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This personal waterfall shows you all of TheAshman's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

What I find interesting is that from what I have read Moore did not actually call snipers cowards he said his uncle was killed by a sniper and he was brought up being told that snipers were cowards, a totally different statement. Interestingly I watched Inglorious Basterds the other day which coincided with the big push of adverts on TV for American Sniper the first thought that went through my head was similar to Seth Rogens tweet (wisely I kept that thought to myself)

1 point

I know you think your some kind of hardman campaigning warrior but your bang out of order having a go at people for race or the way they look, big man!! Either debate or fuck off, wanna know who reported you for abuse it was me

1 point

It has long been thought that marijuana can seizures but governments refused to look into it for many years (they don't want you taking something you can grow yourself, obviously it's better to be taking expensive manmade medication)

2 points

Did they do a similar test for Americans to name all the Counties in the UK?

TheAshman(2299) Clarified
1 point

Is that why our old colonies keep coming and asking for our help when they go to war? :)

TheAshman(2299) Clarified
1 point

Ireland is part of the British Isles

2 points

Well we didn't give em back, that would've meant returning all the land to the natives!!

1 point

What's not to understand? What are they teaching in the colonies since we gave em back?

1 point

I think the Europeans (I still have that island mentality when it comes to thinking of england as part of Europe) have got the right idea when it comes to drinking

1 point

I've debated Christianity with him before and he certainly has some issues with the religion

1 point

I've been to Russia and Hungary and their attitude to alcohol is nuts bordering on awesome. In Hungary at 10 am we went to a cafe for breakfast and they had beer on tap my father in law jokingly asked me if I was having a beer because he knows I like a drink and don't drink coffee, the guy behind the counter just pulled the beer straight away no questions asked when I said about it being a bit early he said in all seriousness, what do you mean a bit early? Its only beer!! A lot of people do not count it as alcohol!! Its not just these guys though the Danes have a breakfast lager and the French quite often have Wine with breakfast

TheAshman(2299) Clarified
1 point

Its true I've actually met some, now wait for your mind to be truly blown, I even met a gay couple who are Christians and were married in a church!!

1 point

I won't argue that no Buddhist takes drugs because I'm sure some do even though it is forbidden, a bit like a Jew eating Pork etc I'm sure it happens but it doesn't make the whole religion pro drugs. Meditation is all about freeing your mind, this can be done using drugs but that is a short cut, to meditate properly your mind has to be clear which it isn't when your high, a lot of Buddhists meditate before breakfast then go about their day, then before bed. As for your mind obesity claim, I have one thing to say Shaolin Monks those dudes are ripped!!

1 point

Unfortunately moral decay has already taken root and I don't think linking religion with government is going to help especially not your brand which is definitely anti gay and would probably also alienate people of other religions because it is so fervently Christian, they would feel they are not getting a voice in government. I don't think any group who are pro discriminating against someone due to race, religion, gender or sexuality or whatever it may be should have any role in law making or enforcement.

1 point

The job of a parent is to help a child be the best person they can be whilst remembering that, that child is their own person not an extension of the parent, they should help the child be the best they can be be not the person the parent wanted to be.

1 point

Double standards is what makes the world go round, it pisses me off but there's nothing that I can do except take my own little stands against the tide of bullshit, I might only succeed in getting myself in trouble but I think better that than compromise myself.

1 point

It all depends what your using, I now drink more often than get stoned but I've always enjoyed both, in my youth I used to do both at the same time because I'd be out partying for long periods I'd use a little bit of speed to keep partying, then have a smoke at the end of the night to chill out, not the healthiest lifestyle but it was fun.

Being drunk is a more social experience I believe that being drunk brings out the person you really are because it strips away societal "norms" and inhibitions, whilst being stoned is more of a personal journey and makes you more introspective, it makes you look at life in a different way.

1 point

My moneys on Magical if he acts in real life like he does on here or if Abby or Sitara (Dana to those confused by the not so recent name change)

1 point

That's a Cosmonaut in the 1961 picture and that Afghan fella must be pretty ancient.


1 point

I try not to care and most times I don't but its hard and sometimes you find yourself inadvertently caring what someone thinks. I don't think its possible to not care what others think all the time.

1 point

There are some that just insult people because they are arrogant and believe they are a lot smarter than the people they are debating, I can never figure out why they bother debating, there are some who get insulting when they lose their temper which is normally when their debating "skills" disappear

1 point

Very true, I've met a few of them as well as the ones whose minds are so closed they've crushed their brains and we have them all in this little online community

1 point

There are some people on here that it is impossible to convince that they are wrong because they are just too close minded and refuse to see another point of view except their own but there are some people on here who are open minded and interested in learning and seeing things from another point of view, it all depends who you are debating.

2 points

Youngsters are good with tech but what scares me is how little they know about general things, I met a 20 year old who did not understand how Hong Kong could have been part of Great Britain as its on the other side of the world!! Unfortunately she isn't alone in this kind of lack of knowledge which to me is a failure of the schools, my daughters business studies homework recently was to watch the Apprentice!!

I don't think older people are smarter than younger people I just think they were given a better education.

1 point

Out of interest as you didn't answer my message is that why you created a debate asking what religion people are and declared people who aren't Christian enemies, or did I do something else to offend you?

1 point

He actually provoked the Jews more than the Romans, the Romans only crucified him to keep the Jews who were petitioning against him quiet, the Romans did not perceive Jesus to be a threat, they thought of him the same way a lot of people now think of the mad guy on the corner who claims to be the son of God

4 points

Proper Terrorists that have been proven to be guilty fine take em out, the problem is a government can label anyone a terrorist which would be where the problem arises, the only other problem is that by killing territorists you could be creating martyrs for their cause.

