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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jungelson's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

1. Hey, glad you're still around.

2. Cartman is a dad now - man, congrats to him :D It's nice to hear all the old blokes doing well heh

1 point

Some women are just fuckin bitches and they don't care about the kid, it's just an inconvenience lmao. It's not something you'll ever hear a politician argue but it's bloody true xD

1 point

Also Emma Watson is a bitch <3

And an uberhumor link? Christ, I forget how old some of the people on here are....

1 point

It'll be frustrating... I mean, the plot would be shite of course so the only excuse to watch would be the sex, which you could find better online.

The original brokeback was kinky though ;)

1 point

It's OK. Now you know what to do :)

Hey create an all new account and actually see how long you can keep up the guise for :P

Not like Prodigy or Sitara pissed everyone off by doing that.. Call back.

1 point

I'd have got a picture off craigslist and made a whole:

"I'm Sarah Goldstein, I'm 38 and live in Minneapolis, I have a degree in gender studies :)"

That'd be more convincing :)

1 point

Unless they never leave you but are never quite with you either, in which case it was time to call in the Ghostbusters 5 years ago :)

Weird conversation this.. Why the sex change by the way?

1 point

Hemorrhoids? That sounds fun :/

Umm... Sure, I'm great. Same old relationship problems I've been experiencing since before the day I joined this site but what's life without a little consistency here and there :)

1 point

Thats it, Joe.

Aha, ya know what,I'm going to be able to give myself a medal for having recognised the speech patterns of some internet guy :)

How've you been

1 point

Hey, I don't know how long you've been on here, but do you know the guy who's always putting ";)" after their sentences.. I know someone does it a lot, it's one of their trademarks here but I can't remember who it is......

1 point

Riight,well you have fun with that. Not that I doubt the longevity of this site, but.. Do you think you'll die anytime soon?Or do you expect everyone on here to still be avidly debating in 50 odd years time? I don' tknow how old you are..

1 point

Actually, it would be the story of your death o.O

not that anyone would be around to hear it :/

1 point

Well... I mean, I doubt it?

Domany people here know you personally?

Who's gonna listen to your quotes,you haven't captured the world's heart like Wilder?

Who on here will be bothered to write down the good ones?

Where will they be read out, like.. Are you going to take over theaters too?


Ahhhh, I'm just shitting on your knees :)

Still don't think it'll happen though..

1 point

I call bullshit, I'm gonna find the receipt.. or even take a picture of the freaking Happy Meal box I had from my friends birthday last year and prove it to you.

1 point

Why the fuck not? Normal adults can can't they? Point whore.

I hope this response if sufficient payment for being the point whore that you are.

1 point

This is good. Mostly.

2 points

I say it and I have self respect. I'm also an atheist. Checkmate.

1 point

Yeah what? WTH is Leg day?? Oh you crazy yanks ;)

1 point

Mmm, good way to win arguments. Now- if you can tell me how to win t-shirts that'll be something ;)

1 point

I always knew not to trust that asshole.....

2 points

I call bullshit. Some people in the world hadn't heard of an outbreak, some people in Palestine even hadn't, and yet in that time Israel organised Refugee camps and built those massive freaking walls?? Israel was too prepared. It's all their fault!!! ( Now I bet ya would never imagine me saying that now, would ya :P)

Jungelson(3955) Clarified
1 point

I'm guessing " screw you, you fucking j " was a bit too close to the mark for ya huh?

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