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Intangible's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Intangible's arguments, looking across every debate.

There's a clear difference between consciousness and subconsciousness.

And some reactions are weaker than others and the outcome of that can be subconscious thoughts.

Different chemicals = different reactions.

On the center and nearest to the left bottom right corner. You can't miss it.


It could. Just attach some puppetry strings to it and give it some drugs.


Just another Keyboard Warrior.

It would just mean that he doesn't believe in a higher power. Which makes sense. lol

If God is all-knowing, then he couldn't be an Atheist. Atheism is the belief that there is no God, hence, he wouldn't know whether there was a God or not.

His house is covered with that shit. Do you realize how long it's going to take to clean that up? And if it rains the paper will turn soggy and stick to the house, making it even harder to clean.

If he just waits for weather cycles then the surrounding area will get covered with garbage.

He really got pranked here.

Poverty may not cause boredom .

Most of the time it does. Everything else you submitted was pointless. End of Discussion.

They have stores just for quickies where you live? Isn't prostitution illegal everywhere in America?

Oh I can explain the absence of rubbers as well.

Yousee, most people in poverty don't have vehicles so they would have to walk to the store every time they want to fuck, which is a lot. Some others don't live close enough to a store that sells rubbers.

Also, the excess use of drugs and alcohol distorts their senses, which means they forget to do the reasonable thing.

And also the many parasites that they all most likely have would be fucking with their body's chemistry, making them act on cravings instead of thinking things through.

When you are born into poverty then you will most likely be bored with not much to do. Sex is nice entertainment cuz It's free. Then throw in cheap drugs and alcohol and wala!

It needed better ass. The asses make the movie, not the people.

I don't get to display my leg penis, so it wouldn't be fair.

Nope I'll just forget it again.

I geese I'm joust too lame two realeyes how kewl u r

I did not even watch it long enough to see the people getting blown up!

Now that I have, I must say, that vid was hilarious! xD

The people who partake in fadding will go around proclaiming their recreation of the fad to make sure that their fadding is well known to the public.

Gay people pronounce their gayness in quite the same way and so it is a fad.

I don't understand what you mean, but dat video was sickening.

Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point


Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

Keep your sick fantasies to yourself.

2 points

It's easier to just spread them before you sit down.

Would you rather the picture be of some fat dudes hairy ass crack

Yes, I would.

If Gay people choose to be Gay, then straight people choose to be straight.

Why don't all of the "straight" people go experiment to see if it is a choice?

If they enjoy Gay sex, then we can conclude that having a gay sexual preference is a choice. If the majority of them don't enjoy it, then we conclude that it isn't.

Never heard of her.

I don't use a potato at all, nor did I say anything about where it should be positioned.

2 points

Lies. I see guys wearing skinny jeans that hardly have a bulge, but dey got dat sexy hair.

You see women all ober dem. It's da hair they notice first. Nobody falls for fake bulges anymore.

Only if you walk around with your dick hanging out all the time. And nobody does that! It's the hair that gets their attention.

Waaaht? But hair gets you da hoes. You must be a virgin!

It's not just about food. >.>

It's not a gene, but just a lack of a proper diet. <.<

Wouldn't it be much more useful to get rid of whatever it is that makes people stupid and ignorant like that? Not only will Gay people become more accepted, it will fix the world's stupid problem. Society would progress much more smoothly.

Then what kind of hurt would be minimized?

I don't see why we should.

It's not a gene. It's just one of natures accidents. It's not something that is carried over, it's the result of a chemical reaction that occurred during the earliest stages of a person's body.

He gives us that violated feeling that wakes us up in the morning. How else do you expect us to awake from slumber?

Still... no... Players pick which woman to go after... You don't pick your fish when fishing... you catch your fish.

He is everything but an instigator.

8==========D~~ 0:

Not at all.

Players don't use bait.

The age of the fish doesn't matter. A pedophile lures in children much like the bait on the line lures the fish.

2 points


Only if you're a pedophile.

Story of mai life.

This video was just the warm up for the main video.

