, I ALWAYS tried to be noble about MY piece prizes, a President should too! (I realize Rump isn't "actually" a President, he's a Usurper-in Cheif ;-)... among other nasty things! (That's not a requirement, either! :-)

2 points

It seems like just yesterday when cons were yelling: "Hillary lost, Trump won .... GET OVER IT!" Then there was the: "Elections have consequences! GET OVER IT!"

Well ............... ???? The shoe's on the other foot now, GET OVER IT! Elections have consequences! Rump LOST!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

He would be a shoo-in for the Noble Piece Prize .... but there's nothing "noble" about him. ;-)

1 point

Amazing. After four years we can find ONE thing some say he did right, and most politicians around the world, and most military people, disagree. Great prident.

1 point

There IS NO "Trump vaccine", it's a legend in his own mind! A Trump vaccine to combat a China virus are the things comic books are made about! :-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I think Trump WILL be running in 2024 .... but they'll eventually catch him and .... "LOCK HIM UP"! :-)

2 points

Yes, well, that is somewhat true, in a round-a-bout way. There were a lot of "good-ol'-boys" that just couldn't bear to see a black man in the White House. Very un-American. They'd take a really dumb orange man over a really intelligent black man, which showed they were really stupid white men.

Joe would rather have a "president" that would tell him to "SIT", and expect him to do it ... without protest.

Sit ... I said SIT! Now fetch this stick while I play golf. :-(Not my kinda' president)!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

After the election was called there were thousands on the street who wanted to hug him. There weren't nearly so many as there were protesting Trump the day after his inauguration, but, more than there should have been under the conditions. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. I'm saying Trump wants to have him by the balls! (Ain't gonna happen)! ;-)

2 points

Trump wouldn't. Biden might, but, he'd insist on wearing a cup to protect himself from "The Grabber"! ;-)

3 points

For those who want a serious debate?? You can't be serious!! The only thing better was that he ".... just made you all a lot richer" when talking to his Mara-Lago friends and donators. The Stock Market was the ONLY thing that improved. Wages barely rose enough to cover the inflation HE caused. Trillions$ were added to the debt and billionaires MADE Trillions (billions each) because he shut down the watchdogs that were supposed to "follow the money"! It didn't get to where it was supposed to go, it subtly made its way into the "big boys accounts"!

Millions are on food lines that never were before, Corporate farmers got billions in corporate socialism when it was WE, the people, who NEEDED IT! The teachers, first responders, hospitals and the family farms! It's up in the air about how much his golf hobby has cost U.S.! Somewhere well over $130,000,000! (While HE made money off them [and us]).

Obama created MORE jobs, by FAR than he did .... and they lasted longer! He saved the auto industry, when Trump wanted it to fold! Can you imagine what our budget would look like if we ALL had to buy foreign cars?? Trump was a fraud, still is! C'MON NEW YORK! Imprison this phony!

1 point

................................ (chuckle) ................................. ;-)

1 point

I knew before I opened this post I'd see a dog with a physiologic tremor! (Probably having constipation problems again, eh)? Good luck with that. Try dragging across the rug, that works, sometimes they tell me.

Anyway, rioters should .... NOT! I expect we'll see some riots from the "fine people" on the other side in the next few days .... you know, the ones with the AR's?? If not I will applaud them. But, yes. I'll agree with you here. If you're going to bring a gun to a knife fight, you should stay at home and destroy your own. (Stuff?)

1 point

Then again, Trump is showing to be radically unhinged and he still has the nuclear codes. I "think" cooler, saner, heads would prevail, and Generals have probably put out the words of caution to subs and missile sites (We must hope). Prosecuting a treasonous president would be MUCH easier.

