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1 point

The meaning of life to be finding happiness doesn't apply to everyone though. Many people rather live on success, or power, amongst other things. In fact, success is the most common thing people list as their reason to live... and not that many people that really succeed at anything are truly happy. In fact, I think the majority of life is NOT truly happy and lots of us like to think we are though.

1 point

Haha, there's a key difference in what Joe's saying... he's saying that's all the meaning OF life, not the meaning FOR life. Without those elements, we definitely wouldn't be here. But the meaning FOR life... that's another issue.

1 point

We only feel the need for socializing though because that's how we've been raised for the past couple centuries. What about people that find more meaning by not socializing?

1 point

Haha, you're so lame Joe.

thinks Yea... how about Aladdin? Wasn't he Egyptian? Isn't there some biased rule out there and in the middle east that the husband can sleep with the wife's sisters? haha. I read that somewhere about certain cultures...

How about Hercules? He reminds me a mighty, charismatic, rapist (without making you think you're being raped). And he'd probably do dudes too...

Hmmm, I'm picking Hercules. I can't even remember the other Disney characters...

1 point

Yea, it makes sense. I'm currently in the process of learning to change my acceptance of my husband's smoking and drinking so that I can just let him do that crap because there's nothing convincing him to stop. It's just pretty annoying; I mean, this is MY husband, and he's doing crap that'll take him away before he's 60 (runs in the men in his family to die of heart problems by 55 from smoking) and "I" have to sit around and learn to deal with it. I mean, no wonder people just do what everyone else does... they just give up because the alternative (what I'm doing) is a bit annoying and depressing to sit back and watch. The other alternatives are that I a) start to find it amusing instead, or b) start smoking and drinking with him and maybe I'll die with him (doubt it). How lame.

1 point

Hey, I thought that too. I actually thought all the 2k stuff was seriously just about us entering the year 2000.... and for no other reason, whatsoever. Then I was reading a biography of the former FBI Director, Mr. Freeh, and he was talking about how the middle east..specifically the um.. Hazabollah (dammit, I don't know and can't find the correct name of that group, but you probably know what I'm referring to), I think, were planning to commit some terrorist acts on America on that new years eve... but I think they caught them before it could happen or they just couldn't pull it off, for some reason, I don't remember. But now that I think about it, I think we'll be hearing a lot more threats and warnings from the middle east psychos that feel the need to blow up our country. Just a thought.

Oh, but i don't think it has anything to do with Obama. But maybe it could... I mean, we're hearing about the Middle East being mad at him for some dumb shit, what gives they'll stop now?

1 point

In a nonsexual way, no, I'm not. If i wake up from a crappy dream, I just...wake up... and be pissed off for a couple hours. I'm not a screamer in general, at all though. For hearing loss reasons. And if someone screams at me, I want to shove my fist down their throat.

1 point

Man what-ever! haha. But you're right! My husband is conservative and not only listens to that Limburgh guy on the radio in the car, but even on the stereo in the bathroom whenever he's in there. And I'd rather the news. But that's only because I can't make out what's being said on the radios. :-)

2 points

hahaha, ya. When you see your image into the small icon form, you do look like him. As well as like some guy in South Africa that I talk to sometimes on facebook.

1 point

You mean Governor of Texas? Frankly, I don't care. I never plan on living in Texas. It kind've sucks there.

1 point

Hey, unfortunately, a g-string will still make a line across your hips with a tight dress. I found this out a lil too late after my brothers wedding... while looking at wedding pictures... haha. Best bet for a tight dress is pantyless, or those kind've gross and high-rise panties that are just a little bit bigger than boyshorts (or boyshorts might work too).

