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This personal waterfall shows you all of Daver's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

The PC crowd has no stopping place for this sort of stupidity.

1 point

Immigrants should be viewed as invasive.

If they do NOT assimilate.

Islam is, by its creed, an invasive movement, from a vastly different culture.

President Trump said it plainly "We welcome immigrants who love our country and want to become one of us" --- Americans ---.

In contrast the stated aim of Islam is to spread .

1 point

There is little doubt that Trump is causing employment to rise sharply, when you factor in all the paid protesters. 😁

1 point

I've been a cowboy for 25 years and I've never liked liveral.

Oh and triads are like trifectas but with the nucler option intact.

Did he say calf or caths ?

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Aborti is the subject of an abortion, by way of an aborter. 😵

daver(1771) Clarified
2 points

Aborti is abortion that has been aborted.

He he 😅

1 point

Well you just keep on insisting that socialism is cool without any evidence to support it. And continue to claim that Trump has no "How To" plans for the economy, even though jobs are already up due to Trump. I will leave you to stew in your fantasies.

2 points

The best part will be when Trump stomps Pocahontas.

Can't hardly wait 😁

1 point

Wow so much BS, where to begin 😂

Put down your dictionary and open your eyes to the total failure of Communism in Russia, China, Cuba, etc. Socialism is simply " Communism Light."

Neither generate a decent standard of living for the masses. The poor man, in the USA, lives above the standard of most of the other people in the world. Why --- Capitalism ---

Trump has no plan, no idea what he is doing.

Tell me - what is Trump's plan for the economy?

Where have you been during the rollout of these plans?

2 points

If Sanders was a better candidate, a better speaker, with a better message, why did the left nominate Hillary? Could it be perhaps that Sanders appeals mostly to the hard left?

Sanders does believe what he is saying. Socialism means more government and less freedom. Socialist Utopia is a dream that has never actually worked, anywhere, anytime, ever. Please don't claim that Bernie's "Democratic Socialism" is any great new path to Utopia. It's simply an acknowledgment that socialism needs capitalism to pay the bills. Without the prosperity that capitalism provides, socialism could only starve.

A bigger pie is a strong and vigorously growing economy. Which provides more jobs and higher pay. That is what was voted for last November.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Dude: Sanders is a socialist. He stands for "free everything".

The majority of people who pay income taxes know that nothing government provides is actually free. Bernie wants to re-slice the pie, Americans decided to bake a bigger one instead. Soooooooo ------ Wrong 😁

1 point

Way To Go

You racked up eight uncontested points, while saying almost nothing. (To yourself)

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Nope. I favor capitalism and a constitutional republic. This combination has proven to be the greatest generator of wealth and prosperity, and the highest standard of living ever in history.

1 point

I see no signs nor signals that the left have come to an understanding of why Trump is president. It heartens me to see the new leaders on the left lurching even further into their now frenzied pursuit of that Utopian dream of economic equality for all, via government controlled wealth redistribution. As long as they remain bent on pushing their failed ideas, the longer and stronger we will move in the direction of prosperity for all who will work to earn it.

1 point

A short sequel would be nice.

Chapter 1. Still Waiting

Chapter 2. Still Waiting ------ etc.

1 point

Profound Confusion: That's the expression on Pocahontas's face at 2:00 am this morning, in the Senate, when they told her to stop talking and set down. Alternate Everything !


daver(1771) Clarified
3 points

Despite common warnings to the contrary, a quite reasonable estimation of potential poultry population is possible through careful tabulation during embryonic gestation.

2 points

Your missing the point cart. The divide is caused by the total incompatibility between our freedoms and a socialist state. No room there to compromise, get it? 😕

1 point

Hey Joe, we're all becoming accustomed to watching rioters on TV. These jerks have been desensitized. It's part of the daily madness we watch from our living rooms. Let's just blame progressives and let it go at that 😎

1 point

For some reason the media has shifted from neutral reporting with commentary, to biased reporting with commentary. I suspect this shift was intentional and planned, but have no proof. None the less they have clearly become an asset to liberals.