1 point

Not prosecuting Presidents is understandable, but, not prosecuting tax evasion and graft and child abuse and inciting riots and fixing elections is NOT! (No matter WHO did it)!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

The impeachment was NO MORE political than the Senate rejection of the process. The difference is, BOTH PARTIES KNEW it was a legitimate process with TONS of evidence (unlike conservative investigations of Hillary), and the conservatives, supported by a Presidential Attorney General .... I think our FIRST, circumvented the laws of the U.S. (causing several Justice Dept. (?) resignations), and let this IMPOTUS get away with, well, treason? The case could be made but, it would require an AG Of, BY, and FOR the people .... you know .... a REAL AG, Not a "Presidential AG"! The Justice Dept. would have locked anybody guilty of his "crimes" up!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. Here we agree 100%. Still, He's already been found guilty of many things. I give Hillary a 96% chance of not being convicted of any serious wrongdoing. I'll give Big John the other 4 ... since I'm in a generous mood today. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Hillary has been investigated, and investigated, and investigated, etc.,etc.. I will remind you that almost ALL of those investigations have been BY CONSERVATIVE GROUPS. After $7,000,000 on Benghazi alone, NOTHING WAS FOUND! Nothing awry on ANY of them.

Now, let's look at the John. HE has been impeached. The Mueller Report said any other person would be found guilty of crimes and imprisoned. Trump's personal AG AND his personal Senate majority covered up his "discretions" but, he IS STILL IMPEACHED. HIS discretions are NATIONAL discretions where Bill C's were personal other than lying to Congress, Trump lies to Congress AND the American people (and the WORLD) EVERY DAY.

Conspiracy theorists accuse Hillary with NO evidence. The WORLD accuses the John with LIKELY conspiracies AND OBVIOUS conspiracies every day. Here there is PROOF galore as well as "Pussy Galore", ya might say. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Well, Florida is pretty much red and if he goes back to NY, he's RED MEAT. :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

That's because you spun to the right. Try chasing your tail to the left and it'll unscrew you. The economy has almost always fared better under Democratic administrations .... 'sa FACT! :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

Well, let's see. He occupied the White House, he colluded with America's enemies, he insulted and divided our allies, he gave credence to white supremacists and anti-democracy militias, racial hatred is at its highest levels since the 1800s, he's attacked any woman who is against Trumpmolestation, he's made child molestation a science along the border, He's put in place an ecology hater in the EPA, a brain surgeon in charge of HUD, an individual who wanted to wanted to close it in charge of the Dept of Energy .... who couldn't remember what he wanted to close .... (and didn't even know that included nuclear bombs)! He gets his political advice from Putin, he has a dangerous "lover's spat" with a nuclear-armed sadist murderer, he supports another leader with a propensity for meat cleaver technology against American citizens, he uses corporate socialism regularly while trying to keep the elderly and unfortunate from the help they've earned ..... at the same time trying to take away their health care, he encourages police (and supporter) brutality, he stacked the SCOTUS with religious radicals in a freedom of (and from) religion country, he let a coronavirus run wild throughout the country while he told over 22,000 verifiable lies. (End of chapter one) :-(

1 point

One question .... do they even ALLOW felons to run for President ??? :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yes. But, the country has, historically, always had a FAR better economy under Democratic control. What do I think about the black people that supported Trump?? Well, I hate to admit it but that means Wayne LaPierre was right .... there IS more mental derangement in the U.S. than any other country in the world! Add that to the TDS and CRBS pandemics and we are one sick puppy (no pun intended), of a country!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Well, I was worried that libs were going blind! Thank you for letting me know they can STILL see actual, factual happenings! Whew, I was worried! :-)

1 point

Who's the nazi??? Better question: Who's the RAT! (His third initial is also "T";-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

One cannot be "too pre-occupied with Nazi's"! They are always lurking in the shadows! (Until Trump got the White House), now they're out in the open and cheering their new Fuehrer!

Disgusting dog shit that he is!

1 point

No. I had the right, as a citizen, to have my opinion heard. That opinion is based on what has gone on in MY country up until that time, and my wishes for what should go on after. I should still have that right.

If a soldier is killed after he/she/it votes do they become irrelevant? The soldier gave its life for the country, the vote should be respected! We all, hopefully, do our share for the country, our last wish should get respect.

