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This personal waterfall shows you all of Casper3912's arguments, looking across every debate.

Can I haz friend?

From thee other side I see, post modernizt generator tricked me? blashpemy! I saw it first I swear, let ye be square!

Hexs and vexes be cast on thee, the matrix be calling me to sleep! Good night fair lady good night fair laid, o my god there goes your head, 17 centry where be fance, I think it might be wrong but could be so right, revolution be soon or later, already gone? Grab the leftovers, yum yum in my tum, I rather did like your mum, rather odd her and her bum, but I suppose its all well and done.

casper3912(1581) Clarified
1 point

I hearby dubed thee scrutom .

Penguins love scrutoms.

Or is it Pneses, jihnnoes, ah perhaps its just simply fish eggs.

Did you have your pancakes today?

Are all recreational drugs harmful ?

Its bullshit that the study showed that when liberals were distracted and they gave answers more similar to conservatives, suggesting that liberals put more thought into their answers and changed their initial replies after consideration and that multiple studies also show this? Its called reading the link, and Google, if you want to choose to be ignorant and not present any type of argument, or hint of one, then what would a penguin do?

You are a troll, a user actually contributes .

your irrelevant to this site. :p

Really? Thats what you call "homophobia", your not gay are you?

Another study showing that left leaning people use more of their brains.

2 points

The difference / and the division sign are equivalent, its just that / is often used incorrectly(even by math majors it seems), both denote fractions, / is just typically used where everything on the right hand side is the denominator, but to not be lazy you should put it all in parentheses.

Its wrong, the difference / and the division sign are equivalent, its just that / is often used incorrectly(even by math majors it seems), both denote fractions, / is just typically used where everything on the right hand side is the denominator, but to not be lazy you should put it all in parentheses.

'÷' is the same as / isn't it? Wolfram alpha doesn't treat the two symbols differently )÷3(2+1) )

'÷' is the same as / isn't it? Wolfram alpha doesn't treat the two symbols differently÷3(2+1)

Division and multiplication have the same priority, and when operations have the same priority the one on the left is conducted first, so its 6/2(3) = 3*3.

In order for that to be the case it would of needed to of been 6/(2(1+2))

Division and multiplication have the same priority, and when operations have the same priority the one on the left is conducted first, so its 6/2(3) = 3*3.

mainly because of lobbyists :P .

"Given the greenhouse emissions we've already produced, the authors also conclude that we're certain to exceed the warmest decades of the past sometime this century. [b]The only scenario that would keep us from doing so is if we froze emissions around a decade ago.[/b] "

At least you seem reasonable with the greenhouse gasses. Although if you admit to these feedback mechanisms then why not admit that humans, through a small change could cause a drastic one?

Your a delusional idiot, the paper is very clear. Read it rather than interject what you want to read.

Perhaps it has to do with the USA backed coup against him after he was democratically elected?

Simply not true, stop being a tool and learn something outside of the narrative you've been indoctrinated with:

Some of those are simply terrible, and easily informs me of the creators great ignorance and prejudiced, others are pretty spot on.

Rape whistles are ridiculous.

3 points

The idea that something like seeds can be seen as an industry is in and of itself a problem, the thought that it can be monopolized is outrageous. Seeds are essential to the well being of man, and monopolizing the seed industry is akin to monopolizing the water industry, or the air industry. It would make all of men far too dependent on one entity.

No their not, their propaganda. mainly for conservative and anti-secularists.

sure, but common religious holidays are not just religious holidays,for many they are also just holidays.

Further more if the process of determining goverment recognized holidays isn't biased,then the state maintains separation.

It actually does specify which and who's god. it certainly isn't the god of the atheists, or of any polytheistic faith. it also imposes that god is trustworthy, so misotheistic faiths are out. etc. Those few words are actually very restrictive when it comes to what type of religious belief is being endorsed, and that is really the problem, that a religious belief is being endorsed by the government.

Self-selected days would be nice, however if 90% of your work force has the right to a certain number of days off, your not necessarily going to be operational if 70% decided all to take the same day off. A factory may not be able to run with only 30% of it's labor force, and if so the decision by a majority to take some day off, is a decision for everyone to take that day off.

casper3912(1581) Clarified
1 point

Is there any way such a thing could be considered religiously neutral?

