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Wardogninja's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Wardogninja's arguments, looking across every debate.

I don't see a reason why art students should be critized more than any other major. I mean look at some of the science or history majors. I can think of more stable art-based careers such as being the graphic designer for a company than i can for an astronomy major.

I remember the worst blood test i every had, they missed the first time so my arm started bleeding(not in a good way), and then i had to have another needle stuck into my arm. I was fine with shots before that happened, now they freak me out.

I think it is a pretty catchy song I think it will fade out after a while, but i am enjoying it while it is here.

while i think that there are plenty of times where the american foreign policy overreacts to events, i think now is a time where they need to put their foot down. An Embassy is legally american soil, we need to remind those rebell groups of that.

I am against it, not because i think gay marriage is wrong, but in childrens shows, how many times do they protray marriage, gay or straight.

I think they should peddle into this more slowly. maybe have the two have a be used to show an healthy relationship, as all kids could benifit from that.

the only reason people deny their fellow citizins rights to marriage is that they are homophobic

most if not all the founding fathers were liberal....................................

marrage has not always been in a church, nor has it always been overseen by a religous figure. true marrage and religion hold a close relationship, but you do not need religion to get married. neither the church or the goverment has the right to prohipit marriage to a couple for any reason, and yes that includes atheists and homosexuals

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