Of course, the party that shows no respect for Bidens Bus, I would expect, and shows little respect for democracy OR the Constitution, will see things differently. Equal respect should be shown THEIR vote if they die .... equal to their respect for the Constitution, that is.

2 points

I voted early and in person, I have NO intention to take it back. I detest fascism. Drumpf should go back to Germany, they shoot fascists over there.

1 point

I think he had a dose of the shits. He (LOL), wanted to wear a Superman shirt and rip open his outer one to show how stupid he was! Luckily, his advisors were able to stop him ... for once! We'd STILL be laughing! Amazing how he can "enlist the loyalty" of legitimate doctors to state, or walk all around the "facts", for him. But then, he does have an AG who would find a way to take away their license to practice and their military pension if they didn't.

I have to agree with what he said last night. He ain't no Lincoln! ( No "Honest Abe" ;-)

2 points

I wouldn't take ANY Trump vaccine, NOT out of spite or fear, out of distrust and intelligence. I WOULD take a vaccine out of CDC or WHO or Fauci, or Gupta, or Badhalia recommendation. I think most "libs" would. That's the type of "herd immunity" we have, we don't follow the lead cow. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Absolutely !

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I ain't no horse! So stop trying to stickem to me!

If Trump wins this election it WILL be foul play! Trump DID cheat! (to answer your question), It WILL b the death of what happened in 1776+... and 1942-3-4, 1950+ 1960+, 1970+1980+1990+,2000+! You WILL be allowed to shit on ANYONE'S grass (except that owned by the John)! I hope you enjoy your bone-r! I'm outa-here!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Wait ...., What? You don't have heel spurs??? ?

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

That's because I didn't give you the right command ...... HEAL! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

As much proof as Trump has that we have "turned the corner" on covid, that "we have a cure", that we "will have enough vaccine for everyone by January", that he washed his hands after petting the last kitty he walked by, that he used Dr. Fauci's words out of context, and even MORE proof that he is NOT a [good] Christian. LoL ;-)

Now, fetch this stick .............. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Oh, THAT'S why we're having a SCOTUS hearing today, and why we didn't have one months before Trump was elected?? It's a Democratic, one-way law??

Far be it from Republicans to do such a thing! (See, I can be sarcastic too! :-)

1 point

Trump cheats every day .... and twice as much on Sunday. (It's a religious thing, I guess ;-) So.... ?

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

It kind of balances things off because the hyperbole coming from the Shite House is so under the bottom! :-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

I didn't like him a bit, either. But as bad as he was, he didn't sink to the level of this scumbag. I had no feeling that he was taking U.S. to authoritarianism! IF he is removed from the White House (temporarily better known as the Shite House), it will have to be fumigated for a week to be safe for HUMAN habitation!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Right. I disagreed with much of what he did but I respected him .... as I did all Presidents until this one. Why? Because none of them tried to destroy America, until this one. This fascist is a terrorist leader of terrorist groups, many of which USED TO BE legitimate American agencies! Oh, by the way, Lincoln was a Republican too. The antithesis of this fascist. Everyone respected that man .... except those racists who, at that time, thought like this scumbag.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Only as an orator. He's in the same league with NICE guys, also. Kennedy, Reagan, Clinton, etc.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

First of all. Fact checkers went over Obama's statements over 8 years. They used a much more particular scanning of those statements and found around 80 that were untrue or became untrue because what he wanted, or expected, the "make-him-fail Senate" wouldn't allow it.

Compare that with the loosely judged 20,000+ verified lies off THIS regime, and yes, I believed MOST of what came out of our last "administration". The one that didn't demand loyalty from those around it. 20,000/8. There has never been a President that got everything correct, but they SHOULD get MOST of it rig .... um .... correct. This IMPOTUS has thee worst record of ALL! What do YOU believe that comes out of THIS regime?? That Putin has nothing on him?? That he "has a better health plan"?? That he works 12 hrs a day (not counting tweeting and FOX TV)?? That he is completely cured ... magically ... of Corona19??