I also believe that the current polarized debate between liberals and conservatives is due to a takeover of the Democratic party, by those who are using it to infiltrate and subvert our government. Decades ago, much greater cooperation was possible because many common beliefs were shared between the parties. Today a large faction of the Democratic party is advocating steps and policies set out by subversives like Saul Alinsky, Bill Ayers and George Soros. These ideas are so openly in support of socialistic, communistic aims, as to be completely incompatible with our constitutional republic and its inherent freedoms. This is the divide in our government. This is why they can't reach much common ground. To be clear, not all Democrats are so inclined, but a large faction are. There exists another faction of Democrats who are simply blind to the nature of the growing subversive faction.

Apart from that, things are going fine. 😨😰😱😵

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

OK so yer not a Superbowl fan. I can see that. That's fine, but the commercials are sometimes really funny. You like to laugh right? I thought about martial arts training, but I would probably be as bad as Barney Fife was soooooooo.

Is far as trying to ignore you, I find it most vexing that you write so many long comments, so often that they fill the already small tablet screen I am using to debate.

Hey I'm a Republican as well. Did you vote for Trump? Do you think he will be able to help the nation turn from the path toward socialism we have been on? I for one, am very optimistic, but somewhat dismayed at the venomous reaction of the left. Do you think they will relent when jobs return and the economy strengthens?

Further, completely without religious conviction, I stand firmly against killing the unborn in nearly any situation. I always think of my parents and grandparents and how appalled they would be at the thought of killing babies. Just seems so outrageous to even think of it as being legal and even routine. Do you think Roe v Wade will be overturned in a more conservative SCOTUS that Trump may be able to appoint in the future?

Yeah the Westborogh Baptist Church is certainly void of most qualities that would normally define a church. I can see protecting their rights to freedom, but to be so hateful and cruel to others is somehow beyond acceptability, don't you think?

Finally I don't really take strong offense at your incessant religious claims. I understand your zeal to share your messages. They do become repetitious though. Perhaps you can find a more compelling presentation than simply proclaiming that your beliefs are true. It does not seem to be effective.

1 point

OK, so you don't want to allow me the courtesy of any respect, because I happen to hold a different opinion than yours. I don't suppose you are willing to hold your beliefs to yourself either. Just how long do you think you should continue berating others for their beliefs, while you trumpet your own. Really dude, it's getting old to hear you go on an on about one single subject. What are your political views, do you like public sector unions, who's gonna win the Superbowl? Come on something, anything 😎

1 point

If I tell you that gravity bends light, or that relative speed distorts time for separate observers, or that the visible universe measures 13.8 billion years old, these are currently accepted facts. You can no better explain the WHY of these facts than I can. So what do you imagine you know of reality that is not simply faith.

Life simply verifies the theory that life exists, not necessarily God.


1. Complete trust or confidence in someone or something.

2. Strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof.

The definition of faith is belief without fact or conjecture . This means that faith alone does not prove reality.

The real reason I stopped believing in God is that the whole concept doesn't make any real sense to me. I am not a vile and despicable person simply because I stopped believing. I do not hold you, or your faith in ill regard. Please grant me the same courtesy.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

True faith is based on facts, true logic is true without error. The fact is that there is no explanation for life or reality outside God creating it.

Fact is that there is no explanation for life or reality, so you infer and conclude the existence of a god to explain what you otherwise cant explain. That fellow debater is faith, not logic.

1 point

Your expressing an opinion (your opinion) about your god.

As Joe said, the other gods also have people who believe in them.

Then there's those pesky atheists who believe in no god.

Point is saint, it's all opinions and no one has any proof. Just faith or logic.

And that's the truth.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

I can't afford to be poor, everything costs too much 😂

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Nope ------ got the last one over a week ago 😉

I hear there's one on Denmark but she has worts for tits


daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Hard to see it is. Dam black garments totally hide the booty. If you can see booty through that mess, it's too big. 😂

1 point

Who's to say GW would be a bad thing. Hell Canada could become a warm, sunny paradise all the way to the north pole.

Or thermal energy production could save us all from dwindling fossil fuel supplies. We could farm pineapples in Norway. Rednecks could live comfortably in Alaska. Can't be all bad -- right?