This is now my favorite music video. Rap videos gots da fine women but they don't shake dey asses with the beat of da song. Dey just find random womens on da street den tell them to shake dey asses...

White power!

Oh and yes. I ams wishing I could be shaking my ass to something other dan rap.

Nopes... *

Sex is a waste of time.

If you have big boobs then lots of people would be pointing.

Nobody wants to look like a loser.

I can't, sorry. Better luck next time Mmkay.

Ohrlly? DidInotalreadypointthatout? O.O

I mean, I can actually see the neat patterns on the skinny woman's outfit, but all I see is tit and ass on the bottom pic.

It's the clothing they are showing off, not the women. How can they showcase the whole outfit if the woman's voluptuousness devours most of the clothing? Not only that, it puts more focus on the women's body rather than the clothing. They aren't selling women they are selling clothing.

What's with you and the pornography post all da time??

To make myself feel as if I actually have a face in this world.

As God evolved everything else evolved with God, which explains how evolution started.*

Uhhhh yeah...That's what I just said basically.

Because I'm not a scaredy cat!

Can't fight your own battles? D:<

This is why so many people are so stoopied theez days.

Their minds are poisoned by the filth of industry.

It's racist to stereotype.

Bwawna Bwaaaa Bwaaa Bwanaaaaaa Bwaaaaaa

A Title

I can really relate to these lyrics.

No Come Down

I'm starting to, but am playing more for the brain training rather than for fun. The game play is really slow so I don't like chess...Maybe it will grow on me when I start defeating people.

Shoes lime green shoes...Some cool headphones...a chess board and a broken leg.

2 points

You got that off the boondocks, it was on the other day. LOL

Intangible(4934) Clarified
1 point

If you are going to copy something from a TV show, then at least be consistent. He says "nigga" not "niger". "niger" isn't even a word for goodness sake!

2 points

What would stop them from doing both?

Two list= double the gifts.

Weather affects skin texture, so it depends on the season. How skin feels rubbing against mine, matters.

Since it's winter, I'll pick Alabaster.

LOL srsly?? odd.

3 points

Well I would not say so, because I did not watch it!!

Nor will I watch Alligator porn,

Paint dry,

Midget porn,

Honey b-...okay I would probably watch that...


Star Wars,

or any movie with Adam Sandler in it.

Nope. I'm usually trying to look at something else when I notice cloud shapessss.

Well the guy up in the descrip has more views than Andy Warhol and has gotten more views in a much shorter amount of time!

So Andy Obviously Traveled to the future and tried to copy Maucaulay's idea. But you know what they say: There is no copy that is better than the original!

Sorry I am not into that kind of thing and I think it's ilbeagle.

Marriage in not inherently "hard". It's the decisions that you make that would cause it to be harder or easier.

But marriage is not, marriage is work. You have to put in effort to keep your bond, and to be legally binding to one path

I agree. It's trying to remain loyal, which is the hard part for some people, but that can be applied to any situation, not just marriage. Whether it's hard or not, depends on the people inside the marriage.

People have tagged stuff to my wall, but no one has ever tagged me. Should I be sad?

Cuz I am...

It's only when you marry somebody because there was really only the sexual attraction that made you think that you loved them. And you would do anything to be able to love them all the time...Also a lot of people hop into marriage much too soon.

Marriage is easy.

I didn't know you could do that.

What the old guy said.

It just rains here during winter....cold and wet, me no likey...

Warm and wet is OK though.

NVM, it was a real word already in use. (trying to create a new word)


I've got no one interesting to travel with except Luey, my imaginary friend, but he's imaginary....sooo

Randomly? No.

Sometimes. I don't need to do much to stay in shape.

They need to take it back a few steps.

2 points

Each other.

Not raunchy ones though. I ain't about that.

Nah. We should banish them to the wilderness.

That's silly. Just give them Jobs .

It's the mystery and the spontaneity that makes it interesting, don't ruin it. D:

No, we suffer because we fail !

Gotta have my boats and hoes!


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