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This personal waterfall shows you all of PrayerFails's arguments, looking across every debate.

Or the smelly old fish.-----------------------------------------------------------------

As usual, the government was out to fuck him over, and this is the result.

Some people are just idiots, while some just like to stare without anyone noticing.

I suppose that is an adequate analogy.------------------------------------------

His predictions were uncanny. BRAVO!!!-----------------------------------------



Without a doubt, it is a winner. Perfect!-----------------------------------

YES, Joe, it is you are getting the guy while we are all alone. Girl

Right, because they have to create problems to fix, otherwise, nobody would justify the legalized theft known as taxation.

Good, FUCK NSA, then we will all see what games they play.------------------

No such thing as needs, only human wants, and since human wants are infinite, no way of telling. The only human need is air and sunlight.

This whole time thing reminds me of the song "Wait" by M83.

Benefit--Paper, writing on walls could get old real fast.


Actually hilarious considering the circumstances.---------

NO MATH related to any supernatural phenomena, it is just fake.---------------------

Sure, so would I even with that creep look.----------------------------------------------

That is really cool yet frightening. Tilda Swinton is kind of a creepy anyway.

Awesome, death to Apple would be awesome.-------------------------------------

Apple only wishes that they could do half as good as Samsung, never bought one thing produced by Apple. I did receive a Apple product as a gift, I almost vomited.

YES, wearing a filter is always a good idea, why? Because the key word is filter.

I don't see why not.----------------------------------------

Since women own their own boobs, men manipulate then to show them, what once was private is now public.

Super Girl because Superman will be cheering from the background.---------------

That was impressive indeed.----------------------------------------------------

Yes because it worked so well last time it was attempted. :)

CUTE LITTLE DOLL.---------------------------------------------------------------

I seen this apparent new Joe signature, dog.----------------------------------

This a clear example how government policy is pointless due to all the loopholes.

I must say this debate or rant really tops the cake as the most pointless yet.

Eat raisins and fruits and drink more water.-------------------

Recently, I thought science said the egg came before the chicken.

Thanks, great facts, I feel smarter now, though 6th down is Olivia Wilde from Tron Legacy.

And I think by bed time, it will still be 5000 words unless YEAH, OH count as words.

Who care about painting the room blue, I just like when JoeC posts debates with hot women. The holiday wish is the very best so far.

This is great fuc*king retarded, some people are just brain dead, they want law abiding citizens to turn their weapons in.

<-----------------------I bet they feel safer now like this idiot.

True, there are a bunch of fumbling idiots, they probably could get outsmarted by a retarded monkey.

True, there is no real debate to the matter of gun control.

Europeans are extra stupid compared to the gun controls idiots in America.

Yes because it is more like an expensive sex machine rather than a exercise machine.

If Judge Judy were to moderate any debate, I would instantly stop debating here.---------

I would want to rest my head on those as well. .

Unions were founded on violence or the threat of violence. No surprise what happened with the protests.

The first Richard called Dick was probably a dick or he liked dick, aka the first gay man.

Sure, hot chicks do debate about who has better looking hair where there is no need to do that on here.

What reason would a woman as hot as her ever need to be on CD?

Giggity, Giggity, Goo.

That is the best Holiday Wish I have ever gotten.

She must be strong holding up all that weight.

Cheating on someone is mindless. Basically, someone is going outside of the relationship to get sex, why not just break it up, why because they now have two sexual partners with the other one not knowing about the other.

I really don't what to say to this.--------------------------------------------

YEAH, that would be much funner considering they got us into this mess in the first place.

THEY convinced all of America that "YOU CAN HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO."

No preparing here, it is the end of the world, then let it be.

Worst of all no more pointless debates.

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