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HoldTheMayo's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of HoldTheMayo's arguments, looking across every debate.

Are you a liberal now?

Thank you for being a friend.

These are all equally likely?

Are non-handicapped people allowed to use brass knuckles?

I agree, fuck the poor!

Big Brother is from 1984, but yeah, Fahrenheit 451 was big brotherish too.

How so? He wasn't in it.

You think Fahrenheit 9/11 made Bush look good?

Fahrenheit 9/11 might turn you into a liberal too.

Go liberals!

Great, thanks.

Fine, I agree that you have crappy grammar. You must be very proud.

I know what "everybody" means. But usually when someone complains about "everybody," they really mean "everybody but me." It doesn't really make sense to complain about yourself.

So you're complaining about your own crappy grammar? What a fuckwad.

Call me butter, 'cause I'm on a roll. ;)

Hypocritical, yes, but this is good. The whole "share the wealth" thing is the one big liberal flaw, so it's good that some of them are correcting it.

No. He didn't say that. There was no describing words in his sentence.

Is my kindergarten logic too much for you to process? It's people like you who give retards a bad name.

Does everyone here have crappy grammar usage?

Says the guy who said "They doesn't prove" and "There was no describing words."

Takes one to know one! ;)

I know you are, but what am I?

It is a word, though maybe it doesn't mean what I mean here. But you get my point.

Maybe we shouldn't stop them completely, just make it a little harder. Sterilize everyone at birth, and allow anyone to be unsterilized if they want.

Dang, that's addictive. Took me a week to get all the upgrades and achievements (except Burnout - You've managed a meth empire for a month! Dayum!)

Why is it household income rather than individual income? Maybe ESTJs are only up there because they're more likely to marry ENTJs.

I support the Affordable Points Act, also known as Joebamacare.

It's a level playing field and points don't matter anyway, so I don't know why anyone would complain.

The Mayans warned us, and we did nothing!

Sucks to be her, but why did she decide to spill coffee on herself, and why should she be compensated? Do McDonald's employees now pour your coffee into your mouth with a sippy cup?

Green Party 91%

Democrats 85%

Libertarians 59%

Socialist 55%

Republicans 30%

But here, have one anyway. :)

Upvotes don't count towards your total.

Missed a spot!

Whoever cuts hair better. We don't have enough information to know this. The barbers could go out of town for their haircuts, or cut their own hair.

He was also white. And a man. And bipedal.

He was also named the first gay president! Right before the 2012 election I read a post by a British guy who didn't understand why we were having an election between Obama and Romney, since they were essentially the same candidate (a conservative one). I didn't get that.

I think he's a moderate liberal, but a lot of people think he's a centrist or a moderate conservative.

Do you think Obama is a liberal?

That's a slippery slope. I'm trying to be a responsible addict.

I became a heroin addict because of this post. Then I stopped. Reward, please.

I'm surprised you're not taking any heat for this.

I don't know if the stats really mean anything. Adam Lanza killed 26 mostly white people and didn't even get arrested for it.

I say that people of all races are free to live in any state they want. Criminals however, should all live in Delaware.

They use "turd" twice in the middle column.

Surely you can't be serious!

I know that eating a pound of bricks would be unpleasant, but could you really eat a matter baby?

I would definitely have to eat a pound of bricks. A matter baby is just too horrible.

How come you bring up restrictions? No one talks about restricting anything until we get to guns. Then the subject of restrictions comes out of nowhere. Weird.

So, are you glad that I brought up restrictions for poison then? Guns are very dangerous, so their use has to be restricted. That's not out of nowhere, but common sense.

We already have the same types of laws to reduce gun violence.

The gun laws are a lot weaker. I had to get a driver's license, register my car, and I can be ticketed for simply driving a bit too fast, or making a right turn on red where it's not allowed. And cars are pretty essential, so I could see someone arguing that this is excessive.

But guns are usually not needed. The mere desire to have one should be looked at with suspicion. Yet it's perfectly legal for anyone to buy a small arsenal and do stupid things like leaving guns laying around the house or training their psychotic children to shoot. Then a school gets shot up and we just say, "Oh well, C'est la vie."

Yeah, and my debates have explanations too. It's all part of the grand design.

How come we don't talk about poison violence

Because that's stupid. We can't ban poison or effectively restrict it.

or drunk driving violence?

We already have laws to reduce drunk driving.

Of course if I recall correctly, right after that you created a debate about whether Obama could use the C word

It was about whether he could say both cracker and the n-word because of his mixed ethnicity.

(I don't think I influenced you, but sounds like the same level)

You did influence me, by showing me how low the bar is.

"Who was the first President of the United States?" The choices: George Washington and George Bush.

It was meant to be an easy question, just to mix things up. Some people have trouble with more complicated issues.

Everything Cartman says is my hot button. I don't know how to get around that.

It could only be you, Warrior, or Link.

And who came up with this?

Is Barack Obama a Muslim?

Will getting rid of gun violence in the USA fix everything?

Is Calling a Woman the C Word as Bad as Calling a Black Person the N Word?

I'd have more examples if you had started more than a whopping 6 debates in 1050 days.

Some of those debates were very popular. Is it better for a debate to be clever or popular?

I want to make an argument for this side, but I can't yet.

Then you'll all know who it was.

