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This personal waterfall shows you all of Srom's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I have always wondered why you liked me but not other Christians on here.

1 point

lol nope!

1 point

I don't know really but they are pretty good games.

1 point

Well it's a good thing I was born in November! And not December or January.

1 point

I don't walk around when I sleep.

1 point

That was a test of faith. And why do you have to dispute me with that when I don't really want to talk about it in this debate.

1 point

I don't celebrate Halloween because of it's orgin story that the Celts held a festival of

Samhain. Which they believed that the ghosts of the dead will return. Druids built sacraficial bonfires, where people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrificies to the Celtic deities.

1 point

I am not going to put #2 up as my profile picture because I don't celebrate Halloween and it's creepy.

1 point

Oh, you must have suffered doing that when you were little.

1 point

Yep! I am thankful that they didn't split up or anything because I would hate going to my mom or dad's house every so often.

1 point

Nope, my parent's aren't divorced. They both are still married.

2 points

Don't forget, he still needs to add more media!

1 point

It looks like you live in an area where there is a lot of nice houses! Also the scenery and the houses remind me of Arizona where you are at.

2 points

So I guess the eyewitness accounts who were there and witnessed it lied about it? Why would they lie about Jesus doing miracles if they witnessed it?

2 points

Jesus, because He could just say something and He would win because Jesus's voice is powerful.

1 point

Congrats Joe! I still need to get to 10k but I have been slacking and not on that much.

1 point

Not really. I have a lot of people who usually wear them around their neck like a lot at my school. It looks really cool when you have them on and if you ever want to listen to music your headphones are right there.

1 point


1 point

This picture looks like something you would wear Joe! ;)

1 point

Uh huh, he sure would know.

1 point

Who cares if it's biased that's just an excuse to dismiss it and not even look at it.

2 points

No they shouldn't because they make really good video games!

1 point

No, because I don't take my laptop with me while I go there.

1 point

I was right and knew that you existed all along!!

1 point

I saw that the other day. I think it's just a disorder because the 8 year old still has a body like an infant so I don't know what age she will be when she is fully able to function.

Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

It's RavenLily's profile picture and RavenLily has Joe's picture on. They swapped profile pics.

1 point

Can we not talk about this please?

1 point

Why would I want to stare at a lot of cleavage?

1 point

I do go outside and play basketball by myself and sometimes with my brothers. I also hangout with my friends a lot.

1 point

No its not a confession of having fake accounts.

1 point

I don't need one. I like my own.

0 points


1 point

Do you have it Joe?

1 point

I haven't played it so I might check it out. I heard it's a very good game and lots of people liked it. I believe its only for the ps3.

1 point

I know right?!

1 point

My real life friends never really cheered me up at all because some of them weren't really there for me or cared about me.

1 point

Good job joe!

1 point

Looks like it could have been Photoshopped

1 point

If sea animals pee in the ocean. I am sure we as people can pee in the ocean.

1 point

I see myself married and have a good paying job to support my family and my house.

1 point

I was just asking a question. lol ;)

1 point

I know I still meant to ask that since you made this debate. ;)

4 points

Joe are you cheating on your wife? ;)

1 point

You should wait because you can get cramps which can result in you drowning

1 point

Yeah I saw this one GIF where a girl was getting her purse stolen and the girl beat the living crap of the guy and people were just walking by and not doing a thing.

1 point

A lot of people in today's society don't care about the normal members of society. They only worry about themselves.

1 point

More like headbanging and dancing wildly for God.

1 point

Yeah I would care.

1 point

If its some stranger or somebody I don't know then I don't care what they think about me.

1 point

Really did you have to bring me up? :P

1 point

That would be very weird if that happened.

1 point

Hard to tell when I am on a screen.

1 point

I wasn't getting mad.

1 point

I know I have read the whole New Testament because I remember reading all of that. I know I have read parts of the Old Testament.

1 point

Yeah I figured since its from the Bible!

1 point

Yeah but movies tend to leave stuff out from the book. I haven't read all of the books of the Bible yet but I will eventually will.

1 point

Video gamers would be all like "We have been waiting for this!"

Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

So does Dana.

1 point

No because we already have Google Glass! ;)

1 point

Oh well what can you do? ;)

1 point

Oh Joe I love my sleep I wouldn't stay up that late really. I do love sleeping in as well. ;)

1 point

I usually stay up till like 10 or midnight and then I would sleep in until 9 -10 am.

