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This personal waterfall shows you all of Ricedaragh's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I like the way the title considers Americans to not be people.

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

It's always raining here anyway, so it wouldn't be a problem.

2 points

Fuck yeah, I'd clean the streets for beer.

People can be so apathetic.

God was born in March? Cool, what was before you, like in January and February.

I've never heard my entire disposition explained so simply and clearly. Who's Awesome?

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

Yes I am.

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

As named by the British, anyway being from the British Isles doesn't make you British.

That is a name from antiquity, Ireland is a Sovereign State. While the others are not.

I'm in March, so by this I should be fucked, but I'm OK. I do have problems with alcohol, but that's a function of being Irish.

The Irish aren't Brits.


But I have to say it is cheaper to build your own, you'll get better specs for the same price you'd pay for a name brand build, although minus any warranty.

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

Wafting up from below.

She looks like she has just smelled a fart.

3 points

Jesus Joe, you're getting better at this.

2 points

Her tits in the pic don't look all that great though.

So, Junk food and plastic entertainment, thanks.

2 points

I suppose Rammstein is a good choice, given their anti-American cultural imperialist views. Silly song this though, can't get that "Meeekey Mouze" line out my head.

Le Ram
3 points

Salami Bin Liner.

Yep, that's it.

No hate Joe, just unending pity.

2 points

UK chavs go one of two ways.

Boys: Primary school> secondary scho...> dole.

Girls: Primary school> secondary schoo...> single mother's benefit.

2 points

It's cool, but I prefer this

Yes Joe, I was first, don't ever forget that... ever

Have you been reading my posts in the other debate?

There only doin wat cums naturally to dem. Your grammar nazi ways r knot welcum.

There's a good chance that that debate is the work of one person, I'd cry spam if there were any links in the arguments.

The arguments all revolve around, whether the debater thinks that man is weak or not.

You could do this, or you could murder every one that rejects you, she sends you to the friend zone, you send her to the morgue, silly mare.

Yea, sure why not? I mean it's like one species evolves on it's own. That's exactly how evolution works.

No worries they're all busy playing their favourite board game.

I was expecting "Especially Liberals"

3 points

That's because most people are dumbasses

Why? It is exactly what it is like for me.

Like this.

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
2 points

I don't think he was eating it.

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

There's no teenage boy that hasn't mastered one hand control while looking at a hot babe. NSFW

Just as long as she doesn't need to take an emergency dump or whatnot.

The again, it could help

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
2 points

Scissors? Makes it a bit more dangerous.

Yay Joe.

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
2 points

What limit?

Because I'm a belligerent prick.

(At a Bar) May I push your stool in?

Awwww, well here you go

2 points

This is one of your more successful trolling debates, well done.

That wouldn't last very long.

There really is only one choice for that

Le Queer anthem

You know how they say skin is the largest organ? Not in my case

What organ do you have that isn't covered in skin?

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
2 points

Better the devil you know... .

2 points

Tee Hee

"debate-off for the number 2 slot" .

You got the last two right, so, well done.

Sorry, I'm out of cookies, but I've asked some ladies to dance for you. This guy also wanted in on the celebrations

ricedaragh(2494) Clarified
1 point

Nope .

Here's something similar I've made before, can't remember what for. But guess the celebrity name.

3 points

The Dark Knight rises ?

OH Joe, you're such a card .

That is some awful acting .

Square boxes= easier to manufacture and assemble.

Round pizza bases= easier to roll out + no burnt corners in a pizza oven.

Triangular slices= easier to pick up and eat

Give her AIDS and she gives you...? .

They'd probably sideline in selling birth control pills to teenagers, OH those devious queens;)

3 points

Wrong for you. I've no problem with homosexuality. How would you like it if you lived in a society that told you that you couldn't marry the person you love, because some bigots had a problem with it. What if society was the other way around and marrying the opposite sex was frowned upon, how would you feel being told it was homosexuality or nothing.

I heard the FDA is in the process of green lighting a cure for makey-upy disorder. Until then alcohol works.

Maybe you're demental. ,

Are you? .

Yes it would, it would just mean that you were nuts as well.

Was that you on two different accounts talking to yourself. .

I have the same feeling. .

Use the space bar as extra characters then add your finishing mark of choice at the end.

Religious groups will only bicker about this union, call it what you will. It's the act they despise not the name.

2 points

Samsung are a South Korean company. .

2 points

I was going to say soiled panties, but your materials are more likely.

Except the Airbags. .

2 points

This comes with no explanation they are Vagina bubbles, nothing more to add.

Vagina Bubbles.

Every Dog has his day. .

3 points

I absolutely detest both of these shows, the long pauses and repetitive dialogue and singing winds me up so bad. My youngest son is at this stage and I avoid these shows if I can.

It would be OK if the Nun looked like the lass in the picture, but if you see the actual Bint involved, it seems a less appealing prospect, although regardless of how the Nun looked I'd still go to the Church once to see the spectacle.

I'd say if there is one thing Osama was missing it wouldn't be mystery. It might be a grilled bacon sandwich.

2 points

Given the American army's record of fuck ups (friendly fire!) I'd not be at all surprised.

2 points

Plus you got our Sub, so all is good. .

It's coming to an end tomorrow repent, sinners, you will all die. Mhwoh.

I think the dyke that looked like Dustin Hoffman was ol terminator.

2 points

You paint such a romantic picture of sex Joe. .

ricedaragh liked this .

People will run around their locality with pictures of themselves, new puppy, their new car or their next meal, and show them to strangers screaming in their face, "Do you like this?"

Seen it, quite nice. .

I thought this was going to be about pussy .

No bother. It annoyed the shit out of me at the start .

2 points

If you use the space bar instead of characters and put your full stop at the end you wont have to worry about the 50 character limit.

2 points

Yes, but not very well .

I don't think you've ever even displayed political correctness. By the way your retirement was short lived.

What is a statemet? .

So Noah's flood wasn't an abuse of power then? .

Thats a bit rough, not everyone on here is like that. .

2 points

I suppose Rabbits would have similar views. .

3 points

This is truly a horrendous story, not only should it be outlawed but this idiot should be locked away for attempted public castration, I mean he could have prevented his valuable genes from entering the gene pool and the Croatians are down a perfectly usable deck chair. Public nudity is very dangerous but the governments are too busy worrying about terrorism and global financial meltdown what a shower of shit they truly are:)

I would have thought the same, it seems there are a lot of women in their mid thirties considered cougars as well.

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