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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jacobcoolguy's arguments, looking across every debate.

Only the red head part. The only thing that we know for fact is gingers are the source of all evil.

I see what my eyes identify as 'white' and 'gold'.

We don't need anymore incentive to realize how evil and crazy isis is.

Oh Joe, you kinky bastard!

The Jews. You see war isn't fair, its kind of like a Mexican man saying "This is Mexico" in California because the war for it wasn't fair. By that Logic isn't France still Rome?

Thank you for pointing this out, they as a whole, could be doing a better job at ending racism by not constantly complaining about it.

Its just more acceptable because it doesn't have the abusive history of white racism.

We all know that feeling.

All I know is I don't learn shit in school and I hate teachers who think they're Jesus for giving a writing assignment I have to read to the class. It just gives me anxiety.

Socialism works best in countries like Germany and Sweden where most of the population wants to contribute to society.

More stupid youtube comments not to read.

I don't think this is a science question, guys. Its a glass half full of water. I don't give a shit about how far the atoms are apart and I don't count the air. This is America goddammit! Well... a lot of us are from the US.... Anyway, this debate will go on for ages and ages.

Looks like this little twat landed himself in Jesus jail.

Damn straight, son.

No! Its a hot dog. It is it's own domain of food.

Thats hot.

I just got my sex change the other day.... and that happens to me all the time! What up with dat?

There you go! Enough of those painful and sharp needles.

Well who could argue with that evidents, Joe?

Jacobcoolguy(2428) Clarified
1 point


I hate it when I'm talking to someone and suddenly they start texting. Mindless assholes....



I think that proves it.....

Really? Now I have learned something today....

No not bullshit! I'm debating you right now!

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