1 point

Hellno you don't need to worry. You won't be hammered.

2 points

There is a possibility that someone could make a debate and then everyone actively puts in effort to debating in that debate then it wouldn't be social media and an actual debate sited.

1 point

Nope because I don't have one yet.

1 point

Yep everyone wants to be accepted and liked.

1 point

Nope not for me really.

1 point

That's good so your all up to date. I would recommend you a site its called its where you can update your anime list and let others see what anime you are watching and manga and stuff like that. The community is great on there and my username is the same as it is on here.

The series is quite thrilling but I also heard that the author said that soon he is going to put an end to Naruto. I was surprised that Sauske turned good and I want to see Sauske reaction when he finds out Naruto's dad is the 4th hokage.

1 point

Yeah I heard about the characters and how many there is. I didn't know you liked Naruto. Have you been reading the manga and watching the anime?

The only reason why I am not getting it is because the trophies are hard (I have a ps3) and I usually get games if I can get the trophies but I looked at it and it doesn't look like I can platinum it because right now I have like 26 platinums (games that I have 100% on) and there are other games I am working on like Aliens:Colonial Marines, Transformers Fall of Cybertron, and others that I can't think of right now.

1 point

How is Ultimate Ninja Storm 3? I had the 2nd one but I sold it to GameStop.

1 point

That sums it up.

1 point

I didn't really cry but I could see how people would cry.

1 point

I don't know Joe are you become extinct?

1 point

Is that really your daughter?

2 points

God didn't create atheists. We created atheism because we went our separate ways and humans came up with atheism not God.

Srom(12206) Clarified
2 points

You mean PEMDAS?







1 point

I saw that today when I was looking at this meme site. Good one Joe! ;)

1 point

I am in 9th place on the All Time Leaderboards and I hope to get into 5th or maybe even 2nd place.

1 point

No thanks I am going to be here for a long time and if I have kids I will let them have this account and let it pass it on thru generation to generation.

2 points

Woah! I don't know where this picture was taken. Good picture joe , good picture.

1 point

Same here he is close minded and is not open to what I have to say and goes along and starts saying stuff about his stuff but never listens to what I have to say sometimes.

1 point

Yeah I have been ignoring them and hey haters going to hate.

2 points

Your just saying that because you don't want to with the Christian God that's all and your against God so you have no excuse.

0 points

Jesus could just say 1 word and the other person would just fall to the ground because Jesus has a powerful voice.

He could easily take away the person's life.

1 point

I know its going to be hard for me to get +300 points on the leader board the most I have gotten is like 100-250 points a week. Andy needs to reset it and then we can start all over because I would like to be number 1 on the leader board someday.

1 point

Well there is a lot of drama on here even when there is debates so I would keep the name.

1 point

Nope because I haven't done that and won't do that.

1 point

Sure? Why not!

1 point

Yes we do! Now lets hope to keep it that way from now on! :)

1 point

I will accept him now since he has changed and even when most people are giving him a hard time I will help him out and not be with the crowd that is hurting but helping.

1 point

Your welcome! RandomDude I see now that you are kind and nice. I guess I can give you another chance if your going to be nice.

2 points

I feel bad for him and this time I will treat him with respect and hopefully I can help him out by not being mean to him and be a friend and not a foe. After all we do believe in the same God but he has different view points on things.

1 point

So if we don't want the end of the world to occur, we should destroy Israel and keep them from building the third temple on top of the dome of the rock.

Good luck trying to destroy Israel because however many times you kill some of their people they will go back and kill 2x the amount plus they have a really good army and they have good technology as in weapons that are really powerful plus God would protect Israel because its God's chosen people live there. So again I say good luck.

So which side are you on?

I am for Israel all the way!

1 point

Yeah I noticed what I did wrong but now I can't really switch.

2 points

So if we don't want the end of the world to occur, we should destroy Israel and keep them from building the third temple on top of the dome of the rock.

Good luck trying to destroy Israel because however many times you kill some of their people they will go back and kill 2x the amount plus they have a really good army and they have good technology as in weapons that are really powerful plus God would protect Israel because its God's chosen people live there. So again I say good luck.

So which side are you on?

I am for Israel all the way!

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