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Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point


1 point


2 points


2 points


1 point

I actually have always known global warming to be a swindle.

1 point

Nicki Hunter!!!

Let's just say... Every cell on her body has come and shot before my eyes.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Since when was this world equal?!

1 point

Guys are not supposed to hit women but it can occur.

All I'm saying if my son hit a girl at school I'd give him a good beating, whereas if he hit a guy at school I'd give him a high five unless the way he did it was a bullying nature.

1 point

Better than a Microsoft rifle.

1 point

If Apple did this, those stats would be 10x better.

1 point

I honestly believe so because I think everything is controlled by aliens that are controlled by God and that Satan is the only liberator of our souls from this tyrannic oppression.

1 point


Satan is pleased.

1 point

That part where that loading bar kept going... Quality stuff.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point


Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Welcum any time bruv ;)

0 points

I already joined so you can suck my PEEEEEEEEEEEENISSSSSSSSSSSS!!

1 point

Only pussies are afraid to play dirty for points.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

I've lived in areas where keeping your head down to stay alive isn't just a metaphor, it's a fucking necessity.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
2 points

Rather be a living pussy than a dead smartass.

1 point

I can guarantee you since I grew up in schools with like people who were in gangs and stuff that sometimes you don't wanna fuck with people even if your comeback is ingenious... Sometimes it's best to give up your lunch rather than be coughing both your lunch and breakfast up on the sidewalk with a ton of cuts and bruises later on... Get my drift?

1 point

Just eat the apple and enjoy it.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point




Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Your optimism turns me on.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

I stated that you'd be a static ghost, not a mobile one.

1 point

I am a pessimist to the core of my demonic persona.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

But when you have a dick as small as yours there is no silver lining.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Enlighten me, optimist, as to where the good is in the following scenario:

An enraged lesbian gorilla has broken into your house and starts violently face-sitting you and you begin to almost suffocate bar the few times when your nostrils are free to breathe. Then when you've finished licking her out and she squirts into your mouth a male gorilla comes in and rips the head of all your family by slowly plucking at it and you hear their spine snap, disc by disc until their entire neck-spine has been torn ont he inside and finally the entire head is ripped as they scream with their decapitated voice-box. Then the gorillas hump one another and pull out the nukes that they'd left outside and blow your whole city up but somehow you survive as a trapped ghost there for all eternity and beyond.

P.S. You felt every bit of you blowing up beforehand.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

I was once pessimistic about being a pessimist but my optimism for it convinced me to revert.

3 points

It's depending on the parents, exactly same with straight ones.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

Shut up with your Eden bullshit.

1 point

Fucking Eden and your God-worshipping shit. Go find Satan, he'll give you a good robotic spank you bitch.

1 point

This isn't cool.

0 points

I think this is more of a female issue than a male one. I am a very aggressive guy to people who fuck with me.

1 point

All have to say is this man must be extremely lonely and I feel very sorry for the trauma he has faced.

Fuck God for making this happen.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
2 points

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

No one cares.

1 point

Sperm left in your impotent testicular glands.

1 point

Please refrain from profanities to put across your point. :)

1 point

Listen Jace, using high class vocab doesn't make you any smarter, it just seems like you're compensating for a lack of genuine talent.

1 point

Deep down you know you've done wrong.

That's all that I have to say.

1 point

I don't know who it is you're trying to fool but you copied my argument 100%.

Changing the wording here and there doesn't cover it up sufficiently.

1 point

You copied my argument.

1 point

And of course I will be the most powerful and highly ranked in hell because I was the only one to care for Satan's reputation whilst alive.

1 point

I have known Irish people and not one of them believed in Leprechauns. A Leprechaun to an Irish is like Santa Claus to the Finnish... It's just an awesome legend to make kids behave.

1 point

You are free to leave this site, otherwise please shut up and fuck off.

1 point

Only 0 will do.

Satanist4lifeandbeyond. <3

0 points

Shut up, no one cares for this.

Del1176(4975) Clarified
1 point

I don't understand your question?

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