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This personal waterfall shows you all of Troy8's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

This is really cool. I always have respect for people who adamantly support our troops.

1 point

Married O.o, living in a large house in the suburbs with a great job and hopefully debt-free after college.

1 point

How so?

1 point

What's your problem? You're nothing but an idiotic rectum hammer.

1 point

That's laughable.

1 point

I live in Wisconsin and I can say firsthand how mad some liberals were after both the first election and recall election.

At the same time though, Walker has done an exceptional job in office, and even liberals are starting to shut up.

1 point

This has to be a must-watch for you:

1 point

Yeah that didn't help at all...

1 point

What happened?

1 point

Does anyone know why she is going to jail?

1 point

Exactly. Because if this smartness that the OP is based on acquired knowledge and experience, clearly old people are much smarter.

1 point

My question is, how can everyone stay here for such a long time while never winning an argument?

1 point

Well, aside from education, older people naturally have had more life experiences than younger people. This is probably a greater factor in any disparity that is present.

1 point

LOL. I knew I'd strike someone's nerve. I'm not a big fan of Romney either, but what makes him so horrible to you? I'm just curious why you think he's not fit for any position of power.

1 point

How does it feel to be the most hated man in America? How are you dealing with losing so much of the support you had originally through your own utter failure?

2 points

If only there was a 'flush' feature, that would truly complete the facility.

2 points

Why comment about something that is not relevant to my post? You cannot deny that this debate is very recurring, however logical or illogical it may be. I'm not making any further conjectures.

2 points

I'm not trying to make it into one of those debates. You're provoking me right now, so you'd be the one starting the debate.

3 points





All the time...

1 point

That Beethoven dude was whack too, wasn't even in touch with reality.

1 point

That's true, assuming foxes are foxy and dogs enjoy doggystyle, that's a pretty safe bet.

1 point

I was mostly joking, but okay. You didn't mention the dog was sleeping, only that it was lazy. Maybe the fox just wants the dog to get the dog in action to do something with his life. He could also be like one of those lazy homeless guys living off welfare; this could be the fox's way of getting him in the game.

1 point

Seriously, what is your problem? If the fox is not harming the dog, why should he stop? It's sick, how people like you always try to unnecessarily eliminate rights. Grow up.

0 points

When I was like 10, this one freaked me out big time.

White Noise
1 point

Dang it Joe...why are you so hard to disagree with?

1 point

Well, you have a point. However, there's no level of intimacy like there would be with another person.

Ahh, but who cares, I don't think people are going to stop masturbating just because its considered gay...

1 point

You're having sex with no one. It's just a sexual action.

1 point

I'm a pretty timid person (surprising I know), so its always been hard for me to get out of the so-called "friend zone", it really is an unfortunate place.

Really the only thing that has worked for me is to just completely be busy and cut off nearly all contact, without being a complete jerk. Girls can be drawn to those that seem to have a really busy lifestyle. Make sure you're doing activities that you really enjoy and are good at. Don't try to be someone you're not, that can backfire later, especially if it becomes the reason a girl is drawn to you.

That's just me though, everyone is different! :)

1 point

Hahaha that was pretty hilarious. If you can't beat em, join em!

2 points

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it.

2 points

Kind of like one of those promising science projects gone horribly wrong.

2 points

Oddly enough, I was researching some political issue and a page from this site came up, so I checked it out ...the rest is history. And, of course, everyone likes to make fun of the libs.

1 point

Didn't you say that same exact thing but replace 'women' with 'liberals'? Hahaha

1 point

Oh yes, soon these poor, disordered people will be exposed to more intense scrutiny than the homosexuals themselves! How dare these critics claim that it is a choice, these people don't want to be homophobes, they are simply born that way!

1 point

And if its dirty, is it okay to put in the washing machine?

1 point

I don't see why not...although it would go against their goal of being accepted into normal society.

1 point

Dude does have a point. But so does this guy ;)

1 point

Yeah marriage is not for everyone. Some people just like the idea as a representation that they will be together forever, its just the sign of a large commitment which being together for a lifetime should be.

But yeah, its not for everyone.

1 point

Why does it need a ceremony?

It doesn't really, its merely symbolism.

Why can't people just be together and be happy?And why does the government have to be involved for people to prove that they want to be together?

They can be. This just adds to it, as they are vowing to be together for the rest of their lives. This legal vow is harder to break and thus is thought of as an important commitment to someone. If you're truly happy together, there should be no fear of the difficulty of divorce anyway, which is the only reason I see for not having marriage.

2 points

Hahahahahahahahaha! I'd hate to know what a slam dunk is...

0 points

Some are curable, while others are not...

1 point

Some are curable, while others are not...

1 point

Joe, I hate to say it, but you're getting a little desperate. As cool as this is, I think this is even cooler:

Nice beat
1 point

Garry does love to do that. The thing I hate most is that in every argument he has to make some personal attack on either your intelligence or affiliations.

If he claims to be as smart or educated as he claims to be, he should realize that this only makes your argument less valid.

1 point

Scandalous. And they say sex doesn't sell T-Shirts :D

1 point

Atheists don't want to believe in God, because they are convinced he is not benevolent, just, or altruistic.

1 point

The reason Jews choose to remain in Israel is because of its religious background and significance to Judaism. I'm not sure they would really want to do this.

1 point

Sounds like you're cornered and you know it. So you're chickening out and pretending you don't have to prove anything to me.

Reality does not require proof. My perception is my reality. I don't need to prove what I think is real to you.

Never argued that.

Then what did you mean?

Nope. I did not assume any obligation of it.

Then why did you do it?

Again, never argued that. You seem to have a habit of assuming "always" out of my exceptions or discrimination's.

You seem to have a habit of not answering my questions.

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