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This personal waterfall shows you all of Nomoturtle's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

what, sarcasm? given up already?

Nomoturtle(858) Clarified
1 point

the intention is more to do with the reverse. the psychotic dark humour is supposed to be funny

1 point

ask this question of yourself after you've gone through a self diagnostic for personality disorders

1 point

those who disagree with you on abortion do not consider the fetus to be an "individual"

i really can't understand the relevance of this when the fetus undeniably has the potential to become an individual

1 point

i wouldn't say all women are bisexual, but perhaps many are. in that video you linked to the other day where a woman pretended to be a man for 18 months she commented that much of a women's sexuality was up in their heads, while a man's sexuality was seemed very physical. she concluded that from the popularity and workings of the strip club she frequently visited as a man and from many female dating partners she hooked up with. she said that after revealing herself to be a woman after the date some of the women felt a connection and wanted to continue the relationship.

1 point

i wouldn't make any statement on which race is worse, but i agree with the woman. before criticising another sub-race you should remove any possibility of hypocrisy, but whites murder each other and give and promote a criminalising stereotype for blacks

1 point

this is beautiful. it should be glued next to everyone's monitor

1 point

in ways, yes, but men are too.

really though, the title is pointing to a different point of view that breaks from the video, it's like you're trying to catch them out.

1 point

gotta vent out somewhere, the outlets are drying up. some day even the white oasis will dry up too.

2 points

this is a violation of rights. save the trees from themselves!

i propose isolating them until an undoubtable sign of consent is shown from all plants... wow, that orgy.

3 points

love how the colours match the site .

1 point

this describes exactly the purpose of reform programmes, although you're referring to lobotomy, the result is very much the same. while needlessly controversial, with the prisoner's consent it is exactly the same as the reform programs in place today

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