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Not a problem for me. .

I can sympathize with you on that one. .

Thanks, but I am unsure as to how they are awarded. .

3 points

Nothing wrong with a bit of positive influence. I enjoy a bit of a laugh as well as more serious stuff.

3 points

Masturba........ Oh, sorry, I read the question wrong:):):) .

What age does middle age start? ?

2 points

My wife is one. .

Why, they that wouldnt have the same interests as me, I would be debating online and she would be out hunting deer it would lead to too many differences.

Date no but would I get it on with one, well that depends,

Because he would provide a nice hand warmer. .

Ireland is good but the unemployment and the EU shafting are making things difficult although the girls here are much classier then the British. I would be in Sweden tomorrow the taxes are high but so is the standard of living, the country itself seems to want to progress and the women are jaw dropping.

2 points

Yes I am coming, British Women are fit and absolute dirty sluts:):):) Check out link. gemma20atkinson20fcbr9.jpg

These are just two, there are many more.

You'd be better going to Sweden or Norway. .

2 points

All you'd have to do is use your money and get the top scientists to make an army of robot soldiers and a series of WMDs.....Oh, wait, scratch that:):):)

2 points

Definitely, I would love to be sent away to live with intelligent, logically minded people that aren't afraid to be themselves, and are free to actually carry out scientific studies without the pitchfork brigade banging on the door, telling them they are playing God, and legally petitioning to have it stopped.

I can imagine this Utopia to be medically and technologically advanced, with better prospects for life expectancy, and fairness.

The Islamic, Judeo,Christians can then get back to doing what they do best like burning people as witches, praying to heal the sick and creating wars with each other over how they all read the same book. Women will be dragged back to the kitchen and Catholic Priests will be free to molest to their hearts content.

In short both sides of the situation would get what they want and the religious will not have to tolerate those annoying Atheists with their ways :):):):):):)

By the way Stalin is a far better example of a war mongering Atheist as Hitler was supposed to have been Roman Catholic, and Religious people don't start wars, remember?:):)

I can see that, the analogy makes perfect sense, never read too much into tolkien. I probably will some time but too many other things to do.

I think we may have drifted off topic slightly:)

I am working on Japanese at the moment conversationally, if I can master that I will move on to reading and hopefully writing it. I spent two weeks in Tokyo and feel in love with the place, if I can convince the wife I'll move there when I get my degree. It is rumored that Tolkien based middle earth on the Burren in Co Clare, Ireland as he spent a lot of time over here, he lectured English I think in some colleges in the south.

The pronunciation of the Celtic languages can be a bit of a bollox it can sound like you are clearing your throat especially Welsh.

It is an official language and it is beautiful, it is steeped in folklore, poetry and myth, and it is unfortunately fading away. It is taught from the beginning in primary to the end of secondary which is like High School, but it is badly taught the emphasis is on drilling it in to the children's heads instead of getting them to enjoy and participate in it, conversationally at first then to study it as they grow older. Children from foreign families can be made exempt from it if they start school here after the age of seven or eight I think, not too sure on that one.

They tried that shit here for Polish and Nigerian children especially, I have no problem with the people its the system that annoys me, this stuff is a downwards spiral. I think if a family moves with their children to a country with a different language the responsibility is the parents to make sure their children know the language. It is unfair on the English speaking children that resources and time are being poured into these endeavors. (Our education system is falling apart, financially)

I don't consider this racist at all, there is no race being discriminated against. If I moved myself and my family to a country that speaks a different language I would not expect the schools to go out of their way to accommodate my children.

If you are against gay marriage it does not automatically make you a homophobe, provided one gives nondiscriminatory reasons. It is the way one goes about their protest that makes them so.

If thinking that makes you happy, I'm all for it :)............

Should we fry them a little at first, take a piece off and let them taste the charred flavor of justice?

Pedophiles are humans and have rights the same as everyone else.

It is because of the terrible nature of their acts that they are treated as animals. Pedophiles have a mental illness and should be treated for that and kept in a facility where they will stay for the rest of their lives. Instead of going to prison where they will serve their sentence and be left out in to the world again, sexual feelings still intact.

Would you test on people that are down syndrome if they are convicted of murder or pedophilia, the answer is no because they are noticeably mentally deficient, they would be kept in a psychiatric facility.

2 points

Oh, well that may be a solution. When I think about it it makes perfect sense.

2 points

Where would it stop? Why not just annex all of south America? and Canada? Maybe even the rest of the world, we would all love to be part of the great USA.

Or Cling ons............................................................................

I have two sons and was in the delivery suite for both of them. It isn't a place you want to be, it is just a place you have to be. The process is not nice.

When my last son was born the midwife stuck him to my face and said kiss the baby, he was covered in goo and looked like a purple alien.

I'm sure there are some that are. Especially the more well endowed.

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