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Pineapple's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Pineapple's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I don't understand why it needs different lids. What the fuck is the product?

1 point

It's like watching those budget decorating shows on HGTV.

You can throw money at a wall and it will probably look tacky as hell. Or you can be frugal, think, and spend wisely for a simple a fresh decor.

1 point

An 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Soooo cool! I love it, thanks Joe.

3 points

You can always unfriend someone, you can't unsex them....

1 point

I missed:

5. How many Republican senators voted to pass the health care reform bill in its vote on the Senate floor?


8. During the entire year of 2009, do you happen to know if there were more American military fatalities in:

Sorry? Now I'm going to have one last glass of wine and watch move Sunny reruns...

1 point

So the question is... would you tap that???.............

1 point

No, it was just a joke. Although I do believe she's an attention whore.

I actually just got a chance to watch that video. So let me bring you back down to earth, here's what she said, "Look at my jewelry that I designed, I'm mad he didn't contact me, He had a lot to take on, I'm giving him a B- and a little more time, I might vote for him again, and he should have contacted me."

Now all in all, she feels the same way I do about him.

1 point

Yeah... I don't have much faith in the intelligence of Brunettes, anymore...

Blondes have more fun, and more brains.

1 point

Yes. But not this one.

I understand where CBS is coming from, and I understand that this ad could make a lot of males watching the superbowl with their friend's uncomfortable.

Another ad, sure.

1 point

I knew the world revolved around me... I just didn't know it's axis was so damn screwed up.

1 point

Because the last thing I need right now is a creepy old guy stalking me.

4 points

.... Just like at the standard Olympics. Athletes are bussed from their hotels to the venues... asshole.

1 point

I know! Christmas really saved my ass this month, financially!

The trick is to cry and throw a fit every time someone gives you a non monetary gift, every holiday, for 21 years.

1 point

Thanks Jake. No... the undying profession of love from my best friend and soulmate was the best gift ever.

PS. You still haven't replied to me in that other debate where you just downvoted my last argueement and quit.... are you a quitter, Jake?

2 points

Despite the fact that that is not how polygamy, infidelity or bisexuality work.........

I am for Polygamy. For very different reasons.

1 point

We are cohesive....

Your wife just pulled the short straw.

1 point

I'm like, 21.... remember?


1 point

lol, no :P It was a joke.

I don't even know the guys name.

2 points

I went to the Sam Diego league tryouts last year in PB!

Not to tryout, of course... I'd need boobage for that, but it was better than any other kind of football I've ever seen.

I'm all for this league, and maybe after a boob job I could give it a shot, myself.

1 point

Actually, I am on facebook, and I've already found and blocked you.

2 points

That sounds great! Congratulations.

I hope you bring your computer, otherwise you'll be missed.

1 point

Not to my knowledge. I've blocked people on Facebook. People who I didn't want to be able to see my photos or friend me.

1 point

Are you going on a trip?


1 point

Joe? pppxzshhst I think jfjfoefoup;ppps you're breakin fssshhhhhhhhhhhhh

dial tone

2 points

The ceremony will be at the church of fuck off, and the reception will be held up your ass, so feel free to stop by!

1 point

Who doesn't like pineapples?

Nobody, that's who..........................................

2 points



1 point

Yeah. There were still some of the same old stupid gifts.... like coffee mugs and underwear, but I just got lucky this year....

1 point

...I usually go to the one on Morena. And heres why I'm telling you:

It's a big ass world out there and you don't know what I look like.

Also, it's a fantastic Costco and I'm proud to shop there.

4 points

In the tune of the twelve days of Christmas....

1 Visa giftcard,

1 Starbucks giftcard,

1 Costco giftcard,

1 Petco giftcard,

1 Blue Scarf,

$900 dollars

And a Big Giant Sparkly Engagement Ring.

2 points

My roommate has an Asus EeePC. It's all she needs for college, work, and personal business.

I use a PC at work, so if I were going to switch from apple to PC I would probably buy this netbook.;=Header;=en&scoring;=p&lnk;=pruser&price1;=200&price2;=

1 point

With my first prediction I inverted some numbers before calculating!

I'm saying Jan 3rd instead.

1 point

Is it the evil dog from wallace and grommit?


2 points

I will go home sick from work today if you give me your address so that I may come punch you in the face.

Gays don't want exclusive rights to the word gay. That is a silly idea that Pyg is trying to advocate. It's totally untrue and silly.

We just don't want it used as a derogatory term, because it is insulting to gays.

