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Winklepicker's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Winklepicker's arguments, looking across every debate.

When the beauty of the female form is captured and, perhaps enhanced, on canvas it is indeed a true glory to behold.

Of course there are sexual overtones, but a tasteful painting of ''the nude'' is in stark contrast to the heaving, sweating bodies of actors and actresses feigning various acts of depraved sexual activity.

I don't really object to these things going on, but I want in on them.

Ah, but you don't know that as you've never seen a bullfrog with wings hopping, therefore your assumption cannot be described as an indisputable and absolute truth.

Just in the same way if I said you could shit coal-bricks if your arsehole was square, wouldn't necessarily be true either as I've never observed you having a shit, thank God.

You know you are alive therefore it would be true to say, at the time of ''going to press'', you are a living creature.

As the French philosopher Rene' Descartes said;- Cogito Ergo Sum, translated means ''I think, therefore I am''.

Or my version, I think therefore I am, I think.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

Spot the paradox. ''There is no such thing as an absolute truth''.

If that were so then the statement itself would be an absolute truth and therefore self contradictory.

I didn't read it either because it's an oxymoron.

The title is a self confessed contradiction in terms, so why bother to read it?

A truth, scientific or otherwise, is a truth and cannot by definition be a falsehood.

An alleged truth or a perceived truth is not a truth, and that's the truth.

I wonder if she would take a bad price for her coat?

I think she may have appropriated that garment from the props of ''Joseph and his amazing technicolor dreamcoat''.

We can tell that she doesn't want to noticed and is playing a low profile by wearing her 'quiet coat'.

Good old Hillary, just a subtle as a kick in the balls.

Yeah, let's fight to maintain the true American traditions.

1) Cops eat doughnuts and shoot people.

2) Democrats ruin the economy and the Republicans sort out their fiscal mess.

3) Blacks wreck the place.

4) Official American foreign policy;- Bomb the bastards.

Oh dear, that's awkward for me.

You see I'm a real dirty rotten scoundrel, and there I go calling myself names.

Well, I suppose you gotta do what a censor's gotta do.

Maybe they're all one of the same.

Alien the God, Alien the Son and Alien the Holy Ghost, and of course all the Alien Angles.

Now there's an epic blockbuster for you, pity Charlton Heston wasn't around to act in the starring role.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

It's currently with the Public Prosecutor's Department.

However, as I don't like to brag nor vainly demonstrate my notoriety I must decline your request.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

You have now been officially removed from my enemy list and joined up with the rest of my enemies floating around helplessly in cyberspace.

I have no allies, no hostiles nor any enemies. Surely someone must hate me, I mean, I'm a real 1st class dirty, double dealing, lowdown scoundrel, and I have a certificate to prove it.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

Well, don't knock being classified as an enemy, Jesus said, 'Love thine enemies, he didn't say anything about friends.

I'll give that a shot and see what happens.

Would a quiet snigger suffice?

I hate roars of horrible forced laughter from a theatre's back stalls, it drowns out all the people with bronchitis who only went to cough.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

Please refer to your message box.

I think it would be best to have things sorted but I cannot see where to rectify this mistake.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

Believe me, I'm as confused as you are. It certainly wasn't of my doing.

I like your arguments/debates along with your off beat sense of humour and have always done so.

I'll go right now and see if my limited computer skills will permit me to modify whatever glitch the little mischievous gremlin has created.

Winklepicker(1021) Clarified
1 point

Yeah, along with some text;- Don't photobomb me, this is going up as my ''Selfie Sunday''.

Hey, I have big feet, I mean I have my shoes made at Harland & Wolff's shipyard, and I have been successful at multiplying the human species for decades. The secret to having a successful, ''KNEE WOBBLER' is to have a chopper bigger than your feet.

As for water sports, well in Belfast Lough you don't really water ski, you just go through the 'motions'.

I was going to read that account of the continuation of miracles but as I was in a rush I just read War and Peace instead so I wasn't late for my appointment. It was about Russia by the way.

It's difficult to do both. I mean do you really expect Sir Gallant Knight in Shining armour to be whacking dragons and deflecting bullets whilst scrubbing shit which has hardened like reinforced structural concrete from the the lavatory bowl?

How come they demonstrated with such a pathetically small replication? That is an insult to manhood the world over!! If it is real, then either gangrene has set in to that pitiful specimen or there must be a Pygmy somewhere searching frantically for the b'tard who castrated him. Throughout history student demonstrations have never achieved anything nor influenced the course of history. Did they ever stop to think that if personal protection weapons were issued to a number of their well vetted school pals they would have a greater chance of surviving a gun attack, or even avoiding one? These so called ''crazy'' murderers are seldom, if ever sufficiently ''crazy'' to attack anyone or any group which is able to defend themselves.

Well, with such a restricted choice, and considering the merits of the candidates I think I'll have to go for Coke. Yes sirree Bob, if you want to turn America around;- vote Coke.

Must by mentally defective. All other sane, self respecting politicians in a pose as the first photo would have made certain that their tonsils were airbrushed before releasing for promotional purposes. Must be a complete nutcase. If all else fails she could always give soprano singing recitals in her looney bin.

He has openly declared his commitment to face up to and address the main issues which are causing Americans the most concern as they watch the might of their once great nation being eroded by the contamination of unrestricted immigration and the failure to confront the ''black problem''. Unlike other ethnic minorities Blacks have demonstrated, over a long period of time that they, generally speaking, lack the necessary self discipline to engage in, and excel in formal education. Their executive skills and entrepreneurial abilities are virtually non existent leading to a state of affairs whereby they wander the streets aimlessly and inevitably become involved in crime, usually of a violent nature and drug dealing. They have been encouraged to believe that their plight is all the fault of the big bad white man while failing to notice that other non-whites such as Asians and Jews prosper as they engage in the 'American Dream'', which still exists for those industrious people who do not possess a sense of unwarranted resentfulness and merge in with the society in which they live. Trump has the political courage to stand up and state these self evident truths and try to have the Blacks recognize the fact that the answer to their self-imposed woeful state is in their own hands. The United States can only provide the laws and environment for the Black man to succeed in life but it appears that laziness and crime is a congenital characteristic of their psyche'. But nevertheless, unlike his yellow bellied low life political opponents who have kicked this ''race tin'' up the road for generations, Trump is prepared to tackle the Black problem head on. Clearly appeasement hasn't worked with the Blacks and someone is going to have to do something radical to resolve the present state of political inertia before America vanishes up it's own arsehole.

Because it's difficult for a Deity which is no more than the figment of a paedophile's crazed imagination to do anything. The fact that millions of hysterical people, mainly sweaty Arabs worship this fictional character doesn't make him/her any more real than all the other man made Gods. This question could also include, why do millions of so called Muslim refugees have to travel through oil rich Islamic States to seek solace in the countries of Christendom. Even the thickest Muslims with their illusory God must wonder why Allah expects the, equally imaginary Christian God to do his dirty work.

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