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This personal waterfall shows you all of Kalamazoo's arguments, looking across every debate.
0 points

The French philosopher Alfonse Karr was very perceptive when he wrote, ' the more things change, the more they stay the same. We think we have advanced into a more civilized and sophisticated society but we're still the same violent savages as our stone age ancestors. The sub class ''Bongos'' will always be rioting and blaming their own stupidity on the white man. In 1000 years from now these lower order humans will still be bellowing on about discrimination and the big bad white man. Liberia was formed to accommodate liberated black slaves. Why don't the American Bongos go there and live happily ever after?

1 point

There is no doubt that this is true. There was no such thing as earthquakes before the industrial revolution, which is when the global warming process commenced. If you believe this then you'd believe horse balls are lemons. Thinking up these absurd notions is one thing, but actually printing such raw sewage and expecting people to believe it should be made a criminal offence.

1 point

It's time there was a woman in the Oval Office. I mean, by all accounts Bill's had one there on a number of occasions during his term in office, now it's Hillary's turn.

2 points

Hillary is the ''best man'' for the job, figuratively speaking . She is a patriotic American and a hard working and very capable politician with a medium and long term strategy for her country to remain the foremost industrial and military power in the world. Vote for a better future, vote for Hillary.

1 point

You can only flout nature's law of natural selection for a limited time and then the results of this artificially created unnatural state will come back and bite a large chunk out of your bum, where the Liberals keep their brains.

1 point

Which god would that be? There seem to be a lot of them. My god is money, piles and piles of lovely dosh. Most of it originates from the Royal Mint.

1 point

No. All industries, even wee Mrs. Mc Dookey's sweetie shop is required by law to have have a clearly displayed ''Health & Safety Statement'' which includes documented evidence that a proper risk assessment was carried out by a qualified health & safety expert as well as verifiable proof that all/or any recommendations were implemented. In addition to this all procedures must have a ''method statement'' list produced showing the correct manner in which all tasks are to be completed. Surely, with all the tremendous risks involved in the airline industry the ''brains of the industry'' supplemented with millions of pounds of state of the art computers, such a scenario should have been predicted and provision made for the risk to be eliminated. Another, unmentioned hazard is the existence of a lethal fire axe in the cockpit. What point is there in carrying out body searches and scans of the flight crew when they're going to have access to a deadly weapon once they board the aircraft? Express availability to such a piece of safety equipment is vital but it requires some safety features built in to it's accessibility.

1 point

My contention with this fanciful notion is, apart from all the trillions of noughts being banded about the 'Achilles heel'' of the ''Big Bang'' theory is, from where did the ''Big bang'' emanate, and for that matter, how and why was the space available for all these eye-watering trillions of galaxies to occupy? Nothing from nothing = nothing, Nothing plus nothing = nothing, and so forth. The incalculable total masses of the planets in the cosmos all derived from some magic thingummy-jig smaller than the point of a pin. From where did this infinitesimally minute magic thingummy-gig originate?

0 points

Never have to. I know I've many faults, but being wrong isn't one of them.

1 point

I've been rich and I've been poor. Rich is better. Rich people are usually clever and can easily devise legal ways to avoid paying too large a % of their hard earned dosh for the financing and support of 10s of 1000s of females and their illegitimate brats just because their slut mothers couldn't say no, billions of pounds in foreign aid, politician's fraudulent expenses claims, treating 10s of 1000s of foreign nationals on the National Health Service, an over subscribed and criminally inefficient civil service, providing benefits to low life immigrants, legal and illegal from the failed nations of the world and more, much more. No sirree Bob, the rich man didn't work his testicles off to provide a cushy lifestyle for the filth which infests our society.

1 point

The well known barroom brawler, ''Rip your eyes out Mc Gurk'' eats two or three bars with his breakfast cereal every morning for inner cleanliness. But then he is a real moron who's as strong as an ox.

1 point

If D equals B, and B equals A, then D equals A also. That leaves a virgin C.

1 point

Body builders can achieve better muscle definition using imperial weights than if they use metric ones. That is providing they don't stay too long in the shower which tends to take the sharpness of their muscles. A vehicle can travel further if it's fuel tank has been filled with imperial gallons as opposed to having been filled with metric litres.

1 point

So true, and also, as the origins of it's name was the result of the letter C being broken on the keyboard.

-1 points

God/Jesus helps those who help themselves. The sub species of humankind will and indeed should, suffer the same fate of all God's creatures. They will become extinct as nature/God, ( choose your option ) intended, so the strong and capable can evolve and flourish. The cause for this child's plight is the primitive brains and backwardness of it's parents. It would be best for all the world if the lower orders of the African Continent were left to their own devices to either survive or perish. This would be 'natural selection' in practice whereby nature expunges itself of the weak.

