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Vermink's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Vermink's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Is Pompeii any good? I saw the advert and it looked like it would be kind of boring.

2 points

She seems a nice person. I don't think I've debated with her so I can't really comment on it :)

2 points

Happy birthday! :D Have a great day!

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Vermink(1944) Clarified
1 point

Dreams by themselves,don't cause pain & you have to be awake to hallucinate. So in other words,neither of happened.

Could of been a state of mind the brain put them in, we dont know exactly what was goig theough there head. Also just because they state it doesn't mean it's true for all we know they were lying to get more publicity for having a near death experience.

2 points

I really liked history when I was in school, geography and business studies are a lot worse!

0 points

Creation is the better explanation then Evolution

Oh I hate to disagree but the belief that an unproven god created the world in 6 days is harder to get your head around than evolution/natural selection it is the adaption of an animal to its environment and makes sense. If a modern horse had the same four toes as the earliest recorded horse did it would be extinct natural selection adapted its hoove to suit it's new size and environment. Creation can be easy for say a child (not ment to sound hostile just an example anyone can get there head around it really) to get around because there really isn't much explaining to go along with it or evidence to back it up, evolution yes can be long winded with complicated explanations but once you start to understand it it becomes easier to get your head around. I think Christians are fully capable of believing evolution considering the early scripts didn't say specifically "day" it said "yom" which can mean any length of time so god could have done the creatures an plants through evolution upon millions and millions of years.

1 point

Well... That escalated quickly o.O

1 point

What's furry and minty? A polo bear!

I only know terrible christmas jokes xD

1 point

No, Just no

1 point

Well something so boring wouldn't be in the news that sort of stuff would only be "she brought one more tin than she needed oh no" >.< that's not interesting. What's surprising is the amount how often do you hear of someone stealing 5.5 tonnes of soup?

1 point

Just being hungry is not a reason to steal food. If you live on the streets maybe. But honestly that doesn't stop the fact that no one needs 5.5 tonnes of Nutella and that this was stealing.

1 point

It's the randomness, if I was hungry I wouldn't rob a nutella truck. .

0 points

Yep and the story that sticks in my mind is that someone stole 5.5 tonnes of nutella from a truck...

Supporting Evidence: Nutella heist (
1 point

YOLO gets on my nerves anyway, YODO would just be the same and reminds me of Yoda.

1 point

When my dog died, my friend hugged me patted me on the shoulder and said "there, there" in a Sheldon cooper impression. My friends are awesome...

1 point

Hopefully in a house with my steady dream job and to own my cats and dogs :)

2 points

Put baby powder in some ones hairdryer and wait for them to turn it on.

1 point

Perhaps it is ;) But if we never answered back we would be silent... Might actually be dream for you elders ;)

1 point

Well do you think I'm a brat? What about the youths that actually do something to help others? Not all youths/teens are brats there are some good ones.

1 point

Not all of them. That is quiet a massive stereotype. I would agree that most are but not all of them.

1 point

Awwww they're so cute I want one! XD


1 point



1 point

It was taken on planet earth...


1 point

XD We need the morgan freemark and super ellipsus! XD


1 point

Really cute but you wouldn't be you with out mutly as your pic :D

1 point

Why there's five types of iPhone, iPod, I think iPad and any other apple product :P on a serious note it really couldn't be technology because he/she built a time machine which is pretty advanced on technology (more than we know to this day) so I guess... You know what I'm really not sure :P

1 point

Wow they'll give us and Iphone? Because we really need 5 types of Iphone ¬_¬ but yeah the old world was better we were truly free. Government says we are "free" But really we're not :P We have to do as they say and pay to live now.

1 point

Even though it is not claimed it is immoral to steal it. It was somebody elses and if they lost it they would want it back because they wanted it for a reason. I would feel a whole lot of guilt of I took money from the floor and it turned out that the person who dropped it is a lot of trouble be it being homeless or just generally getting in trouble. Even though it's not been accounted for it doesn't mean that it is yours.

1 point

It's also hard to learn though ¬_¬ .........................................

1 point

lol Amazing picture XD................................................

1 point

I got a good hiding spot for you ;)...............................................

1 point

Why did I get downvoted >..< (Sarcasm intended)........................

1 point

Why did I get downvoted?...........................................................

1 point

YAY I can read it :D/........................................................

2 points

chavs aren't on the moon yet XD..................................

Moon Chavs! Listen XD
1 point

Why not? :P ................................................

1 point

lol i'll have to try that!!! XD..........................................................

1 point

That is exactly how it works ;) XD ..........................................................

1 point

Absolutly XD every time I say lol, it means I'm drowning lol :D

1 point

Ha Ha Ha rolf thats funny XD ...................................................................

1 point

I see nothing wrong :P You just being curious and she went a bit OTT :P

1 point

That looks like an awesome app!!! I want it :P :D XD trying to fill 50 charecters this should do it :P

2 points

I don't believe that the devil lets you do what you want in hell he gets those "demons" that you call fun to torture you for eternity not to encourage you! In my opinion when I'm dead I hope to go to heaven and not be in that torture.

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