3 points

Any holiday which has a significant number of employees which would like to celebrate it will likely be lobbied to have off. So long as the process of determining which days are days off isn't one which favors one or all religion, or which is against one or all but is religiously neutral, then I don't see the problem. Secularism doesn't mean holidays are ignored, only that the government isn't bias towards one set of religious beliefs or another.

did Joe make a serious debate?

love can be many things, but a relationship takes more than emotion, passionate or other wise. communication, trust, etc are necessary for romantic love to be healthy and for a relationship to be worth while. The paradigm many are raised with is that love is enough, you find your other half, get passionate and crazy, and wala paradise. However, many find that the crazy drives the other away.

2 points

I actually find it clever commentary on why we as a society are not more outspoken about the politics of both parties shifting to the right. Objectively, Obama is more like what used to of been called a moderate republican.

It seems we as a society is more concerned with the form of politics, than it's substance.

1st: "assault rifle" is a buzz word, ambiguous and lacking proper definition.

2nd: A common feature of many "assault rifles" such as ratios which allow for rapid fire and accurate aiming would be useful for covering fire, sweeping a line of enemies, and hitting multiple areas in a target quickly to insure their death. Would be useful in case the right of revolution needed to be invoked. The people have a collective right to execute tyrants and their ability to go to war with the military or police is essential to preserve liberty, and maintain(and as a socialist I would say actually create) a government for, of and by the people.

2 points

The analogy to the locked door isn't a satisfactory one, it isn't because of the locked door, knowing my neighbors, various weapons near by in the house and so on that I feel safe in it, but it is the overall community it is in and is a part of which makes it safe or unsafe. A community which chastises robbers, which shoots certain kinds of trespassers, and so on, is one safer than others. In the same way, a community which actively protects itself from sexual predators, rather than passively through avoidance is also one which is safer.

2 points

Alternatively, any potential rapist should be the one which should feel unsafe, too unsafe to actually rape. It isn't the group which is victimized which should be pressured to change, but the oppressors which should be overcame and defeated.

Besides, babies are practically identical looking male or female, the question isn't one of looks, it is one of how fucked up and deserving of punishment and being in fear a rapist is. The solution isn't burkas for babies, which is ridiculous on it's face, but in harsh punishments for those who would molest them.

casper3912(1581) Clarified
0 points

Welfare is like religion, it stops the poor from killing the rich.

As for the move, obviously they couldn't afford it. So they would instead just move into the near by mansions.

casper3912(1581) Clarified
1 point

but burlap chaifs me so .

Under most free market concepts, such things wouldn't exist.

Yes, tell me about the freedom and opportunity of the poor.

2 points

Its also the world according to conservatives, just substitute soda or formula for homosexuality or paganism and multiply the ferocity by a thousand. For libertarians substitute theory over means, so that people have freedom but not opportunity. and welcome to the wide range of liberalism. na, not a fan of liberalism :p

casper3912(1581) Clarified
1 point

Yes, a lot actually.

The main things will be healthcare and some of the bail outs.

3 points

The mandate was originally a conservative sponsered idea, mitt even set up a similar thing in MA as governor. conservatives.html

The GOP is just appealing to the likes of the birther movement. Obama originally opposed the mandate, now that he started to support it, guess what the gop doesn't like? obama.

How does a marriage license differ from a broad private contract?"

A contract between the military, spouse, and a military personnel is a contract with the government.

Ultimately the only substantial thing about marriage is how it is a contract with the government for various privileges and benefits.

You seem to want to just change the name.

It should also be pointed out how a contract requires a third party enforcer to carry much weight in most cases, and thus most contracts defacto are contracts with the government in that the government agrees to enforce them.

casper3912(1581) Clarified
1 point

So does Jesus hand you that piece of paper personally?

Or is it his appointed emissary on earth which does that?

casper3912(1581) Clarified
1 point

What about the legal benefits of marriage?

For example, the spouse of a military personnel can live on base with them.

Marriage serves several purposes via granting numerous privileges and rights.

casper3912(1581) Clarified
1 point

She appears to be pacific islander to me .

casper3912(1581) Clarified
1 point

She isn't native American through! This is a blasphemy against the Disney gods!

Good idea, we could just post these on cricket debates. I have a few that would work.

Is it within the power of government to regulate commence? Specifically to restrict the sell of cannabis?

(I do have a relevant point here.)

Does the government have the right to stop someone from throwing someone into a volcano?

2 points

Depends on how you define god, the god being referenced by the picture typically is attributed contradicting attributes, or attributes that contradict with the world.

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