1 point

Sound enough idea but our politicians, along with the politically correct brigade would ensure that the filth were not only permitted access to our subterranean sanctuary, but were given priority status and privileges over and above those cowing from the Muslim death squads. The question here is, which group is the worst;- the Muslim dirt balls or the scum bag politicians who encouraged the infestation of the western nations by Islamic vermin? The criminally negligent politicians stand solemn faced each year at the Cenotaph during the ''Remembrance Sunday'' tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of their nation and all the while they're holding the door open for our sworn enemies to flood the country. The cost of policing and providing social benefits to these terrorist low lives is having to be met by the long suffering taxpayers. How the western populations are now paying a price for their apathy and indifference to what their politicians have done, and are continuing to do to their respective countries. In Britain the electorate are so easily waylaid with petty nonsense like a penny off a pint of beer and the bigger lollipops. I guess that such idiots deserve all they're going to get, because the dumb fools haven't seen anything yet.

1 point

That's easy. He loved them so much when they were poor he/she made them rich.

1 point

Islam is already accepted by the rest of the world as the greatest evil on the face of the earth today. It's ''hate preachers' and the aggressive intolerant passages from the Koran make it, by far and away the greatest threat to world peace as well as retarding the process of racial and religious harmony which most western leaders strive for so desperately.

1 point

God loves those who help themselves. Poverty is regularly a consequence for those who indulge in one or more of the seven deadly sins. Pride, ( an unjustifiable excessive belief in one's own abilities ) is usually followed by a fall. Gluttony,A pre-occupation with an inordinate and time wasting desire to consume more than is required. Lust, disproportionate sexual desire at the expense of other more rewarding pursuits. Anger, an irrational over reaction to events leading to an inability to make reasoned and prudent decisions. Greed, Blinds it's victims to the medium and long term consequences of their shortsighted 'ram-stam' to satisfy their craving for immediate gain. Sloth, this one should be self-explanatory.

3 points

More likely your tweets will float around, unnoticed in cyberspace forever. Your unseen 'social network' footprint will be destined to swirl around the cosmos along with British Airway's lost luggage.

1 point

Yes sirree Bob, that's me all over. My mood swings cover all of those emotions in an hour or so.

1 point

I knew a red head who, not only had no soul, but didn't have any hair either. Just a red head. Strange, eh.

1 point

Hi Jolie, I don't who voted you down, but it sure wasn't me. I guess there's no accounting for taste so I've just given you an up vote.

2 points

I somehow feel that that was a piece staged drama combined with some rather poor acting.

1 point

As the years roll by with increasing rapidity there comes a point in everyone's life when they spend more time reminiscing about ''the good old, bad old'' days than they do trail blazing, discovering new experiences or falling madly in love. In this context, the more colourful and romantic the past, the more vivid and richer the memories will be. Much better than Sky television.

1 point

My Apple watch is worth more to me than the entire population of whatever country in which they're made. The Apple argument section is not ''receiving calls today''.

1 point

My Apple watch is of considerable value to me than the entire population of the country in which they are made.

2 points

Apple watch, apple watch, apple watch, apple watch apple watch, apple watch,

1 point

Hey man, the answer to that question is too easy. My Apple watch is more important to me than the entire population of whatever country in which they are made, providing that it's not the good old U.S.A., nor any other Western country. The governments and people of such nations have a choice, either go back to their former happy go lucky donkey and cart economies or produce the high tech goods developed by western scientists. The manufactured goods and farm produce of countries which exploit child labour as well as using virtual adult slave workers are bought with conscienceless abandon and gusto by hypocritical westerners throughout Europe and America. Let he/she who has never shopped at Walmart or bought ''designer'' fashion/sports wear made in ''Wing Wa Woo'' throw the first stone.

1 point

Hey man, the answer to that question is too easy. My Apple watch is more important to me than the entire population of whatever country in which they are made, providing that it's not the good old U.S.A., nor any other Western country. The governments and people of such nations have a choice, either go back to their former happy go lucky donkey and cart economies or produce the high tech goods developed by western scientists. The manufactured goods and farm produce of countries which exploit child labour as well as using virtual adult slave workers are bought with conscienceless abandon and gusto by hypocritical westerners throughout Europe and America. Let he/she who has never shopped at Walmart or bought ''designer'' fashion/sports wear made in ''Wing Wa Woo'' throw the first stone.