1 point


Now I'm with ya Joe. Life, Origins, Beginnings -------- Is there meaning or is there only cause & effect. The great mystery we all ponder, until the Romulins finally land line the WH lawn. Can't wait. 😁

1 point

You seem to be unable to come up with direct answers and more importantly examples to illustrate your claims. This is not surprising, given that there really aren't any. Your thinking runs along with the liberal notion that government is the solution to social inequities. This is your opinion and your certainly entitled to it. I would recommend however that you not try debating it, since there are no facts that support it. It was interesting talking with you. Thank you.

1 point

There are of course conservatives who are not Christian, as well as liberals who are Christians. I believe we are discussing liberals -vs- conservatives rather than religion. Come up with an actual point in purely conservative ideology that you find to be an archaic custom, which prevents people from thinking for themselves.

Government providing accommodation.

Why is it the purview of government to accommodate individuals who have tried and failed. You must realize that a handout is very different from a hand up. Be specific about the accommodation you are proposing.

Governments have been getting more liberal Yes they do tend that way. You said earlier that there is some "later step" in which the role of liberal governments reduce. I have NEVER seen liberal government programs do anything other than expand. Please offer just one example of this reduction happening.

1 point

The kind of things conservatism is about supporting.

OK ------- for instance what?

If you don't play, then you lose nothing. They can decide to not try - the decision isn't forced. Your earlier statement said that liberals want to help those who try and fail. Again ---- what is the nature of that help?

That'd be part of some later step, when the role of government be reduced. (It leads to minarchism.) Please offer an actual example of a liberal government that has shrunk.

1 point

You are correct. Why are you stating the obvious? Who is claiming that all is known? Experiments are used to test theories. In pure science everything is still theory. Soooooooo what are you really referring to.

1 point

I sense confusion. You propose that individuals think for themselves, yet you want government to increase control in their lives. What are these archaic customs that are preventing people from thinking for themselves? You speak of individuals who fail at the task. What of the ones who never try, how are they to be helped? You say that some are kind and want to help. Why must government be the agent of that help, rather than individuals?

1 point

Fine then. Please elaborate on what real liberals believe and how that makes them manly.

2 points

Liberals are all about SOCIAL JUSTICE. There is no emphasis on personal responsibility, but rather simply on social equality. You can be lazy, shiftless, irresponsible and "the victim" and society still owes you a free ride. There is little to be found of manliness in such an outlook.

1 point

Well it's not like everything is swell and Trump might screw is up or something. Come on, from the bottom, there is only up ---- right?

1 point

We need to lift people out of poverty in order to defeat diseases and evil.

True BUT: Be very careful HOW you try to lift people out of poverty.

Teach them to WORK. In this way they are able to keep their dignity.

1 point

The guys on Negan's team do not appear happy, secure nor well adjusted to their situation. When the end of Negan comes, it will be at the hands of his own followers. Fear and intimidation are powerful motivators, but there's always some brave soul that screws it up.

3 points

Pro choice is a cleaned up version of pro abortion, which is a cleaned up version of "It's OK for any reason, if you want to kill your unborn child."

Don't you have the courage to even use the REAL words about what you advocate?

1 point

When Apple introduces their holo protector (iProject) it will of course be a 3D spinning wheel of death.

1 point

Interesting theory. It does explain why Jar Jar was even in the story in the first place. Be he Sith Lord or Slimy Lizard, we can at least continue to despise him on some basis.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

My wife has one that stops them in their tracks every time.

"Don't bother me with all that God stuff, we're Catholics here".

1 point

His appearance has changed in the same way even great presidents have over the years. What is different with Obama is that he earned his gray and wrinkled countenance by trying to bring down our power and influence in the world. He mocks any who dare criticize his policies. He turns his back on people who are struggling for their freedom (See Iran, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Crimea). He doubled our nations debt.

He has had to live with that ill tempered, ugly women for all these years. Anybody with all that on his shoulders would look like shit too.

1 point

Yeah well, there is that.................

1 point

You don't win the culture war by being stubborn.

Actually that's quite correct. The culture war is being won on many fronts. Election of conservative officials by tens of millions of conservative voters is a significant indicator of direction the pendulum is moving.

Just because the Republicans don't want to change doesn't mean they are winning.

Change is not synonymous with improvement. I'll wager that Obama might object if this transgender boy wanted to use the girls shower in the posh private school that his daughters attend. 😳

Our politicians shouldn't even be elected based on some of these issues.

Our politicians are elected by voters to represent the concerns of voters. Exactly where is this not to your liking?

