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LizziexLaura's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of LizziexLaura's arguments, looking across every debate.

Oh well my bad. Chechens. Now by what was previously stated one cannot determine what the terrorist was fighting for. Either freedom, peace, vengance, or anything. As you see by the numbers you provided some people want change and bringing about change by simple vocal skills or intensified rhetoric wont help you although it is a great asset to have. By the actions of these "terrorists" we deem the entire muslim population as a potential terrorist and we radically degrade their status for it. Also if we jump out of America and look at terrorism on a global scale we will see that America is not a hotspot but yet remains a target. The simple fact is that, from the quote presented above, a terrorist may be a freedom fighter. How can we tell? How do we know their ambitions? Can death not bare fruit in the end or have a thought of producing fruit in its outcome? Can murder not become justifiable by any means? Of course we can measure these by examples but these examples are applicable practically to any terrorist or freedom fighter. America itself is seen as a superpowered terrorist to some countries. Iraqis were terrified because innocent people were being detained, murdered, or even tortured. We can be seen as a terrorizing organization against the other nations. So apply 91 million to 300 million in the eyes of the feared.

It raises the question do we come after the terrorist or make it okay for people like the terrorists to do what they did again?

How do we determine what freedom they wish to pursue? They may want revenge and the feeling of liberation to enter their mind. People fight for many reasons and freedoms can be depicted many ways. Also when you say "Islamists" you must realize that all Islamic people arent terrorists. Anybody can be a terrorist. The boston marathon suspects were Russian the last time I checked.

Lol can Abby do it for me?

Lol I can as well. I didnt even think about my first answer. I rushed it. Rushed.

Hahahahaha yay. I had to think for a minute. I was like two squared? That makes no sense. X squared is more logical. YAY UNDERLINE PARTY.

No wait. Is it x squared?

Darn. What is it?

It should be two squared if I can remember correctly. Is that correct?

Yay. I am going to be a computer engineer.

They just want to Stomp the yard if you can picture penguins dancing.

I thought the point was to prevent the pregnancy. With an abortion you still got pregnant. Either way abortion prevent 0% of pregnancies. Birth controp is at 99%. No sex is at 100%. Oreos are at 101%.

I would imagine birth control to be much more effective because you actually dont have to let the egg grow. You also dont have to pay for the abortion.

Oh my. You two have dated before? He had a lucky lady then.

I would give humans the ability to shape shift. That would be awesome.

Stop it. Seriously. Stop .

Stop it .

LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
1 point

This guy is literally making my life worse. I can't even enjoy this site anymore.

Please stop. Just stop .

Stop mimicking me. I have already reported you. This is stupid. Just please stop bothering me. You are the reason I want to give up on this site.

Lol it kinda does. Hopefully "she" won't see this post. If she does then you may not hear from me. Lol.

Lol I know someone who took a diarrhea on themselves by a complete accident but she may kill me of I tell......which is tempting me to tell.

Right so you are just fine .

Joe you have 25,000+ points. Just by that I think you aren't required to. You are the all time ruler of points so you are just fine.

Lol I know. I am just being crazy .

I am already member yay lol

Sorry Joe I can't join. I simply just cannot join it. Literally I can't join it. I think you know why lol.

If she is wrong she is wrongly correct .

Lol she is a nice girl who simply will stop at nothing to win her side of the debate.

Nah. She is stressing her point. They are links just to further prove her point.

Lol sure. Fire away my friend .

Lol you sound like my cousin Jake. His farts bring death and pestilence.

Any group. Most ones that will always respond and have alot of opposing sides and opinions.

Lol I think that is just flammable gas. Not really star powered nuclear fusion.

If you are made up of enough mass and have compounds that are indeed usable as fuel for nuclear reactions that will fuel the star then yes.

Well Joe make a topic that will be heated and don't post in it. Make it like a debate that pisses people off. Make them almost like attacks at something you truly don't have to believe in.

