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This personal waterfall shows you all of Jolie's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Everyone is a clump of cells. We should legalize retroactive abortions ;)

1 point

This would not work in American cities which are full of liberals who think they can do whatever they want ;)

1 point

He came first on the Jews? Whaaa ;)

1 point

9 years. Just like you ;)

1 point

I'll let you guys battle it out. I am exhausted ;)

1 point

Yes!!! One down, half the American population to go ;)

1 point

You have never had an abortion, have you? It is exhausting. ;)

2 points

The argument that it is just a clump of cells is misleading. ;)

1 point

I am trying to come up with a debate that (no matter what side you're on) everyone agrees with ;)

jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

They need an Ebonics version of The Black panther ;)

1 point

White people should be able to understand what the Black Panther is saying. Does anyone understand what Madea is saying? She be speaking that jive shit ;)

1 point

There are no fees, no meetings, no action items. You get to feel like you are doing something without putting in any effort. It's kinda like saying, "Our thoughts and prayers are with you." ;)

jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

Do you think I was too hard on him? Maybe I hurt his feelings? Should I apologize? That'll throw him for a loop ;)

1 point

Yeah, that sounded like jive ;)

1 point

Was it not obvious I was just giving him a hard time ;)

2 points

Shooting solves a lot problems. If that was not the case, it wouldn't be so popular ;)

2 points

They could probably fix rush hour traffic if they allowed freeway shootings ;)

1 point

Americans think that the French rarely bathe and so they are known as "the stinking French." Americans also think that the French flag is a white flag 'cause they might as well surrender since they haven't won any wars lately. They basically see the French as cowards, especially when they say stuff like, "I'm a lover not a fighter." Also, they see the French as extremely liberal and that kinda of crap doesn't play well on this site. Finally, they see the French as funny and/or blundering idiots (i.e., inspector Clouseau).

American women like tall, dark and handsome. They like the English accent because it reminds them of the British Royals and they want to be princesses. One way to become a princes is to marry a prince. They also like men who wear bathing trunks, not banana hammocks. I mean, can you think of any famous French man who is considered a heart-throb in America? ;)

3 points

If they want the villain to be likable, they use an English accent. If they want the villain to be hated, they use German. If they want the villain to be a caricature, they use French ;)

1 point

At the very minimum, speak with an English accent. Americans automatically like people with an English accent. I know this is hard to do, especially for those of the Asian persuasion, but practice makes perfect. ;)

1 point

Some deserve it more than others ;)

1 point

Just grin and bear it ;)

1 point

When it starts getting deep, that's when I put my feet up on the desk, lean back and smile ;)

2 points

You should have added a smiley ;)

1 point

I thought it was more like what Bill Cosby said to his kids, "You know, I brought you into this world and I'll take you out. And it don't matter to me none 'cause I'll just make another one that looks just like you." ;)

2 points

Well, that escalated quickly ;)

1 point

The more you think about it, the more it makes sense. ;)

1 point

Screw the ISPs ;)

1 point

You're taking this whole issue way too seriously ;)

1 point

You have a point. Maybe we should design schools to make it harder for shooters ;)

1 point

The root of the problem is that we keep sending children to the place where they are likely to get shot. If we don't send kids to school, kids won't get shot at school. What's so hard to understand about that ;)

1 point

Actually, if you sell people ballistic missiles and they blow up France, that would be a good thing ;)

2 points

Do the math people. ;)

1 point

I blame school shootings on school ;)

2 points

So...., if guns are the problem, how come the other gun owners aren't shooting up the place? The shooters are a fraction of one percent of all gun owners. However, the shooter being in highschool is a much higher percentage of all highschoolers. I say we ban highschool ;).

