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GuitaristDog's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of GuitaristDog's arguments, looking across every debate.

Your lifetime is limited, so it's both... This has to cause a lot of billing problems down in the under world.

If you took the spic out of a spic he/she/it becomes .

You passed school back when you didn't get homework until 6th grade.

Porn is for recreational use. Recreational activities aren't meant to be productive as they are a way of relaxing, unwinding and enjoying oneself while they are not working.

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
2 points

Fray is cray is as well, but not as cray as gay, ya know what I say?

Bein' gay is pretty cray!

You truly are a Prodigy...

Because lot's of people's minds are too primitive to understand concepts such as black markets, gang violence and police brutality.

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
2 points

Nice anagram, bro.

Yes. We should also make the Sweet Home the capital of Alabama.

The tenants are more like a rule of thumb. Killed a bunch of innocents? Ah, that's alright, just keep the casualty count under 100,000 and we won't dsynchronize you.

I never got how people could do stuff like that and find it amusing. You knocked a rock over and it fell about three feet, big deal! I dented my steel toed boots when I kicked a Spider IV in, now thats destruction!

If you over analyze anything you can usually make it seem much more complex and intricate than it really is, but really, most of it is just a bunch of balderdash. There were 70 complaints a year about hot coffee, according to McDonald's website they almost 69,000,000,000 people every day. So out of 251,850,000,000,000 customers 700 complained that their coffee (widely known as a hot drink) was served at a high temperature. It pains me to know that there are humans on this planet that are idiotic enough to make this into such a big issue.

I gave up drinking after what happened the last week of school... ah, good times, good times.

Keep your opinions to yourself, you slutty rectum captain! Stop being such a white trash bitch nazi!

In the role of reproduction, men do not get pregnant, has no cravings, can pee anywhere they want, and takes only 10 seconds to get aroused

So? The male still provides for the child.

In terms of society, men are still in dominance because they are rational more than emotional, has strength for heavy jobs and does not need much attention

Women aren't less rational, they are just more emotional. Men's strength for labor intense jobs no longer gives them dominance for two reasons:

1. People who's primary skill is hitting stuff with hammers usually don't get control over society.

2. Their physical strength holds less and less power as technology advances and economies develop. For instance, you used to need a bunch of strong men to plant crops, keep the watered and harvest them. Now they just have machines do 99% of the work in agriculture production.

In individual terms, men are lucky. But in the long run, women has the higher chance of survival because of the strong organization and mental support.

How are men lucky? Men are more prone to color blindness, autism and social anxiety.

Its a separate organism, it would be like having sex with a twin.

Men don't have dominance in society and reproduction because of their gender anymore. This isn't the 1300's.

That would be one huge joint...

Its the same with musicians. 10,000 people pay $500 for a ticket to hear a country guitarist play 3 chords.

Whats that? Is it time for bingo?

Be sure to put it right next to their ear.

I remember in 8th grade I tried to kick this one kid in the ass... I was to far forward so I ended up smashing his balls with my shin.

I know how to wake them up. Make a rule that if they aren't awake by 7:00am you'll draw on their face with a sharpie. d/collegehumor.109efed679c861fcd64ad95df38ca54b.jpg

North Korea is saber waving, they can't do shit.

It honestly depends what type of homeless person you're talking about. Those mentally ill people who can't make a living? No. Those gutter punks that travel the country? Yes!

Are you serious? You had to had to deal with seeing 9/11 and few bombings. The elderly had to deal with the threat of a nuclear holocaust from the USSR and some of the older ones had to deal with the Axis.

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
1 point

At least you have to deal with getting drafted...

We try to go for "regular intercourse" but then sometimes, you forget to buy condoms...

Wrong, I know a good amount of punk guitarists that couldn't play anything besides a sloppy power chord to save their life but they still get paid to play.

Why are musicians in the same boat as "artists"? ;)

An artist eh? Well, musicians are always more attractive than artists so I don't care ;)

Thats what they want you to see, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!

If he was such a great leader why were people fleeing the country? Why were people scared of the government confiscating their property? Why did he shut down media outlets that opposed him? Why did the crime rate under Hugo Chavez go up? Why were there food shortages due to his price controls?

I don't care he pretended to "care about the poor" (confiscating property and giving himself more power) he was a thug dictator. But hey, if you want to be like Carter and remember him for the "good" things he did, that is your choice.

Peta? What the fuck are they doing here!?!?

They don't own the system. Funny, they said that Rockefeller, Carnegie and Ghoul would never go broke and someone took their place. Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Steve Jobs, Carnegie, Ghoul, Rockefeller ect. were not born into being billionaires, some of them were born "rich" but its not some dynasty of wealth. The biggest business have fallen, this era is no exception.

