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Trumpeter93's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Trumpeter93's arguments, looking across every debate.

There are still debates going on about this, and the supreme court has yet to make a ruling.

There are certain things that are good about the bill, such as not being denied coverage because of "pre existing conditions" and kids being able to stay on their parents coverage until they are 26, but the idea of government controlled health care just doesn't appeal to me.

Since the government would control the health care industry, there would be no competition and no incentive to do well, so people would have healthcare that would be set at sub standards.

I think instead of getting rid of this healthcare bill, it should instead be reformed.

They are either too scared to denounce radical Islam or they secretly support it.

If the old lady is about to die, then I wouldn't want it to be in my car. Besides on a bus full of people there is a greater chance that one of them has medical experience.

Picking up an old friend from the bus stop on a rainy night definitely does not cover for him/ her saving your life.

In the end I would choose the perfect partner. Only once in your life are you going to find your soul mate.

11:11 AM according to which time zone? *

After four years of Obama's wishee- washeeness, we need to kick some ass.

2 points

I think the founding fathers intended this to be a nation of principles governed by the constitution. The only thing that they didn't predict were liberals and people turning their backs on our principles in the name of "progress".

The military has two jobs: fight our enemies, and train new people to fight. As long as the new ruling does not effect our ability to kick ass, then I don't care if there are 5 gay people serving or 50,000. So long as the job gets done, and done quick.

Sadly this is true, especially here in San Francisco. I get a lot of that.

Gotta hand it to Monty Python.

Or maybe they sculpt a giant hunk of tofu into the shape of a turkey. They are really missing out.

You could never cause enough mischief. I miss your debates and your political humor making fun of liberals.

If there was a "Bill of Wrongs", it would be really long. There are too many things that are considered wrong.

2 points

Civil War: Depends on what side you're on.

North: keeping states in the Union

South: States rights

President Wilson

Former President Wilson

We were bombed

I never said we weren't. After we were bombed, we were drawn into the biggest resource war in history. Germany wanted Russia's resources. We ended up with Iraq as an ally and they had a lot of oil. We cut off Japan's oil and they suffered. They invaded the Pacific for resources.

Socialism does not work. You need an incentive to get people working. Also it goes against our private property rights. People should have a say about what goes on, on their property with out interference..

Anything is worth a shot now.

2 points

Not to mention a cure/treatment for the mental disease called "liberalism".

2 points

I like the authenticity of holding a real book, having people marvel at your collection of literature and the relaxing feeling reading a real book can bring.

If liberalism is a disease, and above are the symtoms, then what is the treatment/cure?

Boy, am I glad I don't fit any of those descriptions.

There is no Utopian society. Having power leads to corruption and abuse of power. History has proved that. Whether or not Jesus had powers is a different debate.

I definitely don't trust all of them. Some of them are crazy and demented and will stab at you. Others are nice folks who are going through rough times.

I think language is part of it. I think the other parts come from where you live, how your parents thought and treated you, where you went to school, what kind of job you have. There are many variables that affect your thought process.

2 points

It is true that the Bible does not prove anything, but I must admit that it is amusing that to see dislike toward liberals way back then, as well as now.

Screw Islamic Law. This is very similar to the church scandals, so of course this should be stamped out.

I thought it was pretty cool.

I personally prefer Google. Google is it's own company and they focus on making their search engine work well. Bing is just a tool of Microsoft and their main focus is software.

This is not the most annoying thing I have seen, but this still irks me quite a bit.

That side couldn't possibly win because they have nobody on their side.

Haha. I love this guy's work. I liked his version of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

No you're not

Haha. Yes, I am. *

These points mean nothing. I don't get to get free stuff once I reach a certain amount. I am not here for the points. I am here to argue.

I haven't had a tootsie pop is a long time. There are to many unstable variables involved to get a solid answer.

I would say that Jeeps are a good car. They have good off road capabilities if you are in to that kind of thing. I personally don't care for the orange color. If I was going to buy a Jeep I would either get the new Grand Cherokee or the WW2 era Jeep 4x4 with a .50 caliber machine gun. ;)

Yes. Wear Wrangler jeans when driving it.

Our paparazzi would be put of jobs because all the people involved on Hollywood scandals would be dead.

we would miss out on weeks (if not months) of entertainment value

We would miss out on years. No more reality TV.

I find debates amusing, a good time killer and informative. That's it.

love does not have to be physical, you know.

Fine. I am not gay physically, mentally, spiritually etc.

Again. I would rather continue not to know.

That's wonderful. So do I.

Good. your assumption that the victims' families will be outraged by a community center two blocks away.

They are outraged and they were the ones originally fighting this before the media got hold of it.

You're projecting your own stereotypes and righteous indignation...

I am siding with the victims' families.

That is exactly how I feel about it. Could not have said it better myself.

don't be so quick to shoot me down, man.

Why not?

i am very understanding and easy to talk to.

Doesn't seem like it.

i am the tenderest of lovers

I am not gay.

you don't know what you're walking away from

I would rather continue not knowing.

This confuses me



Not wanting one mosque does not make us xenophobic. We want 9/11 to be remembered and the victims to be honored.