Also, it's not a heteros vs gays thing. It's a Crazy Christians vs gays thing.

2 points

The beauty of our modern world is the spread of things like global communication,

space exploration, advanced healthcare, and human rights.

We have no right to control anyone else by any means but through persuasion and logic.

3 points

Debate #4 in Joes plight to be supremely annoying.

The irony is that he succeeded with debate #1.

2 points

Wow! You're only religious when it's convienent and proves your point.

That's how I felt about Bush, and he lasted two terms. So if there is any justice, Obama will get four terms to fix it all.

1 point

As is your right, as is democracy, as is inevitabilty that all will eventually be dethroned.

2 points

Check and mate. Were back to the same place we were during the last debates.

Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean taxes can't pay for it.

Boom, boom, pow!

1 point

(I'm condenseing the debate, so I'll respond to both of your last arguements here.)

How could he have been bitching to get what he wanted? He had already left his jet skis behind. There was nothing that I, as the bitchee, could do to save his jet skis. He was just whineing to me because I had to listen.

And I was not appaulled by the fact that he was rich. Who am into descriminate against anyone? I was simply appauled that he was bitching about his jet skis, rather than being grateful for what he could save, which was a lot!

Women aren't stupid. We know how we got where we got.

So do smokers, so do alcoholics, so do drug users, so do oveR eaters, et cetera!

Yes, ultimatly it is a woman who bares the burden of a pregnancy. But you, quite often, fail to mention the other party. A lot of time a woman is pressured to get an abortion by the father. Sometimes she is in an abussive relationship, and a baby would trap her there forever. Condoms can fail, or can be tamperred with. Shit happens. It's not all black and white, and as a man I don't expect your to understand that, but I wish you'd try.

This is a reliogusly backed debate. Its not be the reasons for your opinion, but I added that because there are others who read these debate and don't participate. I like to be as thourough as possible.

Oh! And how about this: It is a choice, that's true. And women should have to deal with the consequences! So should we not cover pre natal care? Should we not educate that child? Should we not provide any services for that child, because it was her choice to have it?

1 point

I like pecans, actually.

Even if a woman is a rape or incest victim, abortion is a choice.

Even if it is your only option, open heart surgery is still an option.

As humans we make decisions millions of times today. Just because we make the same, obvious choices, doesn't mean they aren't still choices.

People choose to smoke, should we not cover cancer?

People choose to use dirty needles and have unprotected sex, should we not cover treatment for aids?

People choose to play sports, when they fall, should we leave them there?

This is America, where we fight for the freedom to make choices. Where we fight for the freedom from religious prosecution, let that be prosecution for our religious beliefs or lack there of. I'm going to keep fighting for my rights.

1 point

Im very glad that you are allegedly putting in some effort, but as I recall, you've already been bitching about this.

Do you remember the fires a few years ago? Well at that time I was still working my way into my current position as a front desk agent at a hotel.... I'm not telling you which one because you already creep me out. :P You could figure it out with a little luck and a little research, but please don't.

So anyway, before the fires, half the hotel had been booked for a conference and the other 50% cancelled because of the fire. So we started taking internally displaced fire victims... Well these people brought everything they owned, and I remember one guy specifically that needed 7 parking passes.... 7. And he was still bitching that he had to leave his jet skis. Now luckily the conference was for the EPA, and they all took public transportation, so we had the parkig space... But I was just appaulled that all these people were likening themselves to Katrina Victims or refugees... It was disgusting.

My point is, you don't need 7 hummers and a few jet skis to be happy... All of that stuff if superficial. All you need is the basic essetials, a few loved ones, and a little time to take it all in.

Call me robinhood, call me crazy, call me a freakin' liberal, but I say, fuck the rich, they're damn rich enough.

If that doesn't work for you, then think of it as insurance. You have a pretty good idea of what your future holds for you, but you never know. You might be wearing a barrel and suspenders some day, and you might need a little help from some rich person, too.

That's the point of a civilization, to work together to create a paradise where everyone is healthy and happy.

0 points

Hop on the whhhhaaambulance, y'all!

What is this? Your third debate on the same topic?

If you can't win the others, you won't win this one.

You're wrong, deal with it, Joe.

2 points

Your objection is not the topic of this debate. Within this debate, I don't care why you object or even that you object.

If you have nothing more to say on the subject, I think I have proved my point.

3 points

Oh, look at you! You spotted a spelling error, wow you got me! Zing!

It seems to me that we agree. You seem to believe that if abortion should not be paid for by tax dollars, then neither should the death penalty or the war.

