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True. Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:35
Total Votes:36
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 True. (13)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (12)

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jolie(9809) pic

How to minimize the amount of racism directed at you.

1.  Do not get gang tattoos.
2.  Do not dress like a thug.
3.  Do not struct when you walk.
4.  Speak with an English accent.


Side Score: 22

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 13
1 point

At the very minimum, speak with an English accent. Americans automatically like people with an English accent. I know this is hard to do, especially for those of the Asian persuasion, but practice makes perfect. ;)

Side: True.
1 point

Just a question about accents: is it true that american girls love the french accent? (I will maybe travel to the US this summer, so I gotta be ready)

Side: True.
Rusticus(809) Clarified
2 points

@Cruzaders - Disregard everything Jolie told you. What she/he? wrote is right out of the Reich wing blather book. I feel quite safe in assuring you that if you're even somewhat presentable and clean you'll have no problems with American women. American women fall all over themselves when they hear a French accent. As an American man I can tell you that I find few things as pleasing as an attractive woman speaking with a French accent. Just stay out of the South, avoid hillbillies and or any areas where you see rusted wheeless and windowless cars parked in front of falling down shacks and you'll be fine.

Side: True.
1 point

Americans think that the French rarely bathe and so they are known as "the stinking French." Americans also think that the French flag is a white flag 'cause they might as well surrender since they haven't won any wars lately. They basically see the French as cowards, especially when they say stuff like, "I'm a lover not a fighter." Also, they see the French as extremely liberal and that kinda of crap doesn't play well on this site. Finally, they see the French as funny and/or blundering idiots (i.e., inspector Clouseau).

American women like tall, dark and handsome. They like the English accent because it reminds them of the British Royals and they want to be princesses. One way to become a princes is to marry a prince. They also like men who wear bathing trunks, not banana hammocks. I mean, can you think of any famous French man who is considered a heart-throb in America? ;)

Side: True.
NumberOne(422) Clarified
1 point

Americans automatically like people with an English accent.

Then why are English people usually the bad guys in American films?

I don't think you're wrong, btw. I just think it's curious.

Side: True.
3 points

If they want the villain to be likable, they use an English accent. If they want the villain to be hated, they use German. If they want the villain to be a caricature, they use French ;)

Side: True.
Gioology(4) Disputed
1 point

In reality that accent is probably only owned by 15% of the population, but just happen to be densely populated in successful actors and politicians (probably due to higher standard of education they receive). A common form of accent, especially in London, is Jamaican Patois which definitely invites racism/prejudices due to the African and Caribbean influences. Example attached.

Charlie Sloth Gives J Hus Dating Advice
Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

Yeah, that sounded like jive ;)

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

You know what, I'm not a racist, but when I see someone struct when they walk it really pisses me off.

Side: True.
Rusticus(809) Clarified
1 point

I'm not trying to pick on you but I don't get why you would care how someone walks.

Why not let people walk however they want to walk?

What does it hurt?

At least they're walking and not contributing to traffic jams.

Rush hour(s) in Seattle is a nightmare.

Side: True.
2 points

They could probably fix rush hour traffic if they allowed freeway shootings ;)

Side: True.
Grenache(6053) Disputed
1 point

Struct, sunshine. Luckily no one actually structs so I don’t have to hate anyone.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Rusticus(809) Clarified
1 point

Hey, I didn't even see it. Your clever reply went right over my head. sorry!

Side: True.
1 point

I'm WHITE. I've never had any racism directed at me! A few nasty words, a finger or two (maybe more ;-), but, no racism.

People should realize that 3 out of 4 people make up 75% of the worlds population. We should be able to get along with the other 25%. Wouldn't that be nice?

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
MichioKaku(158) Clarified
2 points


I was once surrounded by a group of black kids, called over 40 names within the span of 3 minutes (half of them racist, half of them general insults) and then I had rocks thrown at me and I had to hit a few of them with a nearby trash can lid and use it as a shield to get out of there.

Side: True.
Rusticus(809) Clarified
3 points

@ MichioKaku - I'd love to know what took place during the 10 minutes just prior to the events you just described.

Side: True.
1 point

Hello J,

You forgot one.

#5. Don’t drive.


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Rusticus(809) Clarified
1 point

@ excon-

I have a question for you about DNA tests. I've had two different tests done. The first one was a Y-DNA test through FTDNA to verify that I was the descendant of a specific individual colonial American. The second was through which was just to find which countries my ancestors came from which wasn't specific as to race, just region. Which test did you use to find out your ethnic origin and were you pleased with it and would you recommend it? I'm like a lot of Americans and I suspect (or maybe just want to believe) that I have native American ancestry but I don't know for sure. I wasn't exactly thrilled with the experience.

Side: True.
excon(18262) Clarified
1 point

Hello R,

It was a plain vanilla $49 test. I was expecting the test to reveal geographical locations too, and I was as surprised at the result as my friend nom was. But, there it was in black and white. I’m 97% Ashkenazi Jewish - the other 3% being Balken and Nigerian.


Side: True.
1 point

#5. Don’t drive.

No, I think it's #5. Don't run towards police officers.

Side: True.
1 point

Call into your nearest automobile paint shop and have yourself sprayed black.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

How about just plain ol', don't be a douche/jerk/jackass/pompous shit for brains.....and so on.

That one usually works out well.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!