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2 points

i want one !

1 point

LOL, well not everyone is as sexy as me ; ) .

1 point

These are very lame, i know you can do better than this..................................

2 points

This one works for me : ) ..................................................................................

2 points

don't know about all women but I know I am a great driver (I haven't been caught by a cop yet :P )

2 points

LOL glad to see that you have not changed since I been gone

2 points

LOL, now that would be a sight !

1 point

Wow whatever its made of that some strong stuff .

1 point

Maybe this is because I am used to showing my ID when I go vote. The place I vote at always ask people for their ID and then looks them up to see if they are registered voters.

2 points

LOL, I am sure there are people who have used it before. I could just go in to the city and meet them myself in person. I'd be afraid to get someone who is crazy ooops I should have added myself to the crazy crowd :P

3 points

Those brides look scary, I would run away if I was the man getting married to that.

I guess now a days anything is possible.

1 point

I find it disgusting but to each it's own. Why bother getting married if you are going to be swapping partners like that.

1 point

ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I just lost my breakfast .

1 point


1 point

Well then I guess the liberal has to go down with the rats because they are the only ones who will believe her promise of change.

1 point

nope it's not wrong at all, keep beating them .

1 point

you don't have to be over 50 to enjoy some of those .

2 points

yeah I used one thanks = )

1 point

Whatever, I am over the whole thing and unless you want to continue the same damn story I suggest you move on. Don't address me in any insulting way and I will be civil otherwise you will get a major insult. Thats enough of this!

1 point

1. I assumed no such thing, I based my answer according to what I saw going on.

2. I did not call you ignorant I said you can keep the ignorant comments to yourself, which meant that I didn't want to see you answer me back as usual with "that is why I think you are ignorant"

3. I did not call you ignorant first if you want we can go back and forth about this but I can easily go into every damn response I have gotten from you that says that.

4. I said I was done with this back and forth bullsh*t, I am not going to start now so if your quarrel is with hellno then keep it over there. I love him but that doesn't mean I have to fight his battles. And you should know that just because you don't like him does not mean that you can take it out on me. I will tell you off with no problem if you continue to attack me. So back off

1 point

Dude you want to know something you may have a problem with Hellno but thats not my fight. Everytime you answer a debate that I have answered you call me ignorant after a while I will lose it and fight you back. You want to stay on this site debate without name calling and then maybe you wouldn't be attacked so much. I avoid you sometimes but if you answer me then I am going to go back at you.

Example: you called me an ignorant when I answer you back with the same thing you don't like it. So why is it okay for you to do it to me but not okay for me to do it back? Does that make sense?

1 point

That is an inside joke with a friend but you wouldn't know about friends now would ya!

You don't enjoy getting told off but somehow you keep managing to get that. Has it ever crossed your mind that maybe you should try a different approach with people and then maybe no one will tell you anything.

BTW...keep down voting it doesn't effect me in the least

1 point

The only ignorant in this whole damn place is you. Clearly this was a joke, hence the LOL after the statement. But then again you are not that bright so you will find something wrong with anything we write.

You know let me ask you something and this is very serious. Do you enjoy getting told off all the time?

2 points

Exactly, he really needs to share those with everyone else .

2 points

Did you take your meds today? LOL

2 points

Sorry I am a very good girl and I don't do those things !

3 points

they just threw me right back and said my punishment was to remain here and continue working.

1 point

Yes Joe I think I need more time too, I have plans for tomorrow that I really can't cancel.

1 point

Listen they had made a dictionary so people would understand the slang and thug language so what is so weird about that. They like promoting this because whether we like it or not it sells.

1 point

what a genius LOL

1 point

My first thought was "oh my where are you going with that" and then damn that hurt or course followed with is he almost done?

1 point

Pedophilia is the sexual attraction towards children. It is not sexual activity. Yes, you should be aware of them but that does not me you should despise them. Have you been sexually attracted to someone before? And have you rape them? Some people do and some people do not. This is the same situation with pedophiles: some pedophiles hurt children, and some do not. *

1 point

That was "Chatturgha" in the debate "it is impossible to have a productive debate about religion"

1 point

LMBO, I think that was me at one point .

2 points

could use it to hit the kids without even looking at them LOL

1 point

Thanks Joe that was good !

1 point

I do the slut walk everyday LOL

1 point

shhhhhh !

1 point

actually they have shoes on and they can put a t shirt and still make it look good LOL

1 point

if the men look like this then I would have gladly put those uniforms.

1 point

That would be great for the boys if all girls looked like that but thats not the case. And what about the men?

1 point

Wow that's just wrong but funny. .

2 points

sure why not anything is possible .

1 point

Come on Joe you know you can get a debate like that started .

2 points

Sorry I will send you a super Camera so you can try again .

1 point

how would you use that? maybe to check to see if you cleaned your A

2 points

That is so not sexy, maybe if it was a better looking guy with a super hot body!

2 points

This does not make you any kind of victim, you have to make your own changes and try to make a difference for yourself

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