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This personal waterfall shows you all of DKCairns's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I live in one of the "promised lands" where there is gun control and believe me its a much safer place to be than where you are

1 point

I am sure that some other scientists will produce modelling that proves exactly the opposite.

Life, the universe and everything is far too dynamic to be modeled with such accuracy

1 point

Bees are the worlds pollinators

They are essential for many many plants that need this process.

Without bees humans and many other species would be in trouble sourcing food.

1 point

Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia etc etc are poorer than Greece yet they recovered without debt relief so it is no wonder why their people are wondering why Greece is so special and cannot get itself out of trouble.

1 point

After practicing meditation and teaching guidelines over the past 40 years I find it interesting that so many continue to re-invent and complicate what is and has always been a very simple technique.

Whilst there are a few methods and not everyone fits every person, so it takes a bit of practice working out which one suits and then that's it. Simple and just practice.

Its way over time people got this back to basics and put the hype to bed

1 point

Just goes to show how easily the English language can create different meanings for different people

1 point

In the discussion between Barak Obama and David Attenborough the crucial point that was made was that despite everything we try to do to prevent species extinction, land, sea and air pollution, global warming /climate change etc etc the main problem lies in over population. 7 billion today and predicted to reach 11billion by 2100

The ever increasing number of people's demands upon this planet is such that eventually there will simply be too many to provide resource security for everyone and it is quite conceivable that one day war will be fought over access to fresh water, food and resource supply

1 point

Call them what you like, petit or whatever, small breasts are beautiful

1 point

Subjective comment will often try to undermine objective reasoning.

In any debate rational parties need resilience because there are trolls out there with destructive habits

1 point

More sun exposure more melanoma

In my country it was the 4th highest rate of cancer in 2010

The less we expose ourselves the longer we live

1 point

Not necessarily a rape culture in itself, however, as rape is a part of a culture of violence then the answer is yes.

This is credited to the site. Violence : The American way of life

" The United States of America was conceived and nurtured by violence.

Americans not only engage in violence, they are entertained by it."

DKCairns(868) Clarified
1 point


Incorrect author

I wrote Richard Adams as the author of Life the Universe and Everything.

It should have been credited to Douglas Adams

1 point

Richard Adams wrote a book about it "Life, the Universe and Everything" and Monty Python made a movie about it "The Meaning of life".

1 point

If atheism means there is an absence of belief that deities exist then the proposition that the arrival of aliens on earth predating theism actually created theism by becoming the original objects of worship, i.e. "Gods" and thereafter the entire construction of religious devotion. In that case it would suggest to me that atheists would be ambivalent about the belief in aliens.

1 point

Just keep thinking the harder we work the more we get paid and the luckier we get

DKCairns(868) Clarified
1 point

Are you talking from personal experience......................??

DKCairns(868) Clarified
1 point

Are you talking from personal experience......................??

DKCairns(868) Clarified
1 point

Are you talking from personal experience........................??

1 point

Some annoying people get a buzz out of their aggravation and making people react, so people who respond by being calm and polite can defuse bad behaviour

If that doesn't work then I'll go along with ignoring them or simply going away, annoying people will often give up if they haven't got an audience.

1 point

Keep an open mind but be careful someone doesn't come along and use it to fill it with their garbage

1 point

Thanks Joe your input is appreciated.

Hi, Jace, I would presume from the question that it would cover all aspects of mental health issues as it did not define any in particular

1 point

Agitating someone with a MC issue would be the worst thing anyone could consider doing. Having a MC issue is challenging enough to deal with without being ill treated. Many people with an MC issue feel bad enough about the social stigma they have suffered without ignorant people adding more woe to their lives. Those without such issues should support people who do and help them to succeed in whatever they want to achieve.

1 point


Good reading

Though it will have to be substantiated in other drilling areas that appears to be a very reasonable presentation of factual evidence

Multiply that 1000,000 times around the globe and the potential is astounding.

1 point

I would like scientists to do an unbiased global study with research on what if any effect underground human activity has or may have upon natural events.

For instance underground atomic tests, oil drilling, fracking, mining, etc within the earths crust and whether such human activities can have an accumulative effect upon the natural forces that govern such events.

If not then it is questionable whether human activity can affect an earthquake, especially if there is no proven relationship between the creation of global warming and an earthquake.

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