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4 points

Last, I checked there were 2. All the others are mental disorders.

1 point

Completely wrong? Sole message? Teaches? Interesting points considering there is no sole message and it teaches nothing.

It teaches many things actually. I'm sorry that you see it that way.

I could read any book, literally any book, and take messages from it that i believe could be useful and applicable in real life and make it my bible.

You could, but the difference between the Bible and any other book is it's the Word of God.

The purpose of the bible is not what is inside of the book but what it represents and what it does for people

I would say that it is what's inside that counts and what it represents. Its history of the 1st-century church and further back into history about Israel.

With that, We should "update" the bible by adding more experience to it and offering MODERN ways of life. As of right now if a serial killer begs for mercy and forgiveness, the bible says that the serial killer would be forgiven. WE SHOULD PROBABLY CHANGE THAT!

We shouldn't change it with modern days of life because in the Bible that is how it was back then everything that happened. Changing the forgiveness and stuff like that would be altering the message. Why should we change the part where a serial killer can't be forgiven? It shows that God is merciful, loving, and graceful.

1 point

No, that would be completely wrong because you would be changing the sole message of what it teaches.

1 point

What if that wasn't the case?

1 point

The world is full of conflict. Religion teaches us that we have to suck it up until the second coming when God will throw the wicked into the lake of fire (or something like that) and the meek will inherit the earth.

There is more to it than just that. God doesn't throw people in Hell. Nowhere in scripture does it say that. People send themselves to hell for the choice that they made,

One of God's commandment is "thou shall not kill." But He had David running around killing his enemies. He condoned it. And He himself wiped out everything with His 40 days and 40 nights of rain crap. So life isn't as precious as He would have us believe.

A lot of the Old Testament stuff that was killing involved were over Israel, or God was judging people because they were doing evil, and God took a stand and said enough is enough and decided to do something about it.

So, instead of waiting for the second coming, I say we nuke the bastards causing all the problems and stirring the pot as it were. We then declare ourselves to be the meek and lay claim to the planet. Then, if and when He comes, we can just tell Him that we took care of it all ourselves and that we no longer need His services and that He can just fuck off and leave us the hell alone.

Only more problems would arise. We can't take care of it ourselves because, we as humans aren't perfect at all and we'll always mess things. God on the other hand loves us and wants a relationship with Him. That's why there are Christians around the world spreading good news to people, so that when the time comes people will be ready and not perish.

1 point

Of course it's murder.

1 point

Jesus really does the converting, all we as Christians do is plant the seed. I wouldn't say our job is to convert rather make disciples because that is what Jesus called us to do.

1 point

He already does, and there really is nothing I would ask.

1 point

I'll be rooting for the Seahawks!! I hope they make it to the Superbowl or at least attempt to.

1 point

I don't have a phone yet.

1 point

I rather have someone for the rest of my life. Not someone who is just a substitute.

1 point

Yes, I plan to have kids once I'm married. I have yet to find someone though.

1 point

Yes, I would definitely buy those, but it would probably cost a lot.

1 point

I'm going to be gone for awhile. I got Black Ops 3, and next week Star Wars Battlefront so I'll be busy.

1 point

Yes, I believe that one day we will all be judged for everything that we've ever said, done, and thought.

1 point

Not really.

1 point

Nobody because I don't have a phone.

1 point

I still put up with them, and still treat them with respect like I do with everyone else.

1 point

In Washington state we've had days where it was sunny, but still chilly outside wasn't completely hot. It rained today in the morning. It starts getting hot around here towards the course of June. Washington is known for having late summer weather. We also are pretty early when it comes to fall weather with all the rain that we get.

1 point

Good never believed it anyway.

2 points

I value it right now since I'm single. I'm waiting to get married to have sex.

1 point

Majority of the people will go to hell. The only people who will go to Heaven are the people who truly seek out Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, and actually live a life that God wants them to live.

1 point

No one. I get along with everyone fine. :)

1 point

Prayers is not a way of God making us beg. It's a part of our relationship with God and to be able to talk to Him. It's also showing that we are obedient to God when we pray and it's an act of faith when we pray. If I stopped praying then I would basically have a lack of faith in God, and a lack of trust in God's Word.

1 point

He would look more like this.

1 point

Wow, those were the days before I hit 10k points.

1 point

Yeah, I can see that a lot of kids will probably have cell phones before they probably reach kindergarten because that's just waay too early to give someone a phone. I get enough shock from people as it is at high school for not having a phone.

1 point

That's pretty amazing! My friend shared that video on Facebook. Pretty creative for them to do that.

1 point

Pretty cool! Although the weather where I live at the moment is not in the 70s yet. We usually have a late start to summer. Stupid Washington state!

1 point

Nope, not for me.

1 point

Have you heard of any other god's rising from the grave? Dying for mankind? Doing miracles such as healing, or driving out demons? I don't think so. The only person that can do that is God.

1 point

No, I haven't seen it yet. I would like to watch it.

Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

Ohhh, well this is news to me.

1 point

Uh huh surrrrrre!

1 point

I know you're referring to me.

2 points

No, it's not a code. Her avatar is a girl from a movie called Frozen and there is a song called "Do you want to build a snowman?" so that's why I said that.

2 points

I just got to ask. "Do you want to build a snowman?"

1 point

No problem! (:

1 point

He wouldn't go against His Word because if He did then that would be a sin to be against His Word.

1 point

God wouldn't tell me to have sexual relations with a man anyway because it goes against what God said in His word.

1 point

lol ahahahahahahahahahahahahah. No!

2 points

I set time to read my Bible, and do things for God. As long as I don't spend more time in video games then I do with God then it's fine. Sometimes I do play video games over and beyond the time I spend with God.

P.S You should see my dad's stats. He has more games finished then I do and more trophies.

1 point

It's stored digitally in the PS3 and it will show you the games you started and if any our completed or finished.

2 points

Happy Birthday!

1 point

Most of the games that I get are ether buying it digitally or I rent the games that are easy games to complete to 100%. I will also tend to buy the disc of some games because I like the certain franchise of a game or it's new and I want to try a new game out that is easy to complete. Sometimes, I'll keep some of the games that I have completed to 100% because they still are fun to play like some of the Call of Dutys, or games that were really enjoyable.

1 point

I don't have an Xbox 360. I have a ps3. Here are my stats for PS3.

I have 1,923 trophies.

31 Platinums (Games I fully completed to 100%)

128 Gold

410 Silver

1,354 Bronze

2 points

Without the Bible, we wouldn't know that about Jesus in the first place.

Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

Then why don't you just say it instead?

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