I don't believe you are that stupid, I think you are a master of sarcasm and bait & switch. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point


1 point

Yes. LIBERALS CRY WHEN AMERICANS DIE! Unlike those who say they were just "LOSERS AND SUCKERS .... or ask "WHAT"S IN IT FOR THEM?"

We KNOW what's in it for The John and his immediate family, unlimited power and money. If he wins another 4 years he will destroy THE REST of America's democracy and we will become the "Kingdom of Trump". :-(Prince John Jr., Princess Ivanka, Duke Eric?) All those Americans we liberals cried for will have died for NOTHING! Iwo Jima, Anzio, Omaha Beach, Gettysburg, etc., etc.! We "liberals" will REALLY have something to cry about .... and SO will most of you .... um ... conservatives.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

That's not what I said. I said that those who HAVE been shot were better men than this lover of authoritarianism and authoritarians .... for America, that is. They didn't deserve to be shot, they worked to save America and its democracy. Trump is working to save Trump. To enrich himself and those who would spend millions to keep him (and his immediate family), in unquestionable power.

I wouldn't say I want him shot, but, I WOULD, likely, unplug his ventilator to charge my cellphone. Of course, I would never get an opportunity like that. It's kind of like .... things Trump said had nothing to do with the planned abduction of Gov. Whitmer, and possible murder of other American citizens, when he tweeted "Liberate Michigan!" (He .... and I ... just making innocent, idle talk ;-))

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. I'm not "suggesting" anything. But then, it has happened to better men, Lincoln, Reagan, etc., NONE as deserving. Who knows what could happen in this atmosphere that HE, himself, has agitated.

I would remind you that Titus Lucretius Carus said: "Air, I should explain, becomes wind when it is agitated". He IS an agitator and he COULD get blown away .... who knows? ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I choose to believe what I SEE, and what confirms that. I do not choose to "Don't believe what you see or hear, believe what I tell you!" C'MON COVID! (But only in the Shite House! .... oops, typo .... ! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

There are over 200,000 Americans that would strongly disagree with the positivity of that statement. I can see why it would go over well with those of the "Reality TV" crowd, but, inquiring people want to KNOW!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

That could be. Trump has a lot of support coming from 666. ;-)

Then there's that troublesome Second Amendment thingy. Ya never know which way that might swing.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

What I DON'T believe is anything that comes out of this regime's .... (We used to call them "administrations" when they were made up of people who didn't have to sign confidentialllity agreements) .... mouths! After listening to his "doctor" hem and haw on information the country has every right to know, I can't say WHAT I believe! Certainly not ANYONE connected to his "loyalty regime" or his politically correct (In conservative estimation), FAUX News Channel.

I said it was all a "hoax" earlier .... it's STILL about 50/50. :-(

2 points

It's likely a Russian biological agent. Putin, (just as likely), has sent an antidote to his adoring puppet so HE can keep a controlling interest in our White House. After all, he's spent a few ... hundred thousand rubles to get control of that once united states of America. He wouldn't like to lose his "fixer". :-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

The Republicans were in Charge then, also.

I don't agree with you here. Regardless, what is happening NOW is worse than any 9/11. We still existed as a nation after 9/11, we will NOT after 11/3 if we don't put this fascist out of my misery.

:-(At least not as a FREE nation)! There are too many Americans who never met a conspiracy theory they didn't like ..... especially if it was against this country. That's why we have so many "anti-tyrannical militias" that somehow just HAVE to fight against an "elected by the people" government and back a TOTALLY tyrannical one "elected" by the few that agree with THEM.