1 point

"Meant to be" implies a plan. Since there is no plan, there is no "meant to be".

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Do ya spos them aliens ain't as technologically advanced as us. I mean wouldn't the ask fer video if they knew bout it ..?

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

No you are

3 points

Yeah --- Kind of a new twist on carpet bombing. I like it.

1 point

I always thought that A-rab bad guys used those long curvy bladed swords. These clowns in the news look like A-rab ninjas with knives they bought from L.L. Bean. And since when are A-rabs into vests? Those went out in the 70's dint they. The best way to deal with these folks is to get them real jobs. They seem adept at farming (Opium) so make them pig farmers. Or we could just bomb them back into th 14th century, where they'd fit in nicely.

1 point

Now the instant-g8or is a psychoanalyst too. Have a look a Joe's avatar, then your own. Who looks kinda weird.

This topic is an example of topical humor. When you grow up you might understand ----- we'll see.

2 points

We will know them by their deeds. Words cast little light into the hearts of men. Their asses will be revealed, reviled and reamed in the fullness of time.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Wow those images were beautiful. But seriously :

There are enough of us in each generation who seem to be inclined to keeping our ass covered with our pants, and our eyes focused on the possibilities, to warrant reasonable optimism for our future.

If we can also manage to avoid extinction at the hands of the (EBC) exposed butt-crackers, then one day we will at last set off to become one with the Force.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Prunes make me shit.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Interesting Question #16:

Why is there a market for baby parts to be used in medical research about human disease, if the babies parts aren't from humans?

1 point

2013 102 officers killed in the line of duty

2014 126 officers killed in the line of duty

2015 86 officers killed in the line of duty in only 7 months.

The ten year average is one officer killed every 60 hours.

At what point do you suggest we say too many?

Note: These officers are from all races.

I could not care less how many bad guys are shot and killed by police, except to say "not enough".

Hint: There many more bad guys than police, so put put that in your percentages and get a clue.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

It does not remove the burden from the employer though and individuals would still need to capture and report other sources of income

Yeah But

There is no income tax wit my plan ------- soooooo

1 point

Joe, this sounds like a tax the rich question. How much is too much. What percentage should the rich pay.

IMO there should be a consumption tax on everything you buy except food, healthcare and education. Everyone pays this tax at the same rate on any purchase. This should replace the income tax.

2 points

Certainly perspective can effect perception. Your graphic illustrates that optical perception is a particularly effective way to trick our brains.

Truth and perception are not the same thing.

The truth is that the shadow on the left does have the shape of a square. If you realize that you are viewing a shadow, yet ignore the possibility of the possible shapes that can generate such a shadow, you are in truth, an idiot.


The true nature of a thing is, however unaffected by your perception if it.

If your perception of reality is not accurate, and you don't understand that, you are an idiot.


Take for example the $15.00 min. wage in Seattle. If you percieved that is would raise a significant number of people out of poverty ------- your an idiot.

Source1 Source2 Source3

1 point

Gandalf the gray, all the way. The land of fourdoor and tudoor were saved by the greatest of wizards.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

The whole idea began as police departments were told to not ask the immigration status of people reporting crimes in their communities.

In other words, "We won't check to see if your a criminal if you'll just tell is about other criminals"

Not exactly a good idea to begin with.

Then some liberal thinkers decided to institutionalize the notion by passing city ordinances openly directly law enforcement officials to selectively enforce certain laws for certain people. Hmmmmm

2 points

Absolutely. I wouldn't be here today if it were not for bedsheets, blankets and assorted quilts. Her mistake was clearly a repeated violation of rule one "No Peeking".

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Yeah I had a movement right after watching too.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

That's probably the result of the Eskimo black market, recently in the news for selling baby back ribs our something like that.

1 point

Agnes was not only pissed of, but deeply confused as well. Capitalism has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. It has raised the standard for nations across the world. It is without question the engine of prosperity. Agnes has failed to find her place in an ocean of opportunity.

So that's our fault?

1 point


Are he talking fertilized embryos, or just plain eggs.

1 point

Rhetoric my ass. The is a very good reason people aren't moving to Spain, with the exception of yourself of course. But then you were in Britain sooooooo

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

2009 - 192 governments convene for the UN climate summit in Copenhagen with expectations of a new global agreement high; but they leave only with a controversial political declaration, the Copenhagen Accord.