Other than that, the matter is only a difference of opionion regarding the morality of abortion.

I have participated in other debates regarding abortion. If you wish to know more about my personal opinion on abortion, and its relation to my opinion on the death penalty, that information is available to you.

3 points

So it is sinful and tyrannical when it is a liberal opinion (abortion) but not when it is a conservative one (the death petaly, the war on Iraq).

I'm not saying "force" anyone. Again, your wording is horrific. I'm saying if it happens democratically, good.

4 points

As I can never trust your statistics or facts to be truth, I double checked that quote and found that it is not the real wording of Thomas Jefferson.

The real quote is: "To compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves and abhors, is sinful and tyrannical. "

If you ask for the opinions of others, don't doom them to sound ignorant before they even speak.

2 points

That wasn't my point at all, and I'm unsure of how you formulated that my opinion was that government should go die a cold death. I'd really rather that you didn't respond to my arguements, I feel obligated to respond but I don't really have the time to deal with you.

3 points

Here they go again. The churches excersizing their right to representation without taxation.

I would be glad to pay for abortions and would in no way feel forced (which is very strong and obviously biased wording which leads to an unfair and untrue debate, btw).

If anyone does feel forced, then they dont understand democracy.

For as long as I have been paying taxes, they have been going to support a war I have never believed in. I have, just as effectivly, paid for this war as anyone would have to pay for abortions.

It's not fair, it's taxes.

1 point

Here they go again. The churches excersizing their right to representation without taxation.

I would be glad to pay for abortions and would in no way feel forced (which is very strong and obviously biased wordig which leads to an unfair and untrue debate, btw).

If anyone does feel forced, then they dont understand democracy.

For as long as I have been paying taxes, they have been going to support a war I have never believed in. I have, just as effectivly, paid for this war as anyone would have to pay for abortions.

It's not fair, it's taxes.

2 points

Those "shoe box cars" are safe enough. And the only reason that they are viewed as unsafe is because Hummers are out there mowing down the planet. Did I ever tell my "I got backed into by a hummer who couldn't see my car" story?

1 point

Oh, Joe, you pompous ass....

That's what government is for! People need their government to look out for them and to work hard for the betterment of society.

If not that, than what is government good for?

1 point

No, I only downvoted the substantially stupid ones.

I downvote on a curve :P

1 point

Obamas a socialist!? Omg I didn't know that. This changes everything..... (<-- sarcasm)

Many countries around the world provide healthcare for their citizens. They are not socialist countries, nor are we going to be.

You labling this as a socialist idea is just another, in an unfortunatly long list, that proves your lack of actual knowledge on the subject.

Everything needs a tuneup from time to time, including government. No one knows for sure that something is the best idea or plan until it is actually tested. Medicare and Medicaid have holes, but with this new bill they can be fixed. That is half the point.

1 point

It's a democracy, bitch, deal with it.

This legislation is getting passed regardless of dumbasses like you who can't seem to comprehend it's value.

1 point

I continue to refuse to argue the specifics with you. If I go down that road I know it will never end and I do not have the time or patience to argue that with you.

I'm not your mother, I can't make you do anything but eventually I hope you can learn that there are sources of information, many of which I have previously refferred you to, which will show you that your idea of healthcare and the governments is not all that different.

1 point


It's called compassion. And for your information, it's not only the unemployed or out of work. Most of those people qualify for Medicaid.

It's the people who are struggling small business owners. The people chasing their dreams and the people taking chances on the American dream. There are others, too. People from the middle class are the most affected.

It's a matter of compassion and humanity. So no matter who is suffering, let it be the millions who work at wal-mart or the millions who work in small business or those who are unemployed or those who are just lazy, they're People and I want my government and my taxes to educate and provide healthcare for them.

This is the greatest country on earth, let's act like it.

1 point

Lol! Everything you've just addressed proves you know nothing about the propossed health care reform going on right now.

I have asked you to learn about it, and you've refused. Instead you go off what you want to think, and what other blind people have told you.

I don't care how old you are, if youre not willing to learn anything new you might as well just get a shotgun and go sit on your porch in a rocking chair drinking some of that three "X" jug whisky.

Have a nice day.

1 point

No, that's correct.

No matter the fact that it is financially beneficial for the government to offer public health care, it still stands that the right thing to do is to make sure people are healthy.

3 points



1 point

While I completly support your right and want to not have a cell phone, this particular rumor has been disproven by many experts in the field of beekeeping. Cell phone towers have nothing to do with CCD or and in no real way do they hurt bees.