Granted, your motives in particular strike me now as more of protecting new yorkers from an offense that doesn't exist.

9/11 never happened? Try explaining what you said to the victims families.

oh, i'm sure that with a little understanding, we could be the best of friends. and maybe... just maybe... more than friends.

I doubt it.

Are you saying we already are one, or was that another typo?

Majority of Americans are Christian.

Way to dodge the bullet there, buddy!

I am not your buddy.


I am an atheist, asshole.

I never said the above.


I am an atheist asshole.

The second we don't declare ourselves a Christian nation we will get a bunch of religions wanting special benefits.

The capital of the USA is Washington DC.


Fight the tactics of a rouge extremist group with a xenophobic witch hunt!

How is it xenophobic if we only don't want this one mosque?

(if that was too many big words: you're a dipshit)

Your arrogancy does not entitle you to act like a jackass.

0 points

We should burn it and make them watch it like everybody else watched the towers fall.

"Fight fire with fire." *

If we just sit and do nothing, then we will "politically correct" ourselves right out of our own country. I don't want to live in Mexico.

If western civilization wants to continue to lead the world in education, science and new innovations this will need to happen otherwise we might as well all start speaking Chinese.

3 points

So it seems like all the pro Obama's are downvoting all the anti Obama's because they know we are right and refuse to admit it and are mad that the Dems will lose majority in the House and Senate and that Obama won't win in 2012.

Haha. We can pay the hicks in bullets and booze. *

Why would we want Mexico as part of our country. It's hot and has a really bad pollution/smog problem. They have little to no resources and that would mean a ton of new welfare recipients that would bankrupt America.

3 points

Give him time, he still has two years left to completely screw everything up.

2 points

I would just put Border Patrol on orders to shoot at anybody who tries to cross, issue an executive order ordering the immediate deportation of all illegal immigrants and their children and build a real wall/fence.

2 points

Obama can't keep hiding behind the shadow Bush left. He blames his mistakes on Bush and continues to say that his own administration has done nothing wrong.

You got that from one of those shirts that have those kinds messages on them.

2 points

When a Republican wants health care he shops around for it, or gets a job that provides it.

When a democrat wants health care, he demands that everybody should pay for his.

2 points

They can't because the ancient Greek city of Thespiae no longer exists.

All I can say is wow. This makes a lot of sense to me. Can you send me the link to where you got this?

2 points

I would hate to see the Darwin Awards go away. They are quite funny.

Just because they are going to have the largest economy in 30 years and have the largest military doesn't mean anything. The question is- Can they maintain a large economy and military while still being able to handle a huge population?

That way my whole life would be a quote. I would then write up in my will the rights to use the quote so that people would have to pay. The money would then go to my family.

2 points

The largest health care overhaul is costing a trillion dollars. We can't afford that with a $13 trillion deficit.

Those jobs are temporary census jobs. Most of them are now gone.

We are leaving Iraq and they are now in their 5th month without a government.

The conservatives are making a comeback and I wouldn't be surprised if they win in 2012.

2 points

1) He has not slowed down the recession. We still have over a 10% unemployment rate, a volatile housing market and a $13 trillion deficit.

2)If by save you mean bought the banks and insurance companies and turned them into government owned companies. Sounds like socialism to me.

3) Technically you can't save a collapse, but you can prevent one or help one. Last I heard Chrysler is now owned by an Italian company and GM filed for bankruptcy. Ford was the only one who didn't require a bailout.

4) If he relaxed anti-American tensions then why did that soldier open fire at Ft. Hood? Why did the underwear bomber try and blow up a flight in Detroit? Why did that Pakistani try and blow up Times Square. As far as I'm concerned those bastards still hate us.

5) I haven't heard anything about education reform. He said stuff about education reform in his campaign. Politicians make empty promises.

6) If he's restored credibility then why are people from all over the world calling him a socialist? If he wants global cooperation he has to realize that spending money we don't have is not the answer. Other world leaders said no to government spending at the G-20 summit.

7) I live in California and I could honestly care less about fuel standards right now. We have a $20 billion deficit, one of the highest unemployment rates in the country and one of the worst housing markets.

8) Does it really matter or not if former president can look at things? it seems like he's just signing executive orders because he can.

9) Just because somebody signs a paper saying they did or did not do something does not make it true. People lie all the time and politicians do it a lot more.

10) This can also hurt the good lobbyists like the ones that are here to protect consumers and the ones that are against smoking.

11) Last time I heard we were fighting a war in the middle east. They hate us as much as we hate them. This is something Chamberlain would have done- appease the enemy.

12) Why the hell would we close Gitmo? Bringing the prisoners here would be way more expensive. Plus putting them on US soil would grant them rights that are only for American citizens.

13) Any president would have demanded money from BP. There have been plenty of conservative presidents who have cared about the public. Lincoln united the country and freed the slaves. Ike laid down hundreds of miles worth of highways because driving he knew that driving is cheaper than flying. Nixon opened relations with China. Regan got us through a recession with Reganomics and tax cuts. George W Bush had a strong anti-terrorist policy which kept us safe after 9/11.