1 point

Depends on the panty for what they score for. I mean, I wear every type of panty there is, especially loaded on both g-strings and boyshorts (though mostly tangas, they're just a lil shorter than boyshorts), and g-strings are pretty much good to wear in jeans because when I wear thicker underwear in jeans, I feel like I've got too much going on in my jeans. haha. But boyshorts/tangas are definitly wonderful under skirts, dresses, loose fitting shorts, walking about in... etc. :-)

2 points

I think he was referring to teddy bears being stuffed with cotton.... and if he was a teddy bear, he'd have plenty of cotton balls on him, or at least just cotton. I'm not positive, but I do think they're stuffed with cotton, not necessarily "cotton balls" though. I can't really imagine what else that guy was referring to though...

1 point

This reminds me of the funny nonsense I receive in my inbox everyday. hehe. So, although it's all funny and something you'd hear from Lewis Black, it's so untrue... medical-wise. :-)

2 points

Hahaha, granted, everyone has the right to read whatever they want, but an 85 yr old lady reading cosmo is pushing it. I mean, it's not even her generation, it's weird. Maybe she doesn't even realize what she's actually reading... she has Alzheimer's after all. Or, your granny likes to be manhandled... and that's still weird... she's 85! haha.

1 point

Haha, no, I actually have really good memory. At least when it comes physical things. Erm, I mean, it's a different issue entirely if you expect me to remember everything I read in a book. But if my husband misplaces his keys or something, I'm usually the one that knows where they are or where to find them even though I didn't lose them. But I have had random moments, but very rare of like a couple times a year, where I walk in a room and forget why I'm in there and I stand there and look at everything looking for a visual clue to remember... hehe.

1 point

So, women who are stripping for money to pay for their babies and college is a good cause too?

1 point

Haha, it's because it's on the internet! My whole funness about conversing online is I can finally vent out to people without wanting to bash their skull in. You can't do that in person so much; someone will get hurt. hehe. But I don't say the stuff I say to get people fired up on purpose, I just hope they read my junk, draw a blank, and don't respond. But if they are fired up, I get a wee bit sad. haha

5 points

I don't know about THAT study, but I can understand how being an older, republican male could be happier. This is why (in my opinion):

-As someone grow's older, they grow more wisdom and typically, they grow the ability to be happy with life without taking everything for granted and without bitching all the time.

-Males are probably, overall, happier than women for the reason that they're usually somewhat more stable, emotionally. They don't typically have their hormones shifting every month to the point of bitchiness, which can destroy female happiness 1 week a month (at least). Amongst the other dozen reason women tend to be more grumpy and unhappy as a sex. Men just worry less, typically and take what they can get and they have a handful of things they do to be happy.

-Being a republican means being content with traditional values and typically not always fighting for something different. If you're not fighting, and if you're content, then you're probably happy. Alas, republicans are usually religious too, and religious people are somehow, truly happier than non-religious people (although it could be act since they just pray all their sadness to God instead of the public).

Again, this was all my opinion. I'm sure there's some flaws in it. Bust them out.

1 point

Dang, my "new argument" alert is absolutely not working all the time. Annoying.

Ok, I agree then. Maybe. The new Ipods are the most ridiculous things I have ever seen, so they should definitely stop advancing technology in some areas. I mean, why is the goal to make everything more smaller and compact? Sure, LCD Tv's are way awesome than those chunky suckers, but an Ipod the size of my thumb? And also, they keep inventing stupid stuff (like the Wii) that is just going to make the world absolutely lazy as hell (as if they're not already), but the last thing we need is more reasons for people to get obese and sit on their asses all the time.

But it is interesting seeing the stuff they invent...

1 point

What about when all the technology starts breaking then and there's no parts or people to bother fixing them? Everything breaks eventually, so if we froze technology production as of today, in about 10-20 years, it'd all be totally useless junk sitting around.

1 point

Nope! Why would we go back to cavemen lifestyle? Ya right. (although, it'd be pretty neat. No bills, and everyone would fight for their own flock).

1 point

Well, it's not much of a debate site if no one is disagreeing with you.

1 point

I'm totally curious... what is "perfect?"

....adding characters....

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