1 point

Again, I don't find you funny. I didn't find that funny even though I hope, for your sake, is was meant to be.

I'm not just a strong woman, I'm a strong person. My father didn't spoon feed me anything, but I got my own education without joining the military. I'm just as strong as you. I'm strong enough to say, yeah, you're daughter would win in a fight, because I don't hit little girls.

On topic, however, I'd rather have a struggling American have health care than stick my nose up at him or her. It's not because I'm some over empathetic, scared, uneducated girl, it's because I'm smart enough to know its good for our country economically speaking, and any decent human should want everyone to be healthy no matter the cost.

If you don't want free healthcare for Americans, than the only place you need to look for an un-American is in the mirror.

And I'm smarter than you because instead of pretending everything is a joke and wasting my time photoshoping "wallpapers" so my Internet friends can judge them, I actually learn about important topics like healthcare reform. Like I've said before, you don't demonstrate the willingness to learn. That's pretty stupid.

But then again, maybe you are smarter, you've gotten me to waste quite a bit of time on you. And I know I'll never get that time back.

1 point

I think you're trying to be funny, maybe. But other might not.

So for those who cannot understand your humor, I ask:

Don't you have two daughters? Suppose that you die and your wife is undeducated. Your wife finds an okay job but doesn't have insurance for herself. Now your daughters are stuck in that middle area where they can't get financial aid for school, nor are their parents paying for it.

So your daughters, your sweet innocent little girls, are selling their sexuality as waitresses and surfing the iternet for sugar daddies to put the through college.

That happens. That could happen. I've been there, and I'll never feel right again. I don't want any other girl to have to o through that kind of situation.

You need to stop belittling women, or the fact that I am a woman.

I'm smarter than you, get over it.

1 point

Are you fucking crazy?

I'm so depenent on my iphone I couldn't find to grocery store without my map app. I wouldn't know when my period is about the happen, I wouldn't know when to be at work, or be able to do my job well....

And as a blonde, my iphone does a great job at reminding me to breath. I might die without it....

2 points

All though we do not anticipate a change in cabin pressure, otherwise we wouldn't have come to work today; if needed, oxygen masks will drop down. To activate... stop screaming, remove your fingernails from your neighbors leg, pull down, and place the yellow mask over your nose and mouth. If traveling with any children, or anyone acting like one,( women, you know who I mean...) put on your mask first. If you have more than 1 child, you should decide which one has the most potential.

Thank You, enjoy the flight

We are asking what we can do for our country.

What can we do to improve the health of our fellow citizens? What can we do to better serve our seniors enrolled in the medicare program? What can we do to lower the price of healthcare for all of our citizens? What can we do to insure that no citizen is dropped by their healthcare provider when they need it the most?

No one thinks that they are the only person who deserves healthcare. We want it for every citizen, because we want to help our country.

0 points

Yeah....... It just wasn't funny.......

You're very rarely funny........

4 points

Based on previous conversations, I am entirely convinced that you know nothing about this bill or the state of the country and the reasons we need it. Nor do I feel that you care to learn about it.

Therefore, I don't accept your opinion as educated or valid.

2 points

It might just be that the bleach from my hair appt today, lowered my IQ, but I am unfamiliar with those statistics and cannot find supporting evidence to your claims on google.

If that is true, please provide evidence.

1 point

They suck.

But I finally figured out your problem, and congratulations! You're not as retarded as I thought.

I bet your wife is happy with how infatuated you are with young girls with big boobs.

1 point

Oh, I know your wife.... ;P

Actually sometimes our geographical proxemity scares me, you're kinda creepy. I'm glad to be out of town right now.

1 point

This is true.

It is 100% effective like nothing else.

But there are other forms of birth control that are 99% effective. The trouble is that you need to know how and when to use them.

1 point

I think you wife and I may have something in common.

I am less and less satisfied by you, daily.

1 point

It's learned, and can be corrected. Just as with any other form of hate or fobia.

It seems genetic because it is passed on from parent to child, but not genetically.

1 point

You look white. Even if you aren't white, you look white.

It's creepy.

1 point

WTF does a gay pride parade have to do with opposition to gay marraige?

2 points

The words don't. There is nothing derogetory With respect to the words.

It's the restrictions and stigmas associated with the words that are the issue.

For example, if all marriages were to be called civil unions, it would be fine.

1 point

YoUr ten year old doesn't get it, an neither do you. Hopefully next year your GPA will be high enough that you can go to your jr. Prom, but not this year Joe.