2010 - Developed countries begin contributing to a $30bn, three-year deal on "Fast Start Finance" to help them "green" their economies and adapt to climate impacts. un-climate-summits/#.VaRTG1YtE9w

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Remember how all the nations keep meeting in these much heralded global summits to take action against GW? Remember what it always boils down to? How the rich nations are pressured to donate hundreds of billions to developing countries? How every time the smelly turd of truth is thrown on the table, everyone leaves.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

When sun spots are one the wain, and the oceans have finally covered the San Fernando freeway, due of course to the fools not driving enough Prius's and the ever present evil of the Republicans in general, there will at long last be an end to the bickering over GW and Nancy Pelosi can return to her solar powered house boat at the corner if Mission and Embaradaro streets on San Francisco island.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

That is the answer, the humor is that you think its not more real than GW.

daver(1771) Clarified
2 points

Daaaaa course onacounta it's all a lib plan to share the wealth enough to result in all the developed nations becoming economically responsible for all the underdeveloped nations. A step in the direction of the utopian world government fantasy.

Er sumthin like that

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Wonder how the liberal, progressive, tree huggers are going to spin this so that its man caused?

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Good to know

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Well guess I'm kinda lucky ya din't call me a "stupid fuck".

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Ok then keep your fantasy about our messiah but:


Washington Post

Wealthy people need to pay MORE

The government build infrastructure daaa with TAX money from where?

Why more taxes --- Obama thinks Big Government is good.

Your a fine fellow too GN, but your eyes are closed to the danger our federal government has become to our freedoms.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Charity is a wonderful thing when it will help others rise out of their predicament, or lessen their hopeless suffering. Coming to the aid of those in trouble is almost instinctive for mankind.

This can not be confused with enabling foolish or destructive behavior. Greece has become the victim of a corrupt government's socialist attempts to stay in power through unrealistic promises.

1 point

An interesting twist on the notion that we transcend ourselves in some extra ordinary way. Same simple message that we are one.

All this imagining, despite the obvious truth that we are just tiny creatures crawling around on a bit of dust, in an unimaginably vast and unknowing universe.

Or something like that.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

According to Obama, if your a billionaire, you didn't do it by your self anyway, so hand over the cash.


Edit: Obama is the Borg collective. Resistance is futile (or so he would have us think).

1 point

He probably just checked his iPhone.

1 point

I think they have classes for that.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

In that case reaction to GW should be considered on a case by case basis.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

I don't know, you pick one then define a God to match. That's before "Dark Energy" became the next cool idea for science to worry with.

1 point

Maybe we should just replace God with our growing understanding of the universe. The Big Bang was a crummy theory in the first place. It's already being changed to the Big Cycle anyway. So we'd have to keep redefining for every new theory.

1 point

Evolution is nothing more than certain random mutations causing a survival advantage, or disadvantage. This enhanced survival results in more copies of the mutation represented in a population. The mutation eventually becomes dominant. At the same time other mutations are surviving better or worse than the dominant one. This process insures that mutations which increase survivablity then propagate in a population, while mutations not best suited for survival are eventually eliminated.


Sentience is a stage of evolutionary development that aids in the ability to survive. The ecosystem on earth shows zero evidence that sentience was here at the beginning of life on this planet.

3 points

I found it quite interesting. A clear explanation of the pitfalls of social justice ideology taken to its ultimate end.

"The real problem: a simplistic, unworkable, and ultimately stifling conception of social justice".

"When feelings become more important than issues".

IMO Joe hit on a gem of relevance this time.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Why would a God do all this

1 point

You are hinting at a creator.

Such a concept instantly summons the exact same question. WHY would a creator do all that.

1 point

Yeah there is that child porn thing --- your right.

Do you think that there are significant numbers of pedophiles who never act on their urges.

sounds unlikely to me. ------ but don't know.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Oh. Well then. :)

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Not so sure bout that one. Pedophiles are considered to be very disturbed people, who most often are very aware that they are hurting people to satisfy their own urges. I don't think that so true for homosexuals.

daver(1771) Clarified
1 point

Ya got me there. Certainly there are children who are very much disturbed. If I have a point its that they weren't born that way.

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