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This personal waterfall shows you all of Srom's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point


2 points

In the Bible.

1 point

Yes, abortion is murdering an innocent baby.

1 point

Not only that but also Jesus is the Word as well.

2 points

"Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the person dedicated to God may be capable and equipped for every good work." 2nd Timothy 3:16-17

2 points

Gravity. I thought it would be really good but it wasn't.

1 point

Yeah, I know but my parent's say I can't buy it. That game is forbidden for me to play or buy.

1 point

No, I don't play chess. I am not really good when it comes to strategic board games.

1 point

I still wouldn't allow them to play Grand Theft Auto even when they're 16 or 17. I am 17, and I am not allowed to play it.

1 point

No it doesn't hurt kids. It hasn't hurt me at all but helped me and the same to other kids who continue on the path of righteousness with Christ.

1 point

Yeah I would but only if they were a certain age. I started playing M rated games when I was in middle school. It also depends on the video game. If it's Grand Theft Auto then no.

3 points

Yes, He is!

1 point

As a Christian, I don't hate atheists. They can be frustrating to debate with, but I still love them because they were created in the image of God, just like I was.

1 point

No, I don't believe in his theory. I believe God created the universe in 6 days.

1 point

God would exist so that we can believe in Him and have a relationship with Him. Without God the earth, and everything it in it would perish. I am sure He does exist is because of the impact in not only my life but other people's lives that proves that He exists.

Srom(12206) Clarified
0 points

allah, asgard, odin don't exist. Satan does exist and I know he exists because there are demons that can manifest into human beings and take control over them and only Christians can take them out.

2 points

Why what?

3 points


1 point

"Love is patient, love is kind, it is not envious. Love does not brag, it is not puffed up. It is not rude, it is not self-serving, it is not easily angered or resentful. It is not glad about injustice, but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

1 point

It's not God's way of creating things. Evolution is man's thinking and way of where life came from. God's way is the better way then man's. So Creation is the better explanation then Evolution. Nuff said, and I am out.

1 point

No, because I don't have phone.

1 point

No, I don't. I do remember seeing that video tho.

1 point

The angel of the Lord told Mary that she would be pregnant with a child and to name her Jesus.

1 point

No, God isn't a rapist.

1 point


1 point

I go on facebook to keep in touch with some of my friends and family.

1 point

Jesus knows how to read and write because He is God and God is all knowing.

1 point

Hundreds hmm? Show me some evidence.

1 point

Look, a debate site is for debates. If you're not open to you (or Christianity) being wrong then go to a Christian forum where you can lead an existence where everyone will agree with you and never question your beliefs

Yeah, I know it's for debates. I admit sometimes I am wrong about somethings, but when it comes to Christianity in general I know I am not wrong about believing in it.

1 point

Why would I be wrong in my interpretation of Christianity?

1 point

I could say I like basketball, but maybe I actually don't like it and I play a different sport.

2 points

He used Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John who were all witnesses of Jesus. Plus when you think about it Jesus actually witnessed everything from the book of Genesis to where He got crucified.

1 point

He used people that were in the Bible to author some of the books of the Bible and telling them what to write.

1 point

How do you even know I like basketball anyway?

1 point

I can be wrong at some points but not when it comes to Christianity because I know it's not wrong.

2 points

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Srom... calm down.

I am calm.

Look at his user pic. It's a basketball. You love basketball...


Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

Actually He did write the Bible.

1 point

I do learn things but if it's certain things I don't agree with, I am not going to believe it. Like for example evolution. I have learned about it but I don't believe it.

1 point

Uh huh surre.

1 point

I am not laughing or joking around now am I?

1 point

I could say the same thing about you and how you can be too close minded to listen to what my arguments are on Christianity.

1 point

There is nothing wrong with being close minded.

Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

I don't know because I haven't read the Qur'an and Muhammad couldn't read or write so he had other people write the Quran for him.

Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

John 14:6

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

2 points

Yes we should spread the words of Jesus because people need to hear the words of truth.

2 points


2 points

I like root beer .

1 point

That's a pretty awesome GIF.

1 point

I have always wondered why you liked me but not other Christians on here.

1 point

lol nope!

1 point

I don't know really but they are pretty good games.

1 point

Well it's a good thing I was born in November! And not December or January.

1 point

I don't walk around when I sleep.

1 point

That was a test of faith. And why do you have to dispute me with that when I don't really want to talk about it in this debate.

1 point

I don't celebrate Halloween because of it's orgin story that the Celts held a festival of

Samhain. Which they believed that the ghosts of the dead will return. Druids built sacraficial bonfires, where people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrificies to the Celtic deities.

1 point

I am not going to put #2 up as my profile picture because I don't celebrate Halloween and it's creepy.

1 point

Oh, you must have suffered doing that when you were little.

1 point

Yep! I am thankful that they didn't split up or anything because I would hate going to my mom or dad's house every so often.

1 point

Nope, my parent's aren't divorced. They both are still married.

2 points

Don't forget, he still needs to add more media!

1 point

It looks like you live in an area where there is a lot of nice houses! Also the scenery and the houses remind me of Arizona where you are at.

2 points

So I guess the eyewitness accounts who were there and witnessed it lied about it? Why would they lie about Jesus doing miracles if they witnessed it?

2 points

Jesus, because He could just say something and He would win because Jesus's voice is powerful.

1 point

Congrats Joe! I still need to get to 10k but I have been slacking and not on that much.

1 point

Not really. I have a lot of people who usually wear them around their neck like a lot at my school. It looks really cool when you have them on and if you ever want to listen to music your headphones are right there.

1 point


1 point

This picture looks like something you would wear Joe! ;)

1 point

Uh huh, he sure would know.

1 point

Who cares if it's biased that's just an excuse to dismiss it and not even look at it.

2 points

No they shouldn't because they make really good video games!

1 point

No, because I don't take my laptop with me while I go there.

1 point

I was right and knew that you existed all along!!

1 point

I saw that the other day. I think it's just a disorder because the 8 year old still has a body like an infant so I don't know what age she will be when she is fully able to function.

Srom(12206) Clarified
1 point

It's RavenLily's profile picture and RavenLily has Joe's picture on. They swapped profile pics.

1 point

Can we not talk about this please?

1 point

Why would I want to stare at a lot of cleavage?

1 point

I do go outside and play basketball by myself and sometimes with my brothers. I also hangout with my friends a lot.

1 point

No its not a confession of having fake accounts.

1 point

I don't need one. I like my own.

0 points


1 point

Do you have it Joe?

1 point

I haven't played it so I might check it out. I heard it's a very good game and lots of people liked it. I believe its only for the ps3.

1 point

I know right?!

1 point

My real life friends never really cheered me up at all because some of them weren't really there for me or cared about me.

1 point

Good job joe!

1 point

Looks like it could have been Photoshopped

1 point

If sea animals pee in the ocean. I am sure we as people can pee in the ocean.

1 point

I see myself married and have a good paying job to support my family and my house.

1 point

I was just asking a question. lol ;)

1 point

I know I still meant to ask that since you made this debate. ;)

4 points

Joe are you cheating on your wife? ;)

1 point

You should wait because you can get cramps which can result in you drowning

1 point

Yeah I saw this one GIF where a girl was getting her purse stolen and the girl beat the living crap of the guy and people were just walking by and not doing a thing.

1 point

A lot of people in today's society don't care about the normal members of society. They only worry about themselves.

1 point

More like headbanging and dancing wildly for God.

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