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This personal waterfall shows you all of Elvira's arguments, looking across every debate.
Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Wheel of Time books, the main character falls for three different women. To the point that he can't choose between them.

1 point

It doesn't seem that way, we have council tax which is quite expensive, for all local services. You only have to pay council tax if you own a house (we do), and it depends on the classification of your house how much you pay (ours is tiny). taxandhousing/counciltax/counciltaxbanding.aspx

There is also income tax at about 20%

That's all the personal taxes, apart from inheritance tax and value added tax (20% vat on expensive/luxury items).

1 point

I'm 17 so I don't pay taxes yet. But I think we get paid more, so it equals out.

Minimum wage

UK (over 21) £6.19($9.50)

USA $7.25 (£4.72)

1 point

So the only difference is some form of healthcare card?

1 point

What was the change, and the system beforehand?

1 point

I drink tap water, which is okay because mine's not mains supply... too remote.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Mmm... I'll have to look up what obamacare means. I like the NHS system in Britain where our taxes pay for the upkeep of hospitals, so everyone can afford healthcare.

2 points

Can nothing and everything both exist?


Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

I read it as liberal bashing-stuff, not liberal-bashing stuff.

1 point

I heard that some guys like that :)

1 point

I can't say that I've ever used that method of divination :)

1 point

I rarely wear makeup, but I can see your point. Girls in my school (especially the juniors and a-levels) seem to have no clue that their hair looks like a birds nest and their face like they've smeared mud on it. And you'd expect the adults to be a little better... but no! Some people never learn how to properly apply makeup and totally kill their hair with colouring, spraying and straightening. Bitchy rant over.

1 point

It's the fear of the supernatural that most people have. Lock someone up in a dark old house that they know is haunted, and they'll be terrified~ even if they don't believe in ghosts.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

I said I wouldn't care for a guy who didn't value me. I'm not desperate for guys or sex like men are for women and sex. I don't even want to be involved in all that, and I think if men really are so childish that they need that, it's pathetic and primative. Id, id, id!

1 point

I think you might just break your toes there... try kicking with the ball of the foot, maybe?

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

I don't care for romance, I'm not that kind of person. And if I did, I'd expect to be with someone with more self control than a satyromanical dog, and genuinely cared for me, not for my body.

1 point

Grow up.

1 point

I tend to remain silent, so the other side doesn't suit.

1 point


Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

It's very easy. Not get married in the first place :)

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

And I don't intend to.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

The women have to pay too if they want to keep the child.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Still a cosplayer.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Probably are. Large breasts cause back pain and generally get in the way.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
2 points

Since when is it anything to do with the father? Do they get pregnant and give birth?

1 point

Nope, that's a cosplayer.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

I think that the universe is balanced, and everything exists. If everything exists, and nothing also, there is nothing that can upset the balance. Ah... that's confusing. Nothing upsets the balance? As in Nothing with a capital N, the void? Maybe it is possible, but not by a person.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

I don't think you can upset the balance.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Are you aiming for ascension/enlightenment?

1 point

And then we wouldn't be able to wear tight fitting tops... and I would be extremely uncomfortable.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

You're likely to be Prodigee, as the time of account creation corresponds.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point
2 points

Yay, me too!

1 point

I love Castle :)

1 point

There's a lot of space. It would take a long time.

1 point

Yes, but there would be no vegetation. The whole sunlight ecosystem would be wiped out. The chemosynthesisers would probably evolve into higher life forms and a few humans might survive through preparation.

1 point

No plants = = no food = no animals = no food.

Your chemosynthesisers would be fine though.

We would be dead pretty soon. As to the debate question, how does it relate?

1 point

"This ground is hot enough to cook the Sunday roast!"

John Seach (Volcanologist) just before his boots melted on the hot ground. Lopevi Volcano 2000.

For some reason I instantly thought of this.

From this page:

1 point

That's like saying there's a fine line between blue and yellow.

1 point

Irish people are more scary than your average christian. Even though quite a lot of them are christians.

1 point

Old people scare me.

1 point

Oh no, that's how most my teachers speak. I may have got too used to it.

1 point


I'm a little out of my depth when people start talking about racism against the mexicans/spanish.

