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92nida's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of 92nida's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Why is she a slut?

1 point

Oh My God! This has made me religious... Shit.. I'm going to church! NOW!

1 point

Trust you me, when compared to Sanskrit, English seems rather sane a tongue.

What's up with Sanskrit?

1 point

God... You really cracked me up man!!!!!!!!!!!

gF,WHJGSOwlbj.vkhfdsfknlGKCGXCGJBJKKNLjkcghcghh jbm!m

1 point

Yup! It is a crazy language... But, it's global. It's confusing but most spoken.

1 point

Should Sesame Street's Burt and Ernie get married

Why the heck not... They should even start counting!

1 point

No one would ever condone Wars unless they meant to conquer the World, but the WW2 played a huge role in helping many countries gain Independence.

1 point

I don't mean anything disrespectful..

and Communism is still in China and Cuba.

But, you sound like your referring to Communism in a negative sense. Are you?

1 point

Yes, absolutely. Did Bouncybetty see them? I guess that's her name. I'll bet she'll get back to you immediately as she sees them.

2 points

I don't think he hates the western World. He hates what they are doing.

He probably loves Hellno and Joecavalry as much as he loves to debate on this site.

1 point

I know what they are made of. But, I realize that I have to survive so I'm gonna ignore that!

1 point

I enjoy reading your arguments with Garry that go all the way from disputed to supported. I always smile when I'm doing it cuz I know that it will end up with supported arguments. Nice relationship you've got there.

1 point

Unless it's documented. Trusting something is stupid. I mean.. Documents can be manipulated, how do we anyway trust something that is one's theory? This is no excuse to the damage we do to our land.

1 point

I'd rather survive on vegetables. That's common here anyway!!!!

1 point

My mom still insists....! I've no other choice... These stats did no good convincing her!

1 point

Yeah I would... Back to where I started from...............................!

1 point

I'd like to be armed, I'd feel safer though not everyone can be trusted with such things. It's tough... it cab be misused.

1 point

There is no way that I'm going to say yes! I'll be going against my Odds!

1 point

I dunno how far this may count under this.. But, once when we were kids.. Probably 11- 12 of age. We gave away a few branded clothes to a slum. We had collected a lot of money and decided that they should also have access to branded wears... They loved them a lot when we gave it and were real happy. It was seen on their faces. It was monsoon and hence it rained a lot.. The next day, which is almost 2 weeks from the donation we spotted our gifts on the ground over a wet spot or covering their roof tops.

That was when we learnt how unimportant brands are to anyone... I guess that is a part of learning. I'm sure we all know what is more important to those dwellers.

1 point

Dora's backpack is just wonderful. I wish I had one like that one. It would solve so many of my problems....!

1 point

Thanks for the advice. Why didn't I come up with that? You just opened my long shut eyes.

1 point

Behind the fall of a successful man is a badly built wall. I'm sure your mom always told you not to sit on a cranky wall!

1 point

OMG...! I can't believe that actually worked. Alas... I never got anything for free!

1 point

A Rapture has to kill everybody rite? I hope it is not the start at least.

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