Yea sure. Which is why soo many people are still out of work and we are still in a $13 trillion deficit. Not to mention those people draining the welfare system and living off food stamps. Yea everything is just fine.

3 points

Raising taxes and then expecting others to pay for their things. HA! I think not. Taking money and then wastefully spending it. Time to take back our government.

2 points

I'll keep this advice in mind. I can't wait to try this out. hehe. :)

Well you do your job and contribute to the fudge company. What's so bad about that?

I would rather die than watch America be turned into a socialist country.

3 points

Those un-American liberals wanting to replace my hamburgers and hot dogs with veggie burgers and tofu dogs. Well they can pry them from my cold dead hands, oh wait, no they can't because I'm gonna out live those liberal losers. :)

2 points

My parents always taught me to be honest, but I found out that honesty is overrated in today's world.

They taught me that being able to cook for yourself is an important skill.

They taught me to be happy with what I have and that money doesn't always equal happiness.

D stands for dimension and E stands for energy, so they are two different things.

I cannot decide right now because I have not had it yet. When I am on my death bed, I will think back and decide what my 15 minutes of fame was.

I can't even afford a damn 3D TV right now! Why should I spend my money on new tech? They are just gonna come out with something smaller and sleeker which will render mine obsolete. I will then feel compelled to keep up with modern society and waste more money.

I will not be fooled!

They come here illegally and think they can exploit and manipulate the loopholes in the system. Their arrogance irks me. Not only do they mess up an already flawed system, but they bring problems from Mexico to hear. I want them to get out and stay out!

Your whining and also not coming up with solutions. I'm not a politician and I didn't vote for Obama because I didn't believe he was qualified to handle this country. I stand by my decision.

2 points

Instead of spending I would make cuts to almost everything except defense because our safety should be of highest priority. I.e Reganomics

I would take all the troops out of Iraq except for 15000 and have the rest invade Pakistan because thats where Al- Qaeda is.

I would kick BP out of the gulf and get the cleanup underway. Letting commercial fishermen use their boats to help. I would have the Navy, National Guard, and Coast Guard running the cleanup. I would have these military branches create programs on how to deal with industrial disasters.

I would deport all illegal aliens and have a continuous electrified, razor wired wall along the border. There will be no warning signs put on the Mexican side of the fence.

it seems that the Dems want to control and tax everything. Dems want to create new laws, but lack the knowledge of how to implement them.

I thought the idea was to get them out? Why must he be so ass-backwards? To answer your question, I'd be really pissed.

He appears to be doing that. His $878 billion stimulus package, his healthcare package which is close to $1 trillion and now he wants another stimulus package? Forget about it! when will he realize that spending money does not equal saving money?

All of BP's strategies have failed. Obama oversees his generals policies along with his defense secretary and healthcare was forced upon the people. It only passed because the Dem's have the majority and our economy can't afford his healthcare plan.

This isn't "mindless bitching", but pointing out flaws in his plans and wanting to fix them. Maybe he needs to stop pussy footing and take care of business.

Alright I will, (when I am old enough to run for office.)

People do it all the time. We hire hit-men to kill others. People go to court and get money when somebody they know gets killed by police. It happens all the time. Fighting a war is putting a price on life.

2 points

Look at our major wars; they haven't been about peace.

The American Revolution was about independence.

The Civil War was about uniting the country.

WW1 was fought over territories. It was caused by imperialism, nationalism, militarism and the system of alliances.

WW2 was fought over resources.

The Korean War and Vietnam War was fought to stop the spread of communism (damn commies)

The Gulf War was fought to protect our oil rich ally, Kuwait and hence our interests.

The current Iraq war is about oil and Afghanistan is about fighting terrorism at its roots.

2 points

Damn liberals. They always try to please everybody. They can't because there are two sides to every issue and if you do one thing it's gonna upset the other side.

2 points

I'm glad I don't own any Apple products. They are nothing but a gimmick to get you to spend money. You buy one product and then they come out with a new one in a year and you have to buy the new product because yours is now outdated.

3 points

That's what it appears to be. He doesn't seem to know how to handle the oil spill situation. His Afghan policy isn't seeming to work. His health reform was shoved down our throats. Frankly I'm fed up with Democrats.

2 points

The lawmakers can argue all they want. Just get the illegal immigrants out and keep them out!

I hate it when the people on Jeopardy don't know the answer and they still buzz in and waste the other players time who do know the answer.

Some things can best be said with less than 50 characters.

Hahaha. I like the story. Sometimes it's just better to lie because the truth can land you in hot water.

2 points

The hell with political correctness! Calling them "undocumented immigrants" would be like calling drug dealers "unlicensed pharmacists".

Violence shapes the world for better or worse. WW2 got us out of the depression, but cost the lives of millions. The Civil War ended slavery and united this country but at the cost of many lives. Etc

Chess may only use a part of your brain, but a chess master is really smart in that part of their brain. Besides we never use all of our brain at once.

BP has nothing to lose at this point. They should consider methods from the American public because they are the ones who are most upset about it. It was a smart move for them to open a Twitter page. Now they should open a Face book page too.

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