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Jacobcoolguy's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Jacobcoolguy's arguments, looking across every debate.

Yeah, police are douche bags.

I don't think regular civilians were allowed to buy cannons.

Yeah, I don't think the government with all of its jets, bombers and tanks is too scared of your AR-15.

Your point is?

'Cause you can't kill 50 people with a Derringer, next question.

I don't think someone on the FBI's terror watch list should be able to legally purchase firearms.

In America? Gay clubs.

I think Baby Boomers are worse. They had hippies.

Shrek knows.

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
0 points

Yes. I feel as if you're intentionally missing the point, and misrepresenting it.

I'd have to disagree with that, guns are just to easy to get in this country.

You know Hitler had anti smoking laws. Does that mean anti smoking laws are bad? I don't like the argument "This idea is bad because this person arguably agreed with some of the idea."

Everyone hates a rich liberal who tells other people what to do based on their own personal guilt.

Yeah the annoying politically correct side of progressives drives people away from it. That is one of the few areas I disagree with progressives.

Fallout 3 is still good enough for me, I'm waiting for Fallout 5!

You say you ran the marathon first, so they will pay attention and so they will have more respect for you than if you were just vegan and got your dogs from a shelter.

EGAH! Never in all my years! NEVA! NEVA!

Uhhhh...... so r u sayin' iM dumb???

"Indians" immigrated from Asia thousands of years ago so...

"Indians are illegal immigrants too! Hell, lets send all em colored folk back!"

I'm not a chain smoker, I just do it every so often because it makes me feel good. I don't do it very often.

Well I don't. Our healthcare isn't like yours.

I'm sorry, I thought this was America!

When I can.

I'm not really.... into the whole flexible thing....

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