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I'll move into your action so quick you won't know what hit ya!

Honey, don't listen to these guys...joe's a perv and hellno...well, a googly-eyed MFer...if you want real cybering, talk to me...vets know all the tricks ;)

Absolutely. For decades I've been thinking this. There is absolutely no reason for America to take responsibility for solving everyone else's problems. Most nations can take care of themselves, and for those who can't...well, that really doesn't concern us. It may seem cold, but it's true. America has its fair share of problems, but I don't see anyone as worried about us as we are about everyone else's fucking business.

You gotta clean out yer garbage, Joey! It's overflowing! ~~~~~~~~~~~

I agree. People in America are much bigger assholes and are much less polite.

It's the eyes that do it for me. *

I agree. First of all, it's a little bit creepy, that weird voice telling you everything about your life. Secondly, it's almost eliminating the need for human thought. We just say something, and immediately the computer thinks for us and gives us the answer. We don't even have to put our thoughts into the computer, we just speak them and their wish is our command. It's scary.

This site is a perfect example of what computers and especially the internet was designed for. Bringing people together in an intelligent, meaningful and productive way.

I must, however disagree with this particular statement. That happened years ago. If every country was held responsible for generations after they did something wrong...well basically every country in the world would be ostracized, particularly the US, Germany, England and Italy.

Besides, us being the rude and boisterous Americans we are, if the rest of the world froze us out, we would likely just nuke 'em.

I hate to agree with Axmeister, my British nemesis :P but it was, in fact, illegal. The colonists were rebelling against British authority, and technically what the Americans were doing qualified as treason. By drawing up and signing the Declaration, they were denouncing the King, Parliament and England as a whole.

No one will take it seriously, I don't think. weird.....that's why we love you, though.

Warfare was much more personal, was very intense and has been the same way for hundreds of years. But, then again...drones allow fat kids who played video games through high school to join the Air Force and keep playing video games.

I didn't watch the video...that's quite funny, actually hahaha

The Rapture doesn't refer to aliens coming to judge humans based on their healthiness and physical qualities. That's something entirely different; though probably more likely than an actual Rapture. The Rapture refers to some kind of God descending from Heaven and judging every man woman and child on Earth. Those who have believed will ascend into Heaven, and those who have not believed will be put through Hell on Earth before their ascent to Heaven to pay for their sins. This is different than everyone's personal Judgment Day, which [supposedly] occurs just moments after someone has passed on.

But what you're describing is I said, probably more likely...but different.

Joey, do us a favor and entitle your debate sides more creatively. Thanks, pal.

You know, you raise an interesting point here, Joe. I was reading an article a couple of years back on "The Big Lebowski", probably my favorite comedy of all time. The writer of the article pointed out that the generation of the Dude will probably be living in less enjoyable conditions and have a generally worse quality of life than their parents had. He said that because of this, people of the Dude's generation will be less inclined to work hard in school, go to college and get a real job, knowing that they'll probably live in a world where hard work doesn't go nearly as far. I personally agree with the writer of the article - (Andy Greene) - young men and women today have realized that life isn't what it used to be, and that they can have just as high a quality of life sitting around and smoking weed and bowling as those who have worked through college and gotten high-paying desk jobs.

Great debate, Joey.

No way...Peanuts come from Charles Schultz.

Christ that picture is scary...but yeah, besides make people look NORMAL AND NOT FRIGHTENING, they keep sweat and water from dripping off the forehead into your eyes. They share that job with eyelashes.

he's definitely not a republican...he just wants to plow her. probably saw that picture and got hot.

Probably wouldn't need commercials...if marijuana was legalized, I'm pretty sure anyone who wants it is going to know very quickly

My son bought me the Beastie Boys Anthology for my iPod, and I also got a green polo shirt, some socks, some gum and the Godfather 1 2 and 3 Deluxe Edition.

Here...this is simple...NETBOOKS SUCK. You wasted your money, man.

Ah, brilliant :P


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