1 point

Hey man, the answer to that question is too easy. My Apple watch is more important to me than the entire population of whatever country in which they are made, providing that it's not the good old U.S.A., nor any other Western country. The governments and people of such nations have a choice, either go back to their former happy go lucky donkey and cart economies or produce the high tech goods developed by western scientists. The manufactured goods and farm produce of countries which exploit child labour as well as using virtual adult slave workers are bought with conscienceless abandon and gusto by hypocritical westerners throughout Europe and America. Let he/she who has never shopped at Walmart or bought ''designer'' fashion/sports wear made in ''Wing Wa Woo'' throw the first stone.

-1 points

Leaving the pointless and unwarranted , but nevertheless, amusing, name calling out of the equation, it is wrong for some egotistical, self appointed pseudo legislator to concoct a set of juvenile and fanciful notions which he/she feels should form the sole format for all debate participants. Everyone expresses themselves in their own individual manner and shouldn't be subjected to the expression stifling impositions of some Don Quixote type character's personal concept of how people should conduct themselves when responding to issues which are of interest to them. If a respondent feels particularly passionate about a specific topic he/she may be more inclined to include some emotionally driven terms in their expressed opinion than they would otherwise do. Such ''colourful diversity of expression is what makes most forums, be they live, or cyber, more exciting and less predictably dreary. However, be conscious of the fact that it's not what you write, say or think that is important, it's only what you do that matters. I ran my own business for 36 years with a full time workforce of 50 to 60 full time employees, (numbers fluctuated with workload), and it was interesting to distinguish between the talkers/writers and the ''doers''. When the starry eyed ''talkers'' submitted their impressively written, but usually ill thought out, ''brilliant idea'' to me I always responded by saying, don't tell me show me. Their ideas were of course for others to pursue, but not them. Whilst I was chairing a meeting on how best to proceed with the marketing of a new government contract my, poorly educated, but all action foreman entered the room with a clutch of high value orders. Forums of this nature are for retirees or to help the useless non achieving dreamers feel slightly important. But, it's all good clean fun.

-1 points

I must assume that either you didn't read my post in it's entirety, or failed to recognize and/or appreciate the opposing message expressed by my alter ego. Either way, we wish you good fortune but would suggest that you cease to issue your unrealistic and pretentious instructions on how you feel a debate should be conducted . If at any time I feel like insulting someone, such as a pompous dirt ball like you, then that's exactly what I'll do, and all your embarrassing, 2 cent, home spun philosophical drivel sure ain't going to change anything one iota. Instead of spewing out your affected nonsense try yodeling up the canyon, or some other such pastime more commensurate with your arrested intellect.

-2 points
1 point

Just slightly less than wee Mrs Mc Dooky could throw the average American. Immeasurably tiny.

1 point

Yes, a last man standing contest between an alliance of the I.R.A. (roadside bombers) and the U.V.F, (snipers) versus the I.S. (head hackers & suicide bombers). The media could annihilate each other over the exclusivity rights of this ultimate sporting event and the rest of us could all live happily ever after. Naa, somehow I think it wouldn't be long before other groups of murderous low lives came slithering out of the cesspits with a revolutionary political agenda which they would want to impose on the world.

1 point

Like the Germans of that awful period, they have a grand plan of making the world succumb to the doctrine of Allah. Their clever strategy includes the ''appropriation'' of non Islamic states by swamping these liberally run nations with Muslim immigrants, many of whom, as we have witnessed to our bloody and deadly cost, are ''sleepers'' awaiting for their I.S. leaders to issue the orders for them to carry out another atrocity on the civilians in whose midst they live. Only today in has been revealed that Jihad John's parents lived in Britain for twenty years on state benefits which cost the taxpayer £400K. They were so called asylum seekers from Kuwait to where they have now returned safe and sound, and, wait for it, are still receiving handouts from the British taxpayer. You really couldn't make it up. The weak leaders of the West have been paralysed by fear and have yet to decide how to effectively react to the psychopathic Muslim death squads and how to deal with the ticking time bomb which the millions of Muslims represent throughout Europe. France alone has over 15 million Muslims, and like the U.K, they're all here courtesy of the politicians of their respective countries, past and present. They try to keep the lid on their self imposed dilemma by passing laws banning the expression of any concern at the presence of these 5th columnists. If anything, the I.S. have a better strategy than the Germans of WW2. Think about it. They have in place millions of potentially fanatical troops, all of whom would gladly die for Allah all over Europe. If Adolf Hitler had been so clever we'd all be speaking German now.