By the way. THIS government ... the tyrannical one, is responsible for more deaths EVERY DAY, than died in 9/11! The Saudi's that Republicans protected on 9/11 are STILL being protected today (at least they "saved the ass" of their leader :-)! Certain Americans have been convinced that "Marxism" (which nobody wants) is worse than Fascism, which Trump wants. Did Marxism kill many Americans?? Fascism SURELY DID! (And STILL IS, under Trump)!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

I'm not tuned in on any single news channel. I watch several. When they all agree, and I can see things with my own eyes (totally frowned upon by our fearless coward), I tend to make up my own mind. Some are even "out-of-country" news. The world seems to agree with WHAT I SEE! That sort of leads my thoughts. If they agree with my "point of view" it's likely I will follow them. I don't let ANYONE adjust my point of view to their liking, like say, Mr. Graham of S. Carolina. HIS "point-of-view has been totally "adjusted" to fit ANY situation relating to his eminence. I would not be surprised if HE listened to AM Talk Radio. :-)

I agree, Obama didn't destroy America, he left it "respected", as most Presidents have. After four years with this .... whatever .... America is NO LONGER RESPECTED. Without the respect of the world, America IS destroyed. Time we got respected again. Obama had 8 years to "destroy America" and didn't. I have to admit, Trump is MUCH better at that than Obama. He did it in FOUR, (actually two)!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

Which one of us?? I watch several news stations, all of them agree except one. I'm supposed to listen to THAT one?? No. In America majority is still "supposed to"rule. I don't even take their word for it, I listen to Trump. I keep hearing something about a "puke imogi"? Where can I find it?? No matter, I'd likely wear it out.

Really. I know you're not a dum .... I know you're a smart guy ( Anyway, I think you're a guy. ;-). you can't POSSIBLY think what is hap penning to this SCOTUS thingy, is FAIR! It was not politically correct for Obama to fill a vacancy, but it IS for Trump?? If the news station YOU watch sees it that way .... I'll stick to the rest of them! This is TOTAL TOTALITARIANISM!

1 point

For some strange reason I KNEW whose post this was before I opened it! Only a dog would do such a thing! ......... WOOF! ;-)

2 points

Maybe the fact that Trump comes from that exact culture and seems to hold the same characteristics, is why he is taking America down that strasse. :-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

Funny, I don't recognize this America. I've lived here over 80 years and I say he HAS destroyed America. No free country trusts whatever "this" is, old friends are enemies, enemies tell us what they want and get it .... or we "save their asses!" People who never went to a food line before are waiting hours for food. Thousands are about to be evicted! 200,000 are dead from a mishandled pandemic. Thousands are about to lose their health insurance if Dear Leader can convince the courts .... that they stacked! People honor a man who LIES everytime he speaks. He sends "secret armies" after our people! The racism is the worst it has been in many years, Countries don't want Americans in THEIR country, Children are in "concentration camps", unemployment is as bad or WORSE than after the LAST conservative "president" and Putin is smiling in every video we see!

HE HAS destroyed America in 4 years! The LAND is still here, burning.The water is getting dirtier, and Trump wants 4 more years .... after that, it's "negotiable"! No, this is NOT America. :-(

1 point

HI. My name is AlofRI. I like cats. I don't like Trump. I detest woman abusers (grabbers, adulterers, child abusers, un-democratic holders of office, men who would be kings, liars, traitors). If you need more information you can reach me at 1-800- ooops ... battery went dead on my keyboard, sorry.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

If he gets over 50% of the vote, "LIKE OBAMA DID" I'll resign myself to the death of democracy. I'll be ready for a dirt nap. All reasons for living will be gone anyway.

If he can not get 50% He should move to the grey house. (For at least 20 years;-).

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yep. And I hope he gets 20 years! (In the GRAY house, not the White one ;-) That will, at least, let the li'l kitties of America breathe easier!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

With all due respect, you have NO IDEA what I've "done to protect those things"! (And you won't find out).

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

I would remind your hi-falutin idiocy that they wouldn't ALLOW the last Democrat to fill the vacancy, with a judge of HIS choosing! The court should be filled with members that vote FOR THE PEOPLE, NOT for the FEW! NOT for a single religion, NOT for any political agenda but FOR THE PEOPLE and the good of the country! (The MAJORITY of the country!)

Rump (and Moscow Mitch), will put a puppet in place just like his buddy Putin would! He will finish tearing up the Constitution before he (hopefully ) leaves! It would please me greatly if "America" would bring back the firing squad for this bunch of traitors who greatly deserve to observe the Second Amendment up close and personal!