Yes. And Jupiter as I have said before if it gains mass it will become a star. If you gain a bunch of mass and your composition is made up of gases then you will become a star. You need mass in order to be a star. You don't just ignite. Once Jupiter gains mass its temperature will increase and it will begin to release light and heat up. Eventually it will begin to have nuclear fusion or fission with its own elements makin it a star.

There isn't a cosmic lighter. If your mass is great enough you become a star. Mostly this is for gases but Jupiter has a good chance.

If by that you mean gain more mass then yes. Since it is the next largest it should grow a little.

How would we evolve if conditions are terrible? Also if the sun disappeared wouldn't the next heaviest planets become the center? Jupiter would eventually become a star.

Yes but not all of life will return. Bacteria would be the first to survive and plants or fungi would be next. Now if our atmosphere matched that of Venus then temperatures may reach 700°F and potentially kill most forms of life. This would render our planet as unlivable.

Lol what do you mean ?

If the sun ever just disappeared we would have about 8 minutes of heat left to burn. We wouldn't even see it happen. We are always seeing a projection of the sun 8 minutes late. Some species may have a chance to survive but it would be very cold. That species would have to be adaptable to extremely cold weather. Humans are capable of "destroying" the earth but not the literal earth but capable of killing off just about every other species on the planet.

Actually most female like to see their spouse doing other things like vacuuming or cleaning. Giving the women an huge break. Leaving her with nothing to do. I learned this in a different study though. I am also not sure I should be on this debate because this is more oriented towards males.

Lol. Optimists and pessimists are equal at heart .

Lol. I literally didn't see it at first. I just saw the book and assumed it was a book. It took me a while.

LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
1 point

Alrighty then

LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
2 points

Well you see what would I be made up of? Wouldnt I have to have mass? If I didn't I wouldn't move at all and the earth would leave me behind allowing me to freely gaze at the stars. If I had mass I would move. Gravity would still affect me and my atoms would be ignited so I would have some great power.

LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
2 points

Well I would be happy that they got to do what they wanted. I probably should have chosen a better area to live in because I wouldve had no guess that a gorilla would break in. So that would be my fault. If I were a ghost I could explore things and study the stars further so I guess I would just be a lucky astronomer. Also if I felt every bit of the blast I would be the only person to truly know. So when more humans evolve over millions of years I will tell them all I know and become the ruler of that planet.

I actually am told by my friends that I am a major optimist because I will only look for the good in any situation.

Ohhhhhhhhh my now I see it okay. Didn't even notice that before lol.

I only see a man reading a book. It looks like an ad or its telling you you can keep your things in a safe of you want. I do not find anything odd about this picture.

I baby sit for a gay couple. The kid acts quite nice. Not much is different. The men I babysitter for are really cool too. They pay well and usually never require to much. I have seen then take care of their child and they do a good job at it. The child seems extremely happy. The child is like 4 now so she may be able to determine what's good for her and what isn't. They don enforce anything on her. They treat her like any parent would.

Oh I see your logic. So this would make it so that they would be killing a child. I understand your logic completely now.

What do you mean? Explain a little further my friend .

No not really. Fetus is a stage of life. It isn't technically a child. Well the parent will always call its child a child so for them yes but fetus is just a stage of life. The definition for it doesn't really have to change.

Thanks. I will let everybody know if I win anything big. Thanks for rooting for me.

Trying. I still need much more practice so I can make it into the top 100. Those are the extremely good players.

LizziexLaura(4278) Clarified
1 point

You are right. Not one person but many do. Thanks Prodigee .

OMG lol I use that when ever people ask me about time. The may be like this:

Stranger: Hey, when is your next tennis match?

Lizzie(Me): Four.

Stranger: Four what?

Lizzie: Maybe five.

Stranger: Excuse me?

Lizzie: Make that six.

Lol I do this all the time.

Oh really? Tell me more about how you will somehow rise from the dead and fly and walk on water and ride on clouds like mario. Dont worry I will wait.

Lol I should have known .

Joe I understood the first sentence. After that I understood nothing .

Well we never know what he will be taking about next. We may be able to predict what he will say after awhile but his debates are on random topics.

