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Akulakhan's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Akulakhan's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point


2 points

The issue still remains that the choices you make only convey the illusion of free will, and that the man behind the curtain is the chemical reactions in your brain that, though complex, are equally deterministic.

1 point

Also, you don't have to lie to yourself for the rest of your life. And your prospected afterlife is much better.

3 points

Buddhism would be a religion without a god. Atheism is simply not believing in a god.

2 points

I don't see why not. It's not, say, taking anyone's name in vain.

2 points

It's like an immovable unchargeable Siri you can tell to spend your money for you. Sounds great.

1 point

I completely agree with the idea. Like Tyson said, when someone racist sees a black person after having seen a black scientist, they experience cognitive dissonance and have to reconcile two contradictory notions. And although you have half-trolled with the image provided, your definitely bringing up an equally important topic. Women are represented very poorly on the internet and in the media in general, and it does help reinforce the stereotypes.

2 points

This is a surprisingly difficult question in light of recent events.

1 point

I'm already preordering the iDon'tCareAboutMoreShittyProductsInAnAlreadyOversaturatedMarketOfWhichProductsIWillNeverNorNeverHaveBeenAbleToAffordEachInitialOrFollowingIcarnation, I think it'll really turn the company back around.

1 point

I don't want strangers invading my home in the dead of winter, do you?!?!?!!?!?!1111

1 point

My own personal burn book, that's so fetch!

1 point

This joke is funnier each time. Kudos.

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