2 points

So you dont think the adoptive kids of Homosexuals should be entitled to the same inheritance rights as the children of Heterosexual couples

TheAshman(2299) Clarified
1 point

Who are you?

The minimum length for an argument is 50 characters. The purpose of this restriction is to cut down on the amount of dumb jokes, so we can keep the quality of debate and discourse as high as possible.

1 point

I like that joke and I'm Epileptic, went back but it wasn't a conscious decision on my part more a court order on hers.

1 point

I'm probably more of an Optimist because I always look for the Silver lining in a situation but I always expect the worst to happen because that way I wont be dissapointed when everything goes Tits up but if it works out it'll be a nice surprise

1 point

I'm probably more of an Optimist because I always look for the Silver lining in a situation but I always expect the worst to happen because that way I wont be dissapointed when everything goes Tits up but if it works out it'll be a nice surprise

TheAshman(2299) Clarified
1 point

Tit for Tat is when a Girl shows you her Boobs and you give her a rubishy ornament in return

1 point

I did read that she had been fired but I think that was just damage limitation because of the backlash. I dont think either of them deserved firing for it because it was just a silly joke which has been blown out of proportion.

1 point

It's destroying the World it has gone too far, I had some friends at an old workplace three whites and an Asian they were joking about the fact that the Asian guy couldn't pronounce his W's, a Russian girl listened in and reported the White guys for racism, they got in a lot of trouble suspended for a week with no pay and put on report on their return, the Asian guy even stuck up for them and explained it was a private conversation and a joke but to no avail.

I think the idea of Political Correctness is a good one but it has gone too far and common sense needs to be applied

2 points

Its sad that you cant joke with your friends for fear of someone eavesdropping and getting you fired for it and getting offended by a Dongle joke jeez sad, sad Woman

2 points

If God exists and created everything then he created Atheists which is kind of ironic, if he doesn't then he didn't and it's all irrelevant

1 point

I agree many Gays do and Hitler could have been Bisexual but as we dont have any proof to the contrary we just have to go with what we have been told

1 point

His attitude to Homosexuals (although it could be argued he was overcompensating to hide his own sexual proclivities) and that he had a mistress would point to him being heterosexual and there is no proof that he wasn't.

2 points

My daughter says similar things then puts One Fucking Direction on and their ripping off The Clash, Blondie and The Undertones!! It'll be interesting to see where the bands of today are in a few years things like Floyd have stood the test of time and are still popular today, Roger Waters still sells out gigs and the age range of the audience is immence from people old enough to have been into them from the beginning to youngsters who are just getting into them.

1 point

It's all her fault after all we're just men we see a nice rack and thats it all concentration goes out the window, why do you think the Amazons were so awesome it wasn't for their fighting prowess it was because it was a bunch of butt naked women how are you meant to concentrate on war when thats in front of you? Women know they have this power over us and have used it throughout history Adam only took a bite out of that Apple because Eve said he could touch her boob if he did, they always miss that bit out of the Bible

1 point

Its sexist, objectifies women and oh fuck it its boobs who cares

1 point

That ones always made me laugh theres quite a big clue whats in the packet in the name, i'd be properly disapointed if I opened my Nuts to find an empty packet!!

2 points

I've advocated the taking the stupid obvious signs for years I worked somewhere where the fire door was this big double door with fire door written in massive letters on it, there was also a sign hanging from the ceiling pointing to it fair enough in case of a fire it needs to be obvious and the sign pointing it out means we can see where it is from a distance. Then they put up two more signs one pointing out where the sign pointing to the fire door was and one pointing to the sign that pointed to the sign that pointed to the fire door, to me if you need that many signs to find other signs to point you to a door you really don't deserve saving.

TheAshman(2299) Clarified
1 point

If he was thats trolling on an epic scale, Jesus the ultimate Troll. Can you imagine getting to the other side meeting God and him saying yeah Jesus was joking and i've grounded him it would explain why he hasn't come back

TheAshman(2299) Clarified
1 point

I dont think me telling people to be respectful and tolerant is gonna change much, Jesus basically said that hundreds of years ago and look at all the trouble that caused so I think we're safe

TheAshman(2299) Clarified
2 points

I wouldn't get angry Joes like the sites pet troll, he makes some good debates but nearly always puts a title to them that he knows will get a reaction, he's alright though and unfortunately there are some Theists who do believe that Atheism is the dark side. When this debate first popped up I thought it had been created by one of the sites less tolerant Theists then I saw the creator (of the debate not God), so in a way its a clever title it got people debating as it plays to some Theists irrational fear of Atheism but will also rile up some of the Atheists to respond.

You might not think or say Theists are stupid but there are some Atheists who do believe it and are quite vocal about it.

2 points

This is true and I agree with you, the reason this debate started though was because there were some Atheists on the site who were being very intolerant of other peoples beliefs, insulting people who had previously been debating politely stuff like that, if you browse some of the debates on religion you will see what I mean (I wouldn't blame you if you didn't though there's a hell of a of a lot of them). There are also some religious people who do the same, when I first joined the site the religious where the bolshier but it went the other way for a while.

I believe people should be entitled to believe or not believe whatever they want and shouldn't be insulted for it but unfortunately there are a few from both sides (religious and atheist) who won't respect or listen to another persons point of view, its sad but can make for a fun debate!!

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