1 point

Trump can do about anything he wants. That's what dictators do, and as long as he has Moscow Mitch, Babushka Barr, and Comrade Graham, he IS Dictator Trump! All he needs is to control the COTUS and we have our PPOTUS. Goodbye Constitution, goodbye democracy.

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, I know. But some women like purple. I know this from experience ... long ago ... but that's beside the nipple. Still, I'll take a cool, smooth butt over a purple nipple any day.

My first wife's Great Grandmother (@ 97) told the story of her third husband (out of 5 that she outlived), being up in Crawford Knotch, NH, and knowing that he was up in some meadow with a name ......... "sawin' off a butt cut" (her words) with a local .... um .... lady. (That was the end of no. 3. Actually a man after my own heart), but, that was her choice.

Purple nipples have their place. As long as the lady (or ape) likes purple ........ to each his/her own.

1 point

I'm a leg and fannie man, myself. I probably evolved from the more intelligent Chimps. Orangutans like li'l kitties but only for abuse. If apes like nipples they'll at least be gentle and respectful of them, I think. ;-)

1 point

It's much better than learning "The Art of the Deal". Even the co-author quit THAT course. ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

Well, let me say this ...... 83 isn't just an age, it's a condition. What used to be "8" seems to be stuck at "3" ..... my vice has been versa'd, so to speak. ;-(

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

If I were to answer that, I'd have to do it Donald Trump-style. ;-)

Why, when I was trying to stir up an attack of li'l kitties, do I feel like this is going to the dogs??

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. I need someone to help ME stand UP .... if ya know what I mean. :-(

2 points

Hmmm ..... I think I'm getting sick .... !

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yes. I DID!

I was hoping that I would provoke a mass vagina attack! Since I'm too old to do any more chasing on my own I was hoping they'd come at ME! I mean, if YOU had your choice ..... covid19 .....or vagina - 19 .... which would YOU choose??

For ME, it's a FromWithin I could live with .... 'til I die, (happily ;-)!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

You sound like a liberal! ALL vaginas matter! ;-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
2 points

Oh, sorry, you're right ... I was looking for that plastic vagina ............ ;-)

1 point

Well ......... plastic isn't very tasty, to begin with. The other thing is, how do you know what they do?? I had a friend once, (a distant one), HE got in trouble looking in windows where he shouldn't! You might think about that. ;-)

1 point

"For fools admire and love those things they find hidden in verses turned all upside down, and take for truth what sweetly strokes the ears and comes with sound of phrases fine imbued."

-Titus Lucretius Carus- ;-)

2 points

It's obvious that the only reason some people are alive is because it's illegal to kill them. The fact that we, in a democracy, do not allow the killing of "useless people" should be considered, as Rump[sic] would say .... "a beautiful thing" .... since HE HAS "been identified" and is "alive" and .... well, .... "living" in the White House. (no pun unintentional .... ;-)

2 points

Oh ..... how careless of me ....... I didn't read the fine print. ;-)

2 points

I KNEW IT!! We on the left are right again! :-)

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
3 points

But his SON was a liberal! OBVIOUSLY! He wanted to help the poor, feed them, give them Social Security … (the Biblical version, of course ;-), free them from slavery, give them a living wage …… he even had long hair like a hippie! (allegedly ;-)! He cured those with the current virus, the Lepers, …. whatever … without a THOUGHT at what it would cost the Capitalists …. (that he hated! :-) You know, the eye of the camel thingy … something like that!

His Old Man was a Trumplican! Didn't give a crap about anyone who wouldn't kiss his butt! HE was the disease! Even Trump had bad kids! The Old Man was lucky! He got a virgin that gave him a son devoid of his "bad habits"! As Archie Bunker, the consumate conservative once sang "Those were the daaaaaaays!" (You can have'em! ;-( ) …..I'll take the Liberalism disease over this Trumpvirus any day!

AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

No. Obviously not. I'm 83 and someone named "God" hasn't yet judged me. I guess "somebody up there likes me" …………….. ;-)

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