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This personal waterfall shows you all of Supremepizza's arguments, looking across every debate.

Controversial video (when taken in this context) landing in 3, 2, 1...


Very philosophical, I'll take that into account from now on ;)

I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to you Joe.

I don't know how many times I've been on the Debate feed and seen a title that looks interesting, clicked on it, and see you're the creator of the debate. From that moment on, I know nothing can be taken seriously in this playing field.

But you're funny so 'is cool ;)

See that Joe is still taking the piss out of absolutely anything and everything ;)

U mad?

Black Hitler... hahahahahahaha :P

Seriously though, who gives a shit? What's so wrong with him dressing up like that? If anything it's worse if you're going to say that dressing up like a black guy is bad. I HATE PEOPLE SO MUCH!!! Fuuuuckkk... :P

supremepizza(846) Clarified
1 point

That was so hard to take seriously, you have no idea :P

Where would you put the dollar bills?

Dogs usually prefer the nose; they inhale it, digest it, and then crap it out later. The money remains intact surprisingly, and they keep their money like that so no one will try to steal their hard earned cash. Any other animal will happily just eat it for the same effect.

Can you train them to use the pole?

Of course! There are a couple of animal pole dancing specialists out there that charge a fair amount to turn your exotic animal of choice into a certified pole dancer in no time! Just call 1800-animalpoledancingstrippers. Seems like a long number, but trust me, it's intended like that as a code - that way the fuzz can't track the suppliers down as easily.

Where do they buy G-Strings that fit? Here is always an option. I actually used to work in the animal stripper business and I learnt a few tricks here and there. Any human g-string is fine, as long as it's the same color as the animal's fur; helps them get more comfortable. The only problem is that some of them (by some I mean the males) have a tendency to get extremely excited and ejaculate all over the place, and it leaves a nasty stain that's near impossible to get out because of the consistency of the liquid and the fabric used in the g-string.

supremepizza(846) Clarified
1 point

Of course you did ;)

Original... always the original...

Batcave for sure ;)

Honestly I'm kind of over boobs now. I mean, I still like them, but now I don't really see the appealing factor as much as I used to. Maybe I've matured as I've grown older?

I don't know really, I think I have just gotten to the point where I would much rather be fucking than looking :P

You always have to have a silly debate like this don't you? :P

Good to hear :)

You're such a weirdo Joe ... don't ever change ;)

Oh wow, whatever shall we do??? Someone changed a few words in a song?!?!?! THE WORLD IS GONNA EXPLODE!!!! Seriously, grow the fuck up. I like Lennon as much as the next guy, but come one, there are much more important things in the world than some shitty singer altering a song slightly. It's quite sad when people have such shitty boring lives that they feel the need to make such a big fuss out of something as minor as this.

Hahahaha nice Joe ;)

I'm not sure if crazy is the right word, perhaps flawed very, very flawed. But then again, what language isn't? Besides, the English language is the proud owner of the most illiterate slang words to ever be thought up by man; LOL, BRB, ROFL I'm looking at you ;)

Almost like a tanned version of Chevy Chase ;)

Biggest dickhead ever ;)

There are no such things as gay animals.

So the Whiptail lizard, raccoon, the elephant, cheetah and humans (just to name a few) don't exist? Yes, because that makes PERFECT sense, doesn't it?

...And please don't try and tell me humans are not animals, as I will have to slap you.

This is completely irrelevant to the argument, but congrats on your 3000 points david :)

lol what? :P

hahahaha nice ;)

Hmmm dunno what this has to do with anything...but aiiiight ;)

hahahaha amazing XD

I don't even understand you half the time joe.

As far as I know "Allah" is a god to them, so I assume saying "Oh my god" or "Oh my Allah" wouldn't make much difference. I'm a Satanist and you don't see me saying "Oh my Satan". Simple as that ;)

They can blow up wall street for all I care, as long as I get my morning grapefruit with a little bit of sugar and a nice cup of orange juice every Saturday, and as long as no-one touches my DVD and Blu Ray collection I don't care what anyone does ;)

What kind did they teach at yours? ;)

Something that doesn't exist technically can't be corrupt.

It's kinda funny seeing it sometimes, but I don't think there really is any problem with it at all.

Whether you agree with someone or not is one thing, and you are entitled to your opinion. That being said, so do 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Calling them 'idiots' is a bit extreme, you don't need to agree with them, so I don't think people should be labeled just because of something they believe in. Of course there are exceptions, but considering I would be going waaaaay off topic I think I'll just stop now. ;)

You really shouldn't use Wikipedia as your prime source dude.

How does the ice age that took place millions of years ago sound to you?

I would imagine that it would hurt more for gay men, because the anus isn't built to stretch - the vagina is.

I've always believed that global warming IS happening, but I am adamant that humans are not responsible, it is just the natural cycle of the earth.

Seriously? There is nothing wrong with sex if you are safe and responsible about it. Some people view someones virginity as some huge sacred thing only because of religion. Is the world going to collapse if you have sex before marriage? No it isn't. Remaining a virgin isn't important at all.

I've been watching porn since I was about 12, and I'm fairly sure I don't have cancer...

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