The bottom 20% doesn't stay at the bottom forever and the top 20% don't stay at the top forever. People are constantly moving up and down. There is no many free market principles left in America, however, there is still a market and markets are not static, they are dynamic.

-1 points

More like in socialist hell. Hugo Chavez was one of the worst leaders in the past 100 years. You are for socialism (according to you, when the production is controlled by workers, not the government) and democracy, not state-socialism and tyranny, how can you support this man? It would be like me supporting Ngo Dinh Diem simply because he was (sorta, not really) a capitalist.

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
1 point

Yes .

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
1 point

I am against there being a capital gains tax, income tax or property tax. I don't believe in directly taxing income, labor or property (pertaining to land)

Actually, I would. Who are you to say what I think? That is for me to decide

I'm not saying what you think, I'm saying what you said. You said you were a liberal. You called yourself a progressive. You promoted socialism.

and I prefer DEMOCRATIC socialism which allows the people to vote on the issues.

Your point? Democracy tramples individual rights enough without socialism, seriously, the majority voted for people who supported keeping drugs illegal and gay marriage illegal, is it fair just because its democracy? Of course not.

if you removed all tax loopholes, and charged a flat tax, you would only have to charge 10% of someone's net worth, and that is not a violation of civil rights.

I don't believe in any capital gains, income, property or "net worth" tax.

Actually, you wouldn't fight to death for my rights, you are a progressive liberal who promotes socialism, that tramples my individual economic and social rights.

Congrats, you're part of the problem.

Nah. The second I bring it back all the democrats would demand I pay my "fair share" (99% of it) to them and their failing programs.

I ams a god!


Its art, but art can be vandalism.


Your source doesn't account for the cost of labor and fuel rising. It also does not account for the rising demand for food in the nation, and globally. 2012/03/15/why-are-food-prices-so-high/

And the prices have tripled.

May I see a source of some sort?

Ah, because wages only go up when companies are controlled by the works, right?

Well lets take a look at America (a mix of capitalism and corporatism) here is the government's census.

Click on all races (close to the top) and it will give you an excel spread sheet, you can obviously see that from the 1960's to now the income per capita has almost doubled.

Oh, so when a greedy, capitalist company provides jobs and products for people is only about money, but when a benevolent, socialist company produces less at a higher cost, driving prices up for everyone its about the people?

If monopolies are always bad, why are you a die-hard supporter of government monopolies?

Sure, a girl who is in amazing shape and trains a lot can "take down" a larger man who is utterly out of shape and never trains, a lot of the time, not every time maybe.

Thats just bullshit. A girl who is fit and has been trained in martial arts could easily take down a slightly out of shape man.

She cannot take down a larger man who is just in okay shape though, not consistently anyway.

Size has nothing to do with it (for the most part) if a short guy has a good relative strength and is trained in martial arts they can take down a larger guy. The victim being female doesn't change all that much.

I go to the gym almost every day and see girls on more roids with more vanes popping out of their arms than a WWF actor, and I see them max 185 on the bench. Then some chubby dude walks in who obviously hasn't done a situp in a decade do that same weight 10 times.

This is misleading, you act as if fat = weak. Just having some flag over muscle doesn't mean they're weak.

Simply saying "exercise harder girls, otherwise it's your own fault you get your ass beat" is not something I would be willing to do.

Oh fucking please, I wasn't saying it was the girl's fault and you know it.

No it isn't. There has to be physical signs of abuse as well as an initial call that there has been abuse. Even then the accused has a day in court.

Again, thats up to interpretation. It comes down to the cop to decided what the signs are.

He could, but would be fired for wasting time and being an idiot. And charges would be dropped and probably metro sued.

Because as we know when there is someone who suck at their job and does nothing but waste time in government, its extremely easy to get them fired.

No it isn't. People are hurting others besides themselves where there is domestic violence. It is not the same at all.

You don't get it do you? I'm not saying drugs are like domestic violence, I'm saying the way of handling this is similar to the unjust and ridiculous way we handle drugs.

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
1 point

On a spin rating from 1-10 you're a 10 on the far far left. Does that mean I can't trust anything you describe?

Is it only unreliable when its the right?

Nevada does a descent job, they could do better I'm sure but any sign of abuse and the officer can arrest the guy on the spot (or the girl for that matter) they don't need the word of the other person.

You see, the problem with this is, it is 100% up to interpretation. One cop may see a man giving their partner a shove as a sign of abuse. One cop may see a man giving their wife some nasty remark as abuse. One cop may see a man not holding the door open for their wife as abuse. (this could all go the other way ex: a wife abusing their husband, a husband abusing their husband, a wife abusing their wife)

Its like probable cause for drugs. Some cops consider things like smell and red eyes to be probable cause for searching your property. Some cops consider having a t-shirt or bumper sticker for certain bands as probable cause for searching your property. Some cops are reasonable sane people, some are crazy and some are just assholes.