Guess which CD user this is: "Guns are great. Oh boy, look how clever I am!"

For tequila, why is 0.36 more than 0.63?

Do you doubt the infinite power of hydrogen peroxide?

Yeah, global warming can be completely reversed with hydrogen peroxide.

I thought the people who want to fight global warming were into recycling. Can some environmental nut shed some light on this?

OK, let's do that. Maybe the facts will show that recycling causes leprosy.

Yeah, it would suck if it was all a hoax and we created a better world for nothing.

Do you have a concealed carry permit? It would be helpful to have a gun on you if you walk into a situation where you need it. But what if someone pulls a gun on you first? Do you reach for your gun and risk getting shot?

Of course you need a gun to go into town occasionally? What has this world come to when people think they need a gun just to go to the store? I hope I never get to the point of thinking I need a gun for everyday life.

Well first of all it doesn't take long at all to get a gun out of a safe if you have memorized the combination or use a key lock it won't take more that a few seconds.

Maybe if you're already in front of the safe. If you come home and find you're being robbed, you can't necessarily get to the safe without being caught. Some people also keep their guns and ammo in separate safes.

Many people also keep a pistol in their night stand

Gee, that's safe. Why not keep a shotgun on a tripwire behind the front door?

Secondly I have not had to use any of my fire arms in self defense yet (thankfully) but that could be because I live in an area that is sparsely populated that therefor doesn't have a lot of crime but I stay armed just incase.

In other words, you don't need a gun. Thanks for clarifying.

By that logic we should kill all people who are unpopular

People who are unpopular are still people, and we shouldn't kill them against their will. A clump of cells is not a person.

and most people would want to be born whether wanted or not.

So why don't we manufacture huge numbers of test tube babies and throw them out on the street, if being born is so great?

I agree it's too late to call 911 at that point. (It might be too late to get your gun out of your safe too.)

Again, how many times have you used your gun for self defense?

There wasn't a wide spread need for abortions for most of human existence.

Times are different now.

And every honest person will admit that most abortions are abortions of convenience not necessity.

Abortions are never necessary, just highly desirable. That's true of anything though.

I don't know what CNN says about Republicans. I'm just going by what I see. I agree that not every Democrat and Republican is the same.

Times are different now. Today, we need abortions but not guns.

Yes, I called it Miracle Wiz.

Abortion does not kill infants or place oneself in great danger. Do you really think you need a gun to defend your home and loved ones? How many times have you used your gun for self defense?

You think the baby would want to be born into a family that doesn't want him or her? Abortion benefits the baby as well as the parents.

These statements are not universally true, but this is generally what people in those parties think.

I'm not missing anything. Abortion may have risks (though you're overstating them), but it's up to the woman to decide whether to accept them. Putting a baby up for adoption is far more likely to cause guilt, not to mention it prevents another baby from being adopted. The fact that guns are a right while abortions are not shows just how backwards this country has become.

Having an unwanted baby is far more harmful than having an abortion. Anyway, if you don't like abortion, you don't have to have one.

If a Democrat doesn't like abortion, she doesn't get one.

If a Republican doesn't like abortion, she wants all abortion outlawed.

If a Democrat sees a mass shooting, he calls for background checks.

If a Republican sees a mass shooting, he dreams of an AR-15 in every home.

If a Democrat thinks a country is hiding WMDs, he orders inspections.

If a Republican thinks a country is hiding WMDs, he starts a multi-trillion dollar war.

Stop spamming this site with serious, thoughtful debates! Reported.

Sigh, this site just keeps going uphill. It pisses me off when the trolls post serious debates.

I don't know, but I'd be shocked if they capped him at 167 mph.

In the Incredibles game, Dash's maximum sustainable speed is 90 mph. He can briefly reach about 167 mph, but overheats in a few seconds.

The Incredibles Movie Game Part 5

Lance Armstrong won a lot of races, but he doesn't have any trophies. What a nice guy.

It would be an interesting race for second place, but the Flash is orders of magnitude faster than the others.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Don't forget + C, or you lose a point!

It certainly could have. AFAIK, people are still trying to figure out whether there used to be life on Mars. If not, there are still a lot of other planets out there, so we certainly can't rule out the possibility of life having started somewhere else.

Did you forget to attach a picture? I don't know what this is about.

He's pretending to be a terrorist. I guess he's making fun of the stereotype.

I wonder if the leader board is what motivates the point whores. I would guess not, but I wouldn't mind if it went away.

Getting pushed off the leader board doesn't make you extinct on CD. It just means you aren't the flavor of the month. But maybe you will be again one day.

Prodigee made me an enemy before he knew who I was.

Yeah, I remember it went way up, then it went way down, so it depended on when you bought in. Do you wanna buy some mayo bucks?

I know one kinda crazy guy who uses them. If it's gonna take off, I wanna get in on it soon, but it seems pretty crazy. What's the deal? Are people really putting their faith in this fake money?

Did you get 5 t-shirts?

What are female boxers supposed to do?

I'm not saying we don't have a big lead in the rankings, but we don't have a monopoly.

What about Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech)?

Did you read the update? Adria was fired too.

Observational studies don't mean anything. Maybe fat kids are more likely to drink low-fat milk because they're trying to lose weight, while the thin kids can get away with whole milk for a while.

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