1 point

The world has gone barking mad. All dogs are son's of bitches.

1 point

No, more than likely just the result of a leaky roof. Call a tiler first thing in the morning.

1 point

Well, if we just briefly consider some of what I was taught,( my indoctrination) as a child of four at Sunday School by Father Seamus O'Paedophile. You must love God, he loves you. But if you don't love him you'll burn in hell and suffer agonizing pain for eternity. Do you love god? You're dead right I love god, I love him, I love him. You must repent for your sins or you'll burn in hell for ever and ever. What sins were these Father? The sins mankind has been committing for 1000s of years. But please father I'm only four. Shut up boy. Are you going to repent or burn endlessly in hell? I repent, I repent. You must extol god every day in deed and in word or you'll roast eternally in hell and listen to the deafening agonized screams of all the other sinners. Are you going to extol the Lord every day ? I praise him, I praise, him. Different people have various names for this loving and caring religion, but I call it blackmail. Maybe we're actually in hell now. How do we know that the parents from alien planets don't say to their children, if you don't behave you'll go to Earth and have to listen to politicians telling lies for ever and ever? They of course would reply, I'll behave, I'll behave.

1 point

Most, if not all politicians. Once in office these manipulative public representatives clandestinely engage in such treacherous activities as swamping the country with immigrants and at the same time reduce the funding and staffing of immigration control thus ensuring a further uncontrolled flood of illegal immigrants. When the spaghetti hit the fan and they realised that, as well as having imported countless terrorists and drained our public services dry they said, oops, sorry folks, we seem to have made a bit of a jolly old faux pas. Ah well, yawn, fancy popping down to Westminster's subsidized bar for a few G&T;'s old boy?

1 point

In an ideal world your excellent post would be logical and rational. However, in the real world most people deem debate to be a form of conflict, albeit verbal conflict. They don't see their goal as the achievement of an amicable resolution to a dispute. Instead they see it as a challenge to ensure that their undiluted standpoint eclipses the expressions of all other counter viewpoints and remains dominant throughout the exchange, eventually emerging as the winning argument. Such an intransigent standpoint will be adopted by many even though they may not feel that their stated sentiments are correct or the best course of action.

1 point

''Boys will be boys'', and the suppression of their healthy and normal interest in the opposite sex is wholly unnatural and dangerous. There is nothing dirty about sex, but some backward and superstitious religions try to make it seem so. To teach young males and females that their sexual emotions are ungodly will develop a sense of guilt about a feeling which is an inborn passion essential for the survival of almost every species on earth. Most girls like to be looked at, ( some more than others) and boys like to look at girls, ( also some more than others). This is how nature intended the genders to behave and interact with each other. There must be 1000s, maybe millions, of religious zealots all over the world who can't sleep at night demented with thoughts of people enjoying a perfectly normal activity as nature had intended them to.

1 point

Like I stated. Let's see your viewpoint on the thread,leave me out of the equation. My educational background and current professional status are subjects well outside the parameters of of this issue. Whether you can recognise it or not your apparent obsession with me is akin to being stalked by a demented cyber manic. Be advised, I've done with you, so your ramblings shall go unread, well, by me at any rate. If you find it impossible to continue your life without poking snide remarks at me, why don't you open up a subject for debate. Kalamazoo ;- the most remarkable phenomenon to hit CreateDebate in it's history.

1 point

Like I stated. Let's see your viewpoint on the thread,leave me out of the equation. My educational background and current professional status are subjects well outside the parameters of of this issue. Whether you can recognise it or not your apparent obsession with me is akin to being stalked by a demented cyber manic. Be advised, I've done with you, so your ramblings shall go unread, well, by me at any rate. If you find it impossible to continue your life without poking snide remarks at me, why don't you open up a subject for debate. Kalamazoo ;- the most remarkable phenomenon to hit CreateDebate in it's history.

0 points

For your yodeling practice why don't you improvise and try your local library. Those people who feel they have to make boastful and unverifiable statements about their alleged achievements are almost always among life's biggest losers. How the anonymity of the computer offers everyone the opportunity to be a ''rocket surgeon'', ha. Keep copying, that's what you're good at. Why don't you try to state your own, independent opinion without using other people's posts as a foundation.

-2 points
2 points

No. I attest that global warming, the start of which corresponded with the Industrial Revolution was, and continues to be,responsible for terrorism. The more CO2 gas which is pumped into the atmosphere the more the terrorist atrocities increase in barbarity and frequency. If we could place the ISIS and all the other psychopathic terrorist filth into oxygen tents I'm certain we'd see an end to this scourge of our times.

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