The goal is to reform the system so that wasted money is spent to actually help people.

1 point

We try.... But it just gets so frustrating when the people you're talking to don't understand how stupid they are... Eventually you just get so angry you need to yell at them.

2 points

I'm saying he should have respect for other disabled persons, and not take up two spots.

And also put his sticker on his mirror.

2 points

If I were pregnant.

I actually really respect the handicapped parking, and other privilages awarded to the disabled... That said...

One time I was at a park and I saw a car parked in the middle of two handicapped spaces, without a sticker. Had the car been in only one space, and there had still been a spot left i would have let it go. But this just smelled like the work of a jackass. So I yelled out, "who's car is this?!" A guy raised his arm... His only arm.


1 point

It's public knowledge. I don't have secret government FBI level clearance.

Go ahead and google it. Or do you need some helping with google too?

1 point

Don't hurt yourself.....................................................................

1 point

That's not true. Pregnancy is an important time in a woman's life. I would not want to give birth any other way.

But if I didn't want the child, (which, again, abortion isn't for me but I am pro-choice), then I wouldn't want to give birth.

1 point

Mothers are still forced to pay child support if they don't raise a child.

What are the consequences if a man doesn't want the child? Nothing but monetary. He doesn't have ti live with a body that's given birth for the rest of his life.

It's more than just those 9 months. It's the rest of your life. Stretch marks, saggy boobs, a ruined vagina, easier fat storage, and so on.

There is also the emotional aspects of knowing your child is out there. If the man wants a child, he can plead with the woman to keep it, or he can find a surrogate and implant his seed again.

1 point

How are Native Americans not real Americans?

They settled here and inhabited the land for long enough to evolve certain unique characteristics.

If not Americans, what are they?

1 point

It wont be a barcode anymore, they are obsolete. It will be a microchip that is injected into your wrist, with all of your CC information and Identification. Like a microchip that you put in a dog. So you wont need to carry an ID, Passport, CC, SS card, et cetera.

But like with the CC that have the sensors in them, your wrist info would be susceptible to theft. So you would have to wear a metal bracelet to protect your information.

But on another note, I do know some people with barcode tattoos. It's a weak tattoo. What does that say about you? You wish that you were a product of some government experiment? Or that you have no imagination?... The latter.

1 point

... They aren't dogs.

This might be one of the more offensive of your debates, and as a CD member with a relatively close proximity to you in the real world... I'd say you should invest in some protection.

1 point

For two reasons.

1) I am very hopeful that we can combine our good efforts and our ingenious technology in order to save our world.

2) If we're gonna die, I'm dying there.

1 point

Yeah, let's rape and murder while were at our blasphemy!!


I don't think I said anything about eternity, perhaps you read that in another post by someone else.

That's the jist of it, yes, I will be erased from existence. I'm not so self consumed that I have to believe that I will in some way be forever.

1 point

Nothing is on the other side.

So it depends on your definition of temporary and if you believe in an afterlife. Your memory lasts a lifetime, and one can always recall a memory of pure happiness for the entirity of their lifetime. Those happy memories are priceless.

And yes, enjoy the climb. Whatever the climb may be, and wherever it may take you.

1 point

Travel agencies are dead, I'm something more innovative. I deal mostly with small, independent hotels who are struggling. I work more for hotels than people.

But I was just kidding, I don't want you to know how to contact me. :P

But seriously! You need to go to Kauai!

0 points

You got downvoted for using the same joke twice.

But, on the plus side it was funny the first time, so that one was upvoted.


1 point

first off, what island? Kauai is great! If you're not going to Kauai I suggest you contact your travel agent and have your flight changed at whatever cost. Or call me on my work number and I'll fix everything for you.


Wouldn't the meaning of life pertain to all life? And personally I belief the meaning of life is life itself.

As the miley Cyrus song, as I heard it from the stereo of the convertable of a 50+ yo man next to me at a stop light this morning and had never ever ever heard it before in my life...cough

it's not about what's waitin' on the other side, it's the climb

1 point

Your definition of the word "rarely" must be different than mine.

You're only lying to yourself, and your God.

2 points


Yes, I am. Just like in any sport training you inspire people with words of encouragement and praise. But sometimes, you have to get nasty... And it usually works better.

That bit about you rarely downvoting is a bunch of bullshit. You have been on cd for a while, but your score is relatively low. That is a direct result of your downvoting.

The only way this effects me is that I am upset by your actions.

You downvoted three of my arguments in the prostitution debate without one response. You have an opinion, but nothing to say. Weak.

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