Not at all. Having gay parents probably opens up more freedoms. The child wont be influenced by society. The child can choose whatever he or she wants. I know a gay couple and i babysit their kids sometimes and that child is doing excellent. I don't think there is a logical reason as to why it should be considered child abuse. It just doesn't make any sense.

Yeah I figured that out right after I posted that. That why I commented on the other side.

Lol well then I am gonna lobby congress to make you a teacher. Then i will enroll in your class.

I am just gonna slide into your know....because I suck at math.

Its one. This is basic math. I love solving these though. I don't know how you get nine.

Today, I learned that apparently I have no right to get mad at a girl working at McDonalds (she was a cashier) even though she started calling my Asian friend a "Chink, Nerd, and a yellow" and my black friend "the "N" word".

Ehhh cupping my boobies. There. Is that a little bit better? Lol.

An Xbox 360 controller. One fractured dorito. That's about it as of now.

Lol oh my. Well I see the fate of America is now in my hands. That's a little scary.

Lol. Well I see them everyday. So it isn't much of a priority for me. :)

Nah those clouds are just having fun. They just want to scare us silly little humans so we can stop polluting their air.

Sounds good. Just make sure your 2 GB will support everything. Your CPU usage has to remain low so I think your on the right track.

Thanks a lot Joe now I want a dog like that lol. Its soooooooooooooo cute.

Lol everybody does eventually. Those gases build up eventually since our population is nearly too large. The earth will cleanse itself eventually.

O2 isn't the only gas in our solar system. If CO2 was the only gas we wouldn't have much of a problem. Sulfur is worse. Methane from permafrost is twenty times worse. That is the humans fault. Chlorine especially. That depleted ozone which is O3. If this was due to orbital forcings then global warming would not be that big because plants can handle it. Other gases are up there now and as we industrialized our ppm for carbon increased .

Oh okay. When you said scare tactic I took that as you saying it was a hoax.

How in the world do you bypass it? I want to learn how to do this neat trick.

It won't let me send you a message. I am not totally sure as to why it won't.

Well it wasn't a hoax. It happened for real in the 1970's when CFC's filled the air. Now we have a hole. It will fix itself but O3 isn't filling it in. It is other gases. VOC's are in use now.

Nope. You see Global Warming is human caused. Any temperature rises wasn't because of greenhouse gases. We caused this one.

Humans. Oil is just fossils and decomposed things that become carbon. But remember carbon isn't the only pollutant. You have coal and other things. Its caused by humans.

Do I still count as a newbie? I'm not sure what the community would refer to me as.

Yeah that makes sense. Now I know that if I go to a funeral I won't see someone with a boner.

Lol dang gravity just flipped in that pic. I feel bad for all of those penguins. I freaking love penguins. Also I hope nobody dies with a boner. That would just suck.

Awwwww how sweet. In return I will give you an up vote. Hopefully you use this point wisely. Lol.

What? Nooooooo. I just brought out the debate in you. I have failed now. Ehhh i doesn't matter eventually I would have realized that the regular Joe is simply awesome.

Hey I brought out a dispite from Joe. Nice. I feel talented now. And you provided some nice info too? Man this is new. I like it.

Yeah I agree with you. But by law the have the right to ride in the driving lane if no bicycle lane is provided. Also they are aupposed to follow all of the laws and rules but I guess they don't. I follow my rules and if there is an accident most of the time it honestly is the bicyclers fault. But by law they can ride in the streets if no bike lane is there. Also I see your point because tons of people don't follow the rules when riding their bike. If everone followed the rules then maybe things would be better.

Lol I got a warning once. I was so confused because I had no idea that I was speeding so I was just lost. Apparently the street I was on was a 10 mph street but the hill made me go at least 17-18 mph. So I got a warning.

Saves money on gas. We also have a right to ride in a driving lane if there is no bike lane present. It is a good way to work those muscles too. It also uses so much less air pollutants than a car does.

I would definetely use it to scratch my head. I could text or type while scratching my head an save a few seconds of time.

In my opinion I would say that it brings a loose, faulty peace but peace is peace and I think that it has worked so far.

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