1 point

You are correct. Sparta took on the Persians, not the Parisians. I should have said 20,000 Iranian students ;)

1 point

America is modern day Sparta. 300 of our combat trained school students (like the ones in Parkland) can take on 20,000 French school students ;)

1 point

In our defense, we now use drones to save American lives. Maybe school children can send drones to school to learn ;)

1 point

Kids getting shot up in school is just an extension of what we have been doing for decades ;)

1 point

Just as long as you don't text and drive ;)

2 points

Every time I go fishing, I get at least one that takes the whole hook, line and sinker ;)

1 point

Good for you ;)

jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

I know, right? People just don't take the time to stop and thinking about possible alternatives ;)

1 point

Why can't we just teach the kids how to dodge bullets? Or send them to school wearing Kevlar? ;)

1 point

I'm a meaner, rougher, jolie ;)

2 points

Do you want to stop chemistry teachers from making meth? Cause that's how you stop chemistry teachers from making meth ;)

1 point

Way cooler ;)

1 point

You know who you ass holes are ;)

1 point

A site where we do not attack each other with profanity ;)

jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

I want a kinder, gentler, debate site ;)

1 point

Whatever happened to a kinder, gentler, nation ;)

1 point

This is a way cooler solution ;)

jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

It's a win-win situation ;)

1 point

Countries will think twice about going to war against us ;)

1 point

32% of Republicans and 65% of Democrats see gun violence as a very big problem

No, drunk driving is a bigger problem. Let's apply some of those gun rules to alcohol and see how that pans out.

• a federal database of alcohol sales

• laws to prevent the mentally ill from buying alcohol (they are crazy enough as it is ;)

• ban high alcohol content drinks (men will have to rely more on roofies to get laid ;)

• people on federal watch lists should not be allowed to buy alcohol (don't do the crime if you can't stay dry ;)

• allow teachers to carry alcohol in K-12 schools (they need a way to unwind ;)

• alcohol should be banned for everyone except law enforcement (maybe they'll shoot fewer minorities or miss more when they do shoot ;)

1 point

Out of the top 25 states with the most gun-related deaths per capita, 21 of them voted Republican, and 4 voted Democrat in the 2016 election.

The Democrats should just STFU about guns until they have enough numbers to win back the white house ;)

1 point

OK. You obviously feel strongly about this so I guess we can make an exception an make you an honorary conservative ;)

1 point

It's not a question. It is a statement. ;)

1 point

There's some lighthearted banter and no name calling. ;)

1 point

What I don't understand is that most serial killers are Democrats. Maybe we should make it illegal for Democrats to own guns. ;)

1 point

On the other hand, I have five more fingers ;)

1 point

First of all, Luke lost a hand the first time he went up against a real challenge ;)

1 point

And you don't have to feel bad about it because they are going to die eventually anyway ;)

1 point

I think you're taking this debate a little too seriously ;)

1 point

So...., keep the productive illegals and deport the lazy ones? Send Trump a tweet, quick! ;)

1 point

I know, right? I don't even know what I'll post next ;)

2 points

The entertainment value alone is enough for me ;)

2 points

Here..., hold my beer and watch this ;)

1 point

Well..., what would be ;)

1 point

A drug dealer will give you a free sample ;)

1 point

Ok ;)

1 point

Maybe they should just raise the age on gun ownership. If teens can't own guns until after high school, then they won't be able to shoot up their high school ;)

1 point

The pedulum just swung the other way ;)

1 point

I am trying to not be so predictable ;)

1 point

Dude..., I intended this to be a joke debate ;)

1 point

Trump directed the Department of Justice to not enforce the Migratory Bird Act. This basically makes it open season for migratory birds. His reasoning? Apparently, they amount to illegals crossing our border ;)

1 point

Why hasn't Trump thought about this yet? ;)

1 point

Sounds good to me ;)

1 point

So..., if you go into a bar and some dude is buying drinks for everybody, you wouldn't partake ;)

1 point

OoooKaaaayyyyy...., I think you're taking this debate way too seriously ;)

1 point

Think of sin as a debt. That debt is paid for, so.... ;)

1 point

But those "immediate methods" you describe do not fix any of the problems posed by poor people. If anything, those methods exasperate the problem. ;)

1 point

If you disagree...., you are probably a poor person. ;)

1 point

Just saying ;)

jolie(9810) Clarified
1 point

Let them eat cake ;)

2 points

We can either reach for the stars or let the plebs drag us down ;)

2 points

Negative energy begets more negative energy ;)

3 points

I think you're taking this debate way too seriously ;)

1 point

; )

3 points

Half the people on this site fall under that category when you consider their posts ;)

1 point

People with split personality should be allowed to marry themselves ;)

1 point

Only if they have a split personality ;)

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