1 point

We've made so many extinct already, and it's great that we have the technology to attempt to undo what we've done.

1 point

Mea Requies, by Adrian von Ziegler.

1 point

Stare at somebody and lick your lips. Then pull out your cell phone, pretend to dial, and say “I’ve found a likely candidate for our…experiment.”

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

It depends on is this 6/2*(1+2) as in topheavy fraction, or just 6 divided by 2(1+2)

1 point





1 point

Aww. My friend has an enormous black Alsation, and it's funny to see her with him because she's really tiny :)

1 point

Yes, right now.

1 point

Maybe I should stop.

1 point

Is getting boring.

1 point

And this.

1 point

And this.

1 point

And this.

1 point

Well, there's this.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

No. I remember feeling sorry for his wife who was shielding him, though. She must have been really brave. And I was disgusted by him letting her shield him. Death does not make me happy.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

I don't get the link. I'm not amerian. And I don't think anyone who hates a country 'deserves' to die of cancer. Especially countries like America and Britain who have screwed things up for so many undeveloped countries and still claim to be good.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
2 points

And actually I first heard this morning sometime before 9, at form.

3 points

Such an amazing guy. We need more leaders like him.

1 point

That's unfair. I can think of ten reasons to hate america in the time it took to post this.

1 point

I don't know who this Pelosi person is, but it's funny.

1 point

Rubbish. Combustion produes more CO2 than an increase in respiration.

1 point

It's binbaggy.

1 point

Life is part of nature.

1 point

Nature always wins.

1 point

Then Thor created lightning, which is far more useful than a games console.

1 point

Providing inspiration/knowledge/insight does not get you anywhere unless you have a patent.

1 point

Supposing that a woman 'makes' a child in her womb, and her child invents a robotic fish, that woman did not make/invent a robotic fish.

1 point

They have more character.

1 point

Or a hammer.

1 point

Actually the Xbox was made by a team from Microsoft. Someone was bound to say this eventually though. It's harsh to say your god made something when it was actually the product of long and arduous hours of human effort and brainwork, really.

2 points

Meh. The first one was so sexist it annoyed me. The 'rape prevention kit' one. Martial arts lessons do the trick, and they can't be taken from you.

1 point

Right. That's why I called you a perverted dog in japanese.

1 point

Actually I'll be sleepping soon, it's 9:20pm here.

1 point

Kisama hentai inu!

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Just holidays in general, everyone needs holidays, and there's none better spaced out than the wheel of the year :)

1 point

They're not really christian holidays.

1 point

I don't see much personality shown in that photo.

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

It takes training, but you can use someone's stregnth against them and quickly incapacitate them. You just need to remember how, and practice and practice...

Martial arts really help with confidence in your abilities too. I'm all for everyone having access to this from a young age, I think everyone should be capable of defending themselves. Muscle is not always the advantage, but speed and accuracy is.

1 point

It's pathetic. Just learn some kind of martial art and put him in an armlock.

1 point

The one on the left looks a lttle empty.

1 point

Aw, come on- who the hell wants to look like that~ the woman on the right looks really nice. Yep, I get mixed up with the whole right left thing.

2 points

The woman on the left looks fake.

1 point

He was also human, and had a moustache. Does it really matter?

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Surfaces, cutlery, clothing, wall paint, engines.

1 point

Give me a break... ultra ever dry? That's lotus shield! It was developed for astronauts cloathing because of some moon dust that was clogging up stuff, it was inspired by lotus leaves.

2 points

Thor is definitely cooler, and he has a hammer: and is probably the inspiration behind eragon's roran and wheel of time's perrin.

1 point

On a packet of nuts: Warning! May contain traces of nuts!


1 point

Okay, I can barely tell the difference between a clothed female baby and a clothed male baby... how is this going to help, unless they promote it for males as well? And how can anyone find a baby attractive in that way?

Elvira(3441) Clarified
1 point

Red meat is actually really unhealthy!

1 point

It's still really disgusting. And have you no empathy or compassion?

1 point

As in factory farming, and suffering? I don't really understand what's so wonderful about cut up corpse, really.

1 point

Nah, about the other one- the blood one, that's really quite sick.

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