That's not really a fair assessment of the situation.

If for instance a 300lb lineman for a professional football team decided to abuse me, I for one would not be able to stop him with an arm lock regardless of the training I had. I could probably run from a 300 lb man, but what if I couldn't?

I don't really want to get involved, but seriously, have you ever seen a martial arts instructor? Obviously you haven't, you might want to, seeing a 5'5'' man take down an opponent a foot taller than him might change your mind.

Go ahead, speak up. Everyone is entitle to freedom of speech... even a chubby chaser like yourself.

Emasculated? Ha, I just injected myself myself with large amounts of estrogen!

You're either a really funny troll or you think that making a fat joke had something to do with my political views.

Oh no, I believe it is I who should be saying checkmate

Have you ever seen him without a shirt on? He's got a bad case of the beer belly.

Synthetic means man made, don't be a green party member and pretend that synthetic means radioactive or toxic.

Why wouldn't they? Fools can vote and liars can speak, its a natural breeding ground for scumbag politicians.

If there is a hell, it would be ironic to see men of the cloth down there, or even better, if I go to hell for treachery I can see the pope down there (Dante's Inferno reference)

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
2 points

My friends and I have a variation of this, where if the code-word is said my friend (6'3'') and myself (6'5'') go over and act like douche bags.

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
1 point

Although this is true, it is also not true. Yes, if we had everyone live at the same density they do in New York City you could fit everyone in a city the size of Texas. However, this does not account for all the space that would still have to be used for farming, energy, water ect.

Nuke what? All there is in Pakistan is some sand, old Soviet gear and more sand, why waste the nuke?

Republicans will follow the path of the Wigs, they have become to much like the democrats, Libertarians are the future.

Actually, this is how a lot of prostitution works. If you pay a hooker to have sex with you, as long as its being video taped, you're filming a porno, which is legal. So technically if you own a video camera, prostitution is not illegal.

My room is already painted blue...

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
2 points

When have Europeans not been extra stupid on most issues?

Being uninformed may cause a different opinion. For instance, lets say you thought Iraq had WMD's, then invading them might seem like a good idea. Yes, you "have a different opinion than yourself is all" but it is still not a great opinion to have. I am not one of those "there are no bad opinions" type of person, because there are some very stupid ones.

GuitaristDog(2548) Clarified
1 point

People who are pro-choice are not baby killers, they are just uninformed. The doctors are the killers, not the parents or the voters who elected politicians to keep it legal.

In a sense yes, in order to kill another human without much static, you have to do one of these three things:

1. Do it secretly

2. Make it seem as if the human has committed a crime (regardless of if its true or not)

3. Make the other human, a non-person. This has been done in almost every case of genocide and slavery.

Good thing I didn't come on blazed, other wise I would have lost.

One on the right, Liberals aren't capable of reading Kurt Vonnegut or doing research on anything.

As you can all tell, NewLee has an extremely high intelligence level and gets laid constantly.

No, most Democrats are either stupid, uninformed or looking for hand outs so they don't need to get high, most of them are in a state of bliss despite the fact that the market reacted to Obama's re-election, stocks dropped sharply and the dollar is beginning to lose value at a much faster rate.

Typical democrat "Tax the rich more! The top 25% paying 90% of the taxes isn't enough!"

thank God, i mean come on! look how obama defends islams above americans

Islams? I think you mean Muslims...

It is near the beginning to it seems long, but near the end it will likely seem short.

Women were just as smart and dumb back then, only difference is men now have this whole "yeah, I'm smarter than you fetish" that most girls curve to...

The iPad 4 = a big iTouch (1st generation) at a higher price.

Considering 90% of art students are terrible at their major and will likely never do anything related to art, of course we should.

Congrats on being Hispanic, you got any chronic?

If you want to decrease the population, thats fine with me. But why don't you start with yourself, your friends and your family before you start killing people who never got a chance to be born.

How do they know its sexual assault?

Did they survey every girl who was kissed and find that 90% of the women had to be forced to kiss 6'' war heros? Seriously, don't be stupid.

Of course this is true, the only place Atheists and Theists don't get along is online, but in real life they get along just fine.

Yes . . . . .

No . . . . .

If you have a fetish for nurses and needles, donating blood is really fun ;)

The government will not legalize marijuana willingly because:

- Police lobby to keep it illegal, for profit.

- Cartels and drug lord lobby to keep it illegal, for profit.

- Money launderers lobby to keep it illegal, for profit.

- Alcohol and tobacco companies lobby to keep it illegal, for profit.

I doubt Jesus even intended for his teachings to become an organized religion like they are today.

Why should the British do anything? Its a a picture of tits, its not a big deal.

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