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This personal waterfall shows you all of American_boy's arguments, looking across every debate.


Why dont we just kill off all of the people with “extreme” mental illnesses. It would help the population issue.

Would you like proof that I’m not in college sir??????????????

I think its amazing that you leave this ,any arguments on your own debates.

I was walking through my school the other day. There are signs all over the school that are telling us not be homophobic, or bigoted, or to ask about someone’s identity when we meet them. So, I’m passing this group of LGBT kids and they start to taunt me call me a cisgender piece of trash. I called back and called them gay fucks. They then proceeded to snitch on me. When asked why I said that, I told the story. School admin didn’t believe me and I got detention.

Google. I like it bc i can connect it to all of my accounts...................

Does anyone want some of my special sauce? It makes people go a little crazy after they have it.

True, true. I have been unjust in my conclusions.........................

Like the jews???????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Go fuck yourself. Literally........................................................;)

I want this shit televised. Especially if he uses his special sauce.

Yassssss. Then the dying people with nothing left can enjoy an etch a sketch and have a bit of fun before they die or leave...

The US...................................................................

Hahaha! This is fun AF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The shitty thing is, is that a female can rape a 12 year old boy. Now, if the female gets pregnant, she can sue the child she raped for child support.


Do you ever leave your room? Or are you stuck there because your afraid of the sun and antisocial. I picture you as the weird ass kid who spends his time studying the internals of animals. Ripping open birds just to see where they keep the eggs...

Seems a bit more sketchy than face book. Especially that they say in large text right away that the dont track you...

Only if their cause is important and if they are in great numbers. Unless your not talking about the way the US works. In high case, no. No they shouldn’t.

No, if I had the idea, I’d kill myself so I dont have to put ppl thru abusive relationships.

My boy Trump all the way.........................................................

While that is true. There are those who denie it. Then we come to the position of war. War kills ppl. But ppl dont care about our soldiers. They come back, being hated and booed. Being called assholes, being disrespected. Ppl kneeling during the anthem because they think the US is built on hate. But, the funny thing is, is that these are the exact same ppl who are pro choice. They’ll protest war and shit, but when it comes to fetuses they don’t give a fuck. Why’s that?

Ya, they should. Saying white people shouldn’t watch a movie is like saying black people shouldn’t. But, you guessed it, people will give a bigger shit if you tell black people to not watch a movie.

Ya, then its like the hunger games. Except there’s no arena and you don’t get picked and trained. And you have to arm your children to the teeth.

Terrorists create terror to get a point across. You would probably have to go through countless meetings just to get them to release those hostages they’ve taken. Terrorists won’t stop until they get thier point across.

Or we could evolve bullet proof skin?

Eh, maybe dodging bullets is better.

They don’t even